Saw your post by chance and... i'm dropping off my personal opinion:
There is no "most fun" here. At least not exactly in the way you ask it.
As far as i'm concerned... the "best/most" fun RP (faction or not) is where you feel it is... not where others say. I for example find it extremely fun to be in the CR| (Colonial Republic), while others will say they love Liberty, others Bretonia, others the Corsairs, etc. I hope you get my point.
So basically, just look around the forums/wiki, see a few (or more/or all) factions and what each one is about, then join the one you think will be more fitting for you.
EDIT: Also, if you're interested in capital vessel, you could also check the wiki to see which capital vessels you like, perhaps to help you decide on a faction. I'm just saying, but i personally don't suggest picking a faction for the ships, but for the people.