ID:Felix Fontaine Location: Alcatraz Station, California
Good day to you sir, it has been a while.
In case a few of you have forgotten, I am one of your affiliates, I have paid taxes for pirating in Rogue territory and have assisted the Rogues before. I am registered under the ship name "Spectre".
Now, I come with disconcerting news. A certain independent pirate and a certain Outcast ID'd Zoner Corvo has been pirating in California of late, under your turf. Let me give you their names: "Giginebura" is the name of the independent pirate vessel, a Roc. His accomplice is "Abhorrence", the Outcast destroyer.
I have heard reports from a group called the "DMF" that they have been targetting and destroying Rogue vessels as well. In fact, they have targetted and messed up my beautiful ship quite a bit. Now she's sitting in Alcatraz hangar undergoing repairs.
I believe this matter is quite serious. Especially since they aren't just -pirating- on your turf, but actually challenging it by attacking the Rogues and your affiliates. And, quite comically, the independent pirate declared that the Rogues shall, I quote here, "will be brought down to its knees."
I don't have much evidence because I was quite preoccupied dodging fire, but here's the recording of his threat:
Perhaps the DMF can provide you with more evidence, but anyways, I trust that you trust me enough to believe me when I say that those idiots are disrupting the Rogues' work in Liberty.
Be warned, they are both known to engage quickly without prior warning. Bloody bunch of beasts.
I wish you the best of luck in dealing with this new menace. I will render as much assistance to your cause as soon as my vessel is repaired.
ID:Felix Fontaine Location: Alcatraz Station, California
Sorry to bother you again. But I have come up with more evidence.
Apparently, engineers that have scryed through the wreckage of my ship managed to obtain a few bits of guncam data from the black box. These will prove much better pieces of evidence as you actually get to see me being shot at.
SHIP ID: LR-Serious.Pacifist LOCATION: New York, Buffalo Base FROM: Clyde Johnson RANK: Consigliere SUBJECT: Future plans
Ahoy Felix,
ye, your name sounds familar to me. And you did well by reportin' this issue to us. Unfortunately, Outcasts of their kind aren't a rare sight anymore these days. Instead of sendin' Cardamine transports, they're now disturbin' our business with heavy capital vessels, who appear t' be even more mentally handicapped than the Liberty Navy capital captains. Whatsoever, nowadays we're even shootin' down as many of those rogue Outcasts, as libertonian lawfuls. So much for our alliance... If this won't stop, we'll likely have to deny their access from our bases, and declare them shot on sight. This goes for any Outcast, found abusing our piracy grounds without escorting at least one Cardamine transport, anyways. Too often we've been confronted with their idiocy. However, for this case, I'll for sure put them on the blacklist, and see if I can get their docking codes altered. Thanks for letting us know.