Priority: High
To: All Transport Pilots Who Wish to Earn Money
From: Auxiliary Fleet Vice Admiral Charles Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Thunderer, New London System
Salutations, daring transport pilots of Sirius!
Firstly, to introduce myself - I am Charles Richard Hall, the head of the Bretonian Royal Fleet and the Bretonian Auxiliary Fleet.
The reason why am I sending this is because Bretonia needs You. Namely, I would like every freelancer transport captain who wants to earn 7,500,000 credits to fill in the following form:
- Sending File -
Your name and surname:
Your residence:
Your biography:
Your affiliation (proof needed):
Your ship's cargo hold capacity:
Does Your ship have a cloaking device mounted:
After You send me Your answers, expect me to message You personally soon. Bretonia will be grateful to You.
Good day to you, Mr. Hall.
I'm Edwin Pennybrooke, and I just noticed your interesting transmission.
I don't know if you are interested in passenger liner captains as well - but I didn't get rich by missing out on free credits like this!
And if Bretonia needs me, why then I'll certainly listen.
Your name and surname: Edwin Cornelius Pennybrooke Your residence: Pennybrooke Estate, Benazir Island, Planet Cambridge Your biography:
I was born in 788 A.S. I suppose I can spare you a description of my lovely childhood and youth, winning everyone's hearts with my charm, wit and style?
Anyway, I spent the first years of my flying career working with my sister as subcontractors of Gateway shipping, accumulating a decent fortune.
With both of us being explorers at heart, we decided to purchase and outfit a research and exploration vessel.
We traveled all over Sirius in that dear old thing, exploring the darkest corners of the deepest Omicrons fearlessly, in the true spirit of intrepid explorers through the ages!
Ever since I saw one as a child at Cambridge Central Space Port however, it was my dream to own a Bretonia Royal Cruise Liner.
Eventually, I had the funds to fulfill this desire, and ever since then I have been traveling all over the sector, taking people where they want to be in sumptuous comfort, for a very reasonable fee.
Your affiliation (proof needed):Here you are Your ship's cargo hold capacity: Depending on the arrangements, up to 2700 passengers Does Your ship have a cloaking device mounted: No. It does have a docking bay, though.
You know, I arrived home this morning, put my feet up on the dashboard, and was generally set to finally take a nap for the first time in around twenty hours. Then I saw a message pop up from an intrepid stranger, half a sector away, and thought to myself, well, why not? It does sound like a bit of an adventure after all, and what sort of Free Captain would I be if I turned that down?
Your name and surname:(Captain) Sarah McFarlen Your residence:MV-Contents May Differ (Ocean-Class Liner), currently moored to Malaclypse Freeport. Your biography: Well, I'm not sure quite how much you need to know here. Born on Manhattan twenty-three odd years ago, and been pulling odd-jobs as an engineer pretty much ever since. Always wanted to get out and see Sirius, so I found work patching up ships for whoever could offer me a lift, food, and a bunk to sleep in. I recently headed out on an expedition with the Zoners to the Edge Worlds running the drive core on one of their Corvo-Class ships, the Star's Soliloquy.
Once I got back, I managed to scrounge together the parts to get an old liner flying again and took up some work as a Free Captain. That's about it, as far as what you need to know goes, unless you'd like me to regale you with tales of watching the same star out the window for a week on end to try and figure out if that port thruster is actually throwing you off-course. Your affiliation (proof needed):Right here. Your ship's cargo hold capacity: Working space of around 3150 Standard Units. I can strip it down a little further, but I'd need a very good reason to start peeling armor plates off. Does Your ship have a cloaking device mounted:Not exactly, no.
And... Er, that's pretty much it. On an unrelated note; about how probable is it that earning Bretonia's gratitude will involve death or serious injury?
SOURCE: ████████
MOUSTACHE SUBJECT: Charles Richard Hall.
We find ourselves slightly interested. Impress us more.
Your name: Alice. Your residence: Space. Your biography: Born in space, grew in space. 42 Years old. Always wanted to... do something about the space around. And its contents. Favourite colour is sort of greenish, but with more dimensions. Built and currently maintaining my very own research and eqipment testing mobile facility. Fond of testing. Gah, it would really be much easier if you stick with precise questions instead of vague ones. Also, did we mention space? We are fond of space. Your affiliation (proof needed):Here you go, human. Your ship's cargo hold capacity: 2970 units, 2670 units or 305 units. Does Your ship have a cloaking device mounted: We do have such a vessel at our disposal.
Priority: High
To: All Transport Pilots Who Wish to Earn Money
From: Auxiliary Fleet Vice Admiral Charles Richard Hall
Location: H.M.S. Thunderer, Salisbury System
Salutations, dear ladies, respected gentlemen, and occasional... whatever you are.
I announce that this frequency is from now closed and there will be no further chance of applying, except if a new one is created.
I am sorry to anyone who wanted to apply, but didn't. Be faster next time.