Jack's after a short flight into the atmosphere of Gran Canaria, Jack's Shuttle touched down on the hangar deck of MedForce One. The shuttle security wheeled him to the Reception desk.
Jack: "My name is Jack White. I was told to report here by John Holliday."
Receptionist: "Jack.. Let me check.. *typing on a datapad* Ah yes Jack. You are to be escorted to the bionics lab."
Two security guards got up from behind the desk and took Jack's wheelchair from the Shuttle security and whisked him away to the Bionics lab.
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Jack would arrive at the bionics lab, more directly, to an office near it. A rather tall man in a lab coat was going through some files when he arrived. He gave Jack a quick look as he came in and returned to going through his drawer.
"Leave us," instructed the doctor to the detail before finally turning back around, "I will take him from here. If I need you, I will call."
The man spoke with a strong Rheinland accent as he addressed his patient, "You know I came her to get away from the fighting. From the Hessians, Unioners....." he began and then paused. After a sigh, he continued, "...and now all this trouble on the planet surface. Why must it follow me?"
He then extended his hand in friendship, "I am Dr. Hans Gerhardt." After the men shook, he continued, "I have studied your file. I read of a man trying to change a troubled past. The more I know about you and what you wish to do, the more I'll know how best to re-build your arm."
He then turned and poured himself a cup of coffee from a coffee maker. He then offered Jack some.
"Well what d' you want ta know?.. Hm.. I guess I will begin with the basics. My name is Jack white. I was born on planet manhattan. Age 15 I got into some trouble on the surface and was jailed. I then participated in a breakout led by some Xenos. I had nowhere else to go so I joined em. Now that I look back on my past I want to change. I have been getting these dreams... From a woman who calls herself Eris. She wants me to become a disciple or something..." Jack replied
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After a short break, Doc re-entered Jack's room.
"You will be happy to know that your paperwork has cleared," he stated, "you are now a mamber of TAZ. Do understand that I no longer administrate the group. I gave those robes to someone else since my better job is here as chief medical officer."
"Now, let's take a look at this arm of yours so that I know what needs to be done," he inquired, taking a look at what was left.
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The buzz about the ship was of Doc's recent split from the Temporary Autonomous Zoners. Some of the crew was in a state of disbelief, some weren't all that surprised while some felt it was a long time coming. Still, crew and staff went about their business, keeping the ship going, saving patients and continuing the ongoing research in it's secret labs.
Staff was advised of a new arrival, Joe Raison. He was changing his evil ways and sought Doc's help. His past cost him a leg and an eye. It was somewhat reminiscent of a past patient, Brettonias, who received a prosthetic arm. He was the first and many had come since.
Doc himself was spending more time on ship. Alone in Sirius without now with the loss of Tombstone and his wife, he could be found there. Still, he had his hide-a-way on Erie which he made frequent trips to. It was there he had.....someone....in his life.
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It had been some time since Doc walked the corridors of MedForce One. After a long time away to take care of himself, he returned to hit prized creation. He re-acquainted himself with staff of old and met new staff as well. He was escorted by his chief resident.
"It's nice to have you back, Doc. It's been too long," he stated. "For what it's worth, I was worried about you. We all were. We knew what happened. Are you OK?"
"I'll be fine," Doc nodded, "I think getting back to work will be good therapy. The twins are here for me to look after while Emiko has decided to stay back at Erie and try making her own way."
They discussed the new opportunity with the Seraphim. They both viewed it favorably but also had concerns namely the Order and the Corsairs, both of whom they distrusted.
"And where is Doreen?" asked the chief resident. "I guess the crew she was with disbanded."
"I haven't heard," Doc answered, "I have plenty of work for her........I'm still surprised she hasn't been scooped up into a marriage yet."
"What?" asked the confused resident.
"Oh nothing," Doc answered. "It was just a comment."
"Anyway, I have a patient coming here, an old friend. We gave him a cybernetic arm some time back. Pope Brettonias. He needs the socket fixed or even replaced and some upgrades," Doc explained.
"It will be scheduled," replied the chief resident. He then turned to his boss, "You know, Doc, if you could do some surgical work, you would lighten the work load around here. We could use your help."
