Kon'nichiwa, haikei representatives of Bretonia's corporations.
Totuzen no meeru, shiturei itashimasu but the Golden Chrysanthemums consider it long overdue to approach our friends in Bretonia regarding logistical assistance. The Gallic invasion surely demands a lot of effort from all your companies and while we cannot spare a lot of transport vessels, we would still like to hear in which way we could assist our bretonian friends.
If you could provide us a list of goods urgently needed in Bretonia, we could compare it to the goods we can get access to.
Arigatō for your attention. Ohenji omachi shite orimasu.
Encryption:High Origin:Southampton Shipyard, New London Subject:Cooperation To:Golden Chrysanthemums Greetings Ms. Amaia,
Let me start by introducing my self, my name is Zak Conner Chief Executive Officer of Bretonian Mining & Fabrication the Premier Bretonian Manufacturing company.
Its an honor to see the goodwill from the Chrysanthemums to continue the good relation with Bretonia and its highly appreciated. We are currently focused on building new capital ship to our beloved BAF to be able to resist against the Gallic invasion and protect our space.
Here is the list of materials needed below with detailed quantities for each stage:
Stage 1: The Super Structure
Basic Alloy: 50,000
Industrial Materials: 45,000
Super Alloy: 50,000
Titanium: 20,000
Stage 2: The Main Reactor
Beryllium: 25,000
Cryocubes: 15,000
Industrial Materials: 15,000
Iridium: 15,000
Super Alloy: 15,000
Stage 3: The Engine Systems
Cobalt: 20,000
Engine Components: 40.000
High Temperature Alloy: 30,000
Industrial Materials: 15,000
Super Alloy: 15,000
Please let us know which of these materials are you able to get access to and how much exactly you are capable of shipping to arrange the building process and a proper reporting channel as the project is still under planing. Best Regards,
Zak Conner
Chief Executive Officer
It is nice to see a reply to our message. This reply is merely to show that we have taken notice of it.
The provided list is so long that I will have to forward this to the Chief of our logistical department. Once she got herself a clear picture of the availability of all listed needed materials to us, as well as the location we could acquire them, she will contact you over this channel.
Payment should be treated individually for every of the listed commodities but this can be discussed at a later point.
Arigatō for the reply. Ohenji omachi shite orimasu.
I had a closer look at the list you provided. 760.000 standard units of cargo. What are you planning to do there? Build an entire new fleet?
Anyway, here are the materials we could get our hands on and the prices we would have to pay for them per unit:
Iridium - $500 (Note: Extreme long and dangerous route)
Cobalt - $670
Engine Components - $940 (Note: Long route)
High Temp. Alloy - $3700
Consumer Goods - Variable price, fix bonus of $200 per unit as proposal
Luxury Con. Goods -$730
Light Arms - $2300 (Note: Long route)
Optical Chips - $720 (Note: Long route)
Quantum Multiplexors - $3500
Hydrocarbons - $500 (Note: Risky)
Unable to obtain in sufficiently easy ways:
Any object on the list without an additional note can be obtained by us within an adequate distance to New London.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts about payment per unit, naturally we expect a certain degree of profit from this as I am unable to dispatch a part of my logistical division for nothing. But we do look forward to helping Bretonia out.