I recently bought a LABC and I was wondering if you guys could point me in the right direction concerning tactics and loadouts. This is my first combat ship bigger than a bomber so any help is appreciated
Current Loadout
2x BS Primaries
1x BS Flak
2x Cerberus
2x Missile
2x Solaris
4x Liberty Cruiser
I have all of the primaries and the cerberus turrets able to fire straight forward with the missiles on the two hardpoints that can fire both backwards and forwards as well as 1 sideways. I have the Solarises and the Flak on the hardpoints behind the missiles on the top spine of the ship
Either go full solaris or full liberty cruiser turrets. Other than that you have a good set up.
Missile from range for shooting Battleships, or while closing the distance on cruisers/battle cruisers. Then unleash the BS primes/Cerbs as you get in close and chase down cruisers. If a battleship is running feel free to tag behind it while shooting cerbs/BS primes aswell.
For snubs, use those cruiser turrets (I advise Solaris) on snubs, and use a combo of solaris+BS primes/Cerbs to insta snubs.