Having received her drink, Lee took it and drank a little of it at a time as she scanned the room, she had leaned back against the bar for the time being as she saw not one person she'd recognized. A soft shrug to herself before she turned around again and finished off the drink.
James walks up to the sliding doors of the Colonial Bar, they rip open James takes one step in and looks up seeing a half empty bar and a small brawl to the left between a couple members of squad 42. James walks slowly to the bar and takes a seat, the bar tender walks down to him and places a napkin on the stainless steel bar.
Bartender: Well....dont you look like a bat out of hell...Whatol ya have?
James leans back on his stool revealing a shady beard and bloodshot eyes.
James: Ill take a Crete Rum.
Bartender: You got it.
The bartender walks back after a few and brings back two shot glasses.
Bartender: The extra ones on me keep at the hardwork son.
James: Ya thanks appreciated.
He sits there for a few minutes before taking his first shot and then downs the second. His face flushing red he leans his head on his elbow taking in all the work he put in the past week.
A moment later he hears the shutter doors fly open, leaning up he takes a look wondering who is pondering there way to the Crayter Bar........
Then this is the place ... It would be typical to be full of drunk drivers and partying more as I walk down the hall up to the balcony and realize all serious , Some even speak Alton actually I look better now that I can see how some people having fun .. after all this is bar .
the bartender seems more friendly I can not ask for something expensive in my first time ...
Elli:Hey, tell me ... what more people do here?
Bartender:What you think girl? make money , they drink , some cry , others play , most certainly all have one thing in common ; in the end all are brothers ...
good, did not help much I used to play a game of dice with my brothers and won many currencies ...
let's see if These brothers Also can to make me happy . I look at a table right and has three riders throwing dice 2 dice in a box and then putting credits under the box and choose two numbers : the Limit number , and the right number. the person who rolls the dice choose the right number and the person who choose the bet limit, however the limit has to be two larger numbers than the right number. the person rolls the dice to fall in number limit or more it loses . if it falls in the smaller it becomes time to fall in the right she takes it all from under the box. seems simple , the more you have to know how to choose the right numbers in the right orden to stop the opponent and avoid losing .
after asking their names I ask if I can play and is difficult ... a poor girl of course is not good at games ... it should be right but ...
I start betting 30 credits still have 700 on my card ID , they put 30 credits underside of the box,
Elli:okay okay I think I would not know how to play it so let's bet 100 right away ?
Boy:Ok, let's start
Elli:I choose .... 5
they look suspicious ... my chances of losing are 1 in 6 . The boy then choose 7 , and I roll the dices, the two dice roll the box hitting the sides and making a long noise to a stop on one side:
the first dice falls: 1, 6, 3, 4.....3 is the first number - they laugh thinking that my chances had been exhausted. the second dice falls:4, 2, 6, 1.....1 is the latest issue totaling 4 , so I spend time .. they look at me and smile ...
Boy: now it's my turn ! I bet 100 more , and we all agree put another 100 credits under the box and hope he chooses a number....
Boy: 10
he knows shaper ... more already this is an old trick I know .. the person chooses the larger number possible to have more chances to hit more ... this is not a game of chance is a game .. luck then I leave thinking that luck is with him and choose my number ...
Elli: 12
After rolling the dice the numbers are: 3 and 6. and it is the turn of another boy.
and the boy chooses 10 as the number limit. after three rounds so wrapping the maximum to make up the ante arrived at incredible 1300 credits .. I think it's time to leave.
Elli:I choose .... 10
and 12 is the number limit .. roll the dice and then :
the first dice falls: 3, 5, 1, 6.....6 is the first number -they tremble... the second dice falls: 4, 1, 2, 3..............4 is the latest
they open their mouths and try to look at the money while I cry . I WON !!
then picked up the money paid a drink for both guys .. I smile ...
"well ... I'll mainly seemed like it here".
" In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him."
