Why do people only ever quote one line out of a paragraph so they dont have to pay attention to the rest of what I said? Gets a bit annoying.
I didnt say I wanted a -real- capship, I said I wanted a large ship that could double as heavy base defense while maintaining usefulness in other areas - aka a well armed transport.
Anyways, I'm having problems getting ahold of 3ds max again, once I get it I'll start throwing my own modelling ideas out there, primarily for junkers and the order since that's all I play right now :P
I read careful all what you said. I don't like quote all post. I quoted the most important thought.
- 'capship' that isnt a capship. I do understand what it means. however I don't like capships even - real or not real. I like small ships. I can not give you a model of capship, simply because of I don't 'feel' big ships.
Jinx, AoM and others make perfect big ships. Jinx gives junkers salvage frigate - take it, AoM gives Slave Liner - take it. who said only csv is junker-ish, and those not?
The Corvette is going to be implemented as a transport?
.. That's unfortunate, I was hoping it would be a fast, lightly armored warship (maybe comparable to a GB). Is there no way it can be added as perhaps a moderately agile GB with a respectable cargohold? If it's going to be added as a hybrid transport/warship, can it atleast have the ability to mount some GB guns or something?
.. I love the model for that ship (nice work Jinx), but I've been expecting/looking forward to using it as a combat-oriented vessel..:(
Junkers need combat ships just like anyone else. What I'd personally like to see, is:
- A modified Junker Eagle (an Eagle with a different texture and maybe slightly different stats).
- A Gunboat class of ship (I was really counting on the Corvette filling this position).
I don't think Junkers would ever actually "produce" anything bigger than a GB, though. Instead they'd get a Talarca Cruiser or a Pirate Cruiser, or if they built a large capital ship it would likely be unique to itself (various parts cannibalized from other ships) and wouldn't adhere to any specific "shipline." It would be awesome to see atleast a sturdy GB and a trustworthy fighter for the Junkers, though. Junkers didn't get to where they are by flying CSV's n' such. You gotta think, the wide majority of Junker friendlies are locked in massive wars, and Junkers are likely under constant pressure to "choose a side" (Outcasts or Corsairs). As a result, they would've certainly commissioned ships of war a long time ago so as to ensure that people are hearing them when they say, "No."
Let's not forget the role they play in black markets, either. Smugglers will always need protection at some point, and protection seriously isn't something the Collector is going to offer you. We don't need a Firefly with sexy hips, we need an elegant dame with a lean physique.:)