It was strangely quiet onboard the Ashira as it flew through the quietness of space, its destination to meet up with the Med.Force.One. Onboard, Brettonias sat quietly at the helm with several others, his wife Vix and their lil one Licentia reading a holobook as they tried to pass the time. "I still can't believe its nearly two years since I last saw Doc. I hope the old bird is alright." Vixen kept an eye on their holobook and spoke softly in return. "Dear. You're twitching in your left ear. Don't be so nervous. Mr. Holiday was and is your mentor and elder, so smile at least. " Sure enough as he looked up, his left ear tip was indeed twitching, his face growing mellow and slumped as a grumble passed.. "....Yes dear.. Helm.. Naoko.. How much longer til we meet up with the MedForce One?" A lil hoverdroid rotated inside its socket inside the console as one of the pilots turned about.. "Aye sir. We'll be there within the hour." Without missing a beat, Naoko added, "//Sir... I've been updated on your appointment. There is time to possibly discus Sir Holiday on some of your proposals Sir\\"
One Hour Later - Onboard MedForce One
The trio walked quietly onboard as they walked up to the receptionist, Vixen giving a lil smile as Brettonias stepped forward. "Brettonias Wingspan here for appointment with Doctor Holiday and Head of Cybernetics for Bionic refit and possible replacement."
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"This way, Sir," answered the young receptionist with a smile. "You are expected. I will escort you to cybernetics."
They made their way through a large corridor. Offices, surgical wards and even a nursery were along the way before they went through a blast door to a turbo lift and finally cybernetics.
They were met buy a Rheinland man. "I am Dr. Elbert Richter, head of cybernetics. I have been briefed on your case and studied your record from your initial install. Please, have a seat so that we can discuss options."
He took a seat in front of them, taking Brettonias' arm in his hands as he looked at it.
"A fine piece of work this is," he stated as he looked, "one of our earliest models and still very reliable. I intend to use the main frame and add the upgrades you want."
He then released it, "As to the shoulder, that is a minor surgical procedure but I will need to scan the area to see what is wrong with it. So tell me...."
He paused and turned to the receptionist, "Please get quarters for the family. I believe Dr. Holliday has arranged it in the Excelsior level."
"Yes, Doctor," answered the receptionist.
"And I do believe Dr. Holliday himself has planned dinner tonight with you all."
The receptionist noticed the child and turned to the parents, "If you wish, I can bring your child to the day care. There are many children there and they welcome newcomers?"
"Actually its a heh... bit of a hybrid Doc... came from Brettonias as his arm shifted from its current form into buster, the plating shifting sluggishly before a whine sounded out halfway through, failing its conversion midway.. "Annnnnd now it fails.. Great..." From behind Vix shook her head in a bit of disbelief as she stepped forward with lil one hiding behind her dress. "What my husband here means to say that his recent escapades have left a toll on his unit and needs, quite honestly, a new one of similar fashion." She looked over at the receptionist for a moment and shook her head in decline.
"With all due respect our lil one will stay with us, I'd prefer not to leave her alone with others just yet without our supervision." The look from her husband was brief in a laugh as he looked back towards Dr. Richter. "Welp. She is the boss Doc. I do hope that we get to meet Doctor Holiday soon. We've been meaning to introduce him to our lil one considering the last time we saw the good Doc was when she was only a few weeks old. I'm sure he'd be interested in giving someone like her a lil check up considering how fast she's grown. Unlike her cousins in Rheinland sheesh."
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"Let's give my old friend the latest tech that we have, Elbert," stated Doc as he entered the room. He then looked with a smile to Brettonias, "He is an old friend and deserving."
"I agree, John," answered Elbert, "we will need to disconnect what he has to better examine that shoulder though."
While Dr. Richter started going over some information, Doc sat before Brettonias and his family. "It's been too long. We have some catching up to do."
He then looked to his wife, taking her soft hand and, in true southern gentleman form, kissed it kindly, "An honor to meet you, Ma'am."
He then turned to the child and smiled, "Welcome to MedForce One. It is here that I will help your Daddy."
He took a breath and began chatting with his friend, "So how have you been? We must discuss things over dinner later.....all are invited of course."