It had been what felt like years since the fimilar Sabah special had been opened the last time. The doors had been locked ever since the last shut down but it was time for a change. Flinging the keys from finger to finger in his right hand, with a checklist in the left, the heavy thud of Combat Boots made their way down the corridor towards the doors of a locked Ambrosia Bar. Shaking his head for a moment before arriving at the doors, Nighthawk slipped the keys into the lock and turned them, swinging the door open shortly after and disappearing into the room.
It took a while before the lights finally flickered on, and shortly after the first notes were already written down on the checklist. Replace Lighting - Everywhere . A gaze around the room and the place seemed to be in good order, though that was no guarantee. It needed to be cleaned, inventory taken, new commodities and goods would need to be brought in order for the Ambrosia to be reopened, and the Kitchen would need to be redone fully.
"This place looks like a dump." , He exclaimed to himself before he turned and slipped into one of the back rooms.
A wonderful place it used to be, this bar. The "Ambrosia" is now in complete renewal process, after more than half a year of less than desirable activity. Interestingly enough, the administrative reins have been taken up by a man whose identity remains unknown to most Crayterians, be it military or civilian. Even so, a call was enacted for people who generally spend their time on Sabah to come and lend a hand.
Kara Gordon, an old 52nd bomber pilot now retired after some serious injuries, comes by with a smirk on her face. She gently walks through the open doors, noticing an empty place with just one man walking through what could even be called rubble, for all the dust that settled over it.
She took a moment to notice he was writing stuff down on a pad, after which she exclaimed from the doorstep Hey, officer! You the new owner?
Before receiving an answer she took one step inside and took another glance around the room.
It was always a decent bar, but moreso, it was a decent bar for a decent army. An army she had not helped in awhile, mostly because her assistant nearly blew herself, and half the damn Shipyard, up. And...the Ambrosia was trashed. She slumped.
"What the hell!" She shouted. "I come for a celebratory drink for actually waking up from a coma and it's DUSTY? What the hell happened while I was gone?!"
Before any conversation could be started between Kara and the unnamed officer, another woman entered with frustration...
Kara just side-stepped to let her in, then replied A fair question, miss de Mortis. I was pretty much wondering the same thing.
She then loosely pointed towards the man in the center and continued By the looks of it, he's the new owner... although he hasn't said anything yet. Then again... if we manage to find some drinks here, permit me to offer you one on my tab.
Major Holdan heard things about Ambrosia's reopening. He never been in Ambrosia ever. Decided to take a look while his Pytho on repairs. He saw the open doors and went in. Saw a man that he never seen and two woman in. He realised he only knows the one from 52th. He coughed and whistled afterwards, while wondering the whos those people that he doesn't know at the same time."What a dusty place. I never seen the Bar's glory days. I hope it'll live up to its name again."He apporached to the guy seemed to be the owner."Greetings, Officer. Name's JohnHoldan. Is there anything i can lend a hand? I'm around for some time. Damned 'Casts melted my bomber."
Stepping through the room with his pad and taking inventory of what needed to be fixed and what needed to be ordered once more, he was focussed on his current task and hadn't at first noticed that people had poured into the room. Finally turning around he nodded at the patrons that had come.
"Indeed, I've taken over getting this once lively dump back up and running. It'll be a bit of a work, needs new inventory, new chairs - tables - everything. Before that can happen all this old stuff needs out. I need to sort the bar, see what... Drinks are left. There's plenty to do" , He spoke to the people before he looked at his datapad, glancing over the list he had already made.
Kara's face showed a slight smile as she noticed more and more people coming in.
Right. - she turned to the new owner and grinned shortly - Well since I was relieved from service, I've been pretty much drifting the halls of Sabah with not much to do. Now that the bar is open again... think i can bring some support in here?
She gestured towards the counter and continued If you don't have someone for it already, i could man the counter. I used to bring people down with guns, now I wouldn't mind bringing them down with a few beverages. - ending her reply with a chuckle.