Hello can someone tell me how to send all my msgs to my email? I have to many important msgs so i want to save them. I have made a folder in my email but don't know how to get all my msgs to it. Thank you in advace.
The broken [img] tag in your sig was bugging me.
So I fixed the tag but decided to leave this note here to bug you back. ~ ae
You can download all your PMs as a file by clicking "Download Messages" above the list of messages in your PM inbox, and then send that file to yourself by email. There is no way to automatically export/"transfer" your forum PMs to your email account.
No way that I'm aware of, anyhow. It'd either require sending a lot of email messages at once (which will probably be deleted as spam by most email servers/clients) or a way to import them directly into your email account (which I'm not sure if is possible on most email clients/servers either).