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"Lieutenant, all stop," ordered Commander Haddock.
"All stop, Sir," replied the lieutenant as the huge colony ship came to a stop, "now with all due respect, Sir, can you tell us where we are."
The Commander then opened an envelope and pulled a set of orders from it. He began to read aloud to his command staff aboard the bridge.
Commander Haddock, I am ordering you and all staff to report to Coalition space where you will spend the next several days moored at a secret location. While there, all weapon systems will be shut down but all medical and scientific research will continue. Our presence is one of hope and peace. Unless the ship comes under fire, you will not engage anyone! Also, com traffic will be kept to emergencies only so we won't speak for a few days unless all hell breaks loose.
Your mission is one of humanitarianism. The biodomes on the ships grow enough food and medicine for the crew to live on ship without ever seeing land. Since we don't need that, it will be used to feed the civilian populations on the Jiang Xi colony and the medical facilities will provide aid to all who need it. Away teams will bring service to those who can't board.
SCRA officials will be permitted on board but only on non-restricted areas. Show good will to them as I always have. I recommend showing them to Pleasantview Lounge. Premier Alvin Katz is the man in charge in Omega 52. I also hear that a young lady is co-ordinating the colony. I believe her name is Nichole Schmidt. She too is to be treated as a dignitary.
James, you run a great ship and you and your crew has made me proud. Pass these orders along to Edward Tesh in medical so that he can set up away teams and such. I will see you in a few days.
"Coalition space?" asked the young communications officer, "but we'll be pulverized here."
"No, Ensign, we won't," explained Haddock, "we're here already and unscathed. Our transponder is neutral so we should be safe."
After a brief mission with an SCRA official, work began as usual on MedForceOne.
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Commander's Log, Commander James Haddock Reporting
After many days in the Omicron Theta system to repair the damage done to Freeport 9, we have returned home to Omega 49 and Gran Canaria. Shuttles to and from the planet have been increased to allow shore time. My only regret is that we left a detachment of medical personnel back at Nine. Although they volunteered, I don't feel any better about it. Once the station has it's full compliment back, they will return.
I'm becoming more concerned for my friend and Commander, Doc. He's still not himself. He's...distant. I'm not sure what to think for now. Only time will tell I guess.
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Personal Log, Dr. John Holliday
I have just completed to paperwork package for Doreen's entrance into Cambridge Medical. I think she will do well there. I have also made arrangements for child care and quarters while attending. Once finished, she will intern aboard the ship.
Captain Finnegan is holding his own in I.C.U. I'm surprised that he is still alive.
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"It is great to see you again, John," stated the administrator of Cambridge Medical as the two men met in a hand shake just after Doctor Holliday stepped off of his shuttle, [TAZ]Ambassador's.Ark.
"Too long," replied Doc, "I see the weather here is delightful as always."
The administrator just smiled, "per usual. So, where is this young lady you are leaving to finish her medical training here?"
"Oh, she's getting her son ready," John explained, "she'll be out."
No sooner had he said that when Doreen Naggar emerged. She was dressed in a white suit, her red hair flowing over her shoulders as she carried pushed her still sleeping son out in a carriage. She smiling nervously as she approached the two men.
"Miss Naggar, I am Dr. Thomas Gideon. I am the administrator of the institute. It is a pleasure to meet you." He then looked down to her sleeping son, "and this must be Benjen."
"It's a pleasure for me too," she answered, "and yes, that is Benjen."
"I will say this, Miss....." he said.
"Please, Doreen," she interrupted.
"...Doreen, I have heard much about you. If you have been learning from John Holliday and Edward Tesh, you're already well ahead of your peers."
"Thanks," she said somewhat sheepishly.
"But, for now, let me take you to where you will be staying and get your services started.
With that, the small group of people left for the institute.
Her quarters were in a high rise luxury apartment building where she had a full living space for herself to look after her child. While attending classes, a nanny would stay to watch Benjen and a night a week she would have a similar service to have some time for herself. After a dinner with Doc and the administrator, she would spend the evening settling into her new home and tending to the needs of her son. Eventually, tired, she would retire for the evening.
"Mike ?" said Tom.
"Yeah what ?"
"Come see that." said Tom on a very serious tone, as Mike approached him.
Tom pointed something on his screen.
"I've spotted this a few minutes ago on our long range sensors, this... thing... I don't what it is but it's coming straight on us at an average of ten kilometers per second."
"I don't know anything that can go that fast..."
"Well it will be here in approximately 24 seconds."
"WHAT ?" yelled Mike. "In the name of Eris I-i.... !"
A wave of panic overwhelmed the two young boys as the countdown arrived at zero.
"... Well ?" whispered Mike.
"I don't know, it vanished."
"You're a damn prick, I hate your jokes I almost had a heart attack this time !" said Mike, slapping Tom on the head.
"Not so fast... Unauthorized material detected in Bay 6."
"Oh my... Eris help us. Hey are you waiting for a cake to call the security team !?"
"Hold on ! HOLD ON !"
Receiving the call, a security team went down to the Bay 6, and discovered something unusual standing in the middle of the bay, looking at the stars.
"Who the hell are you..." asked the soldier.
"Someone who's always watching over your shoulder." Said the strange person with a peaceful tone.
"I thought you were only rumors."
"Not at all, we're just hidden... filling our duties." she said as she turned, facing the soldier.
"And... any particular reason for you to come here ?"
"I will be waiting for the Doc Holliday... we have much to discuss. I will stay here for as long as it will take." said the Angel as she turned back to face the stars again.
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Confused, John Holliday stopped just before the Bay 6 door.
"Shall we go in with you, Sir?" asked his Klingon guard.
John just put up his hand, "No, no. I will be fine. Just keep all others out even though I'll have the door locked behind me."
"Yes, Sir," replied the guard. With that, John entered Bay 6 and secured the door behind him.
Walking forward in his robes, he saw the beautifully winged woman awaiting him. He was taken aback by her beauty even from her back side. He softly spoke to her, just being collected and gentle.
"I understand you are waiting for me," he said with a soft smile, "Well, I am here and no one will bother us." When she finally turned to him, he just sighed, "Absolutely radiant." He stepped closer although cautiously, "How may I be of service?"
"Have you ever wondered how it would be to know everything possible in the universe ? Every secret and thoughts any living creature holds forever through time without being able to forget them ?" she said while keeping her gaze at him, as if she was looking straight into his soul. "I have thought about our previous encounter that happened a few months ago, I do have tried to forget it, but as you know already I can't forget anything. I would like to know if our deal still stands."
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He stood quietly, his hands together at his belt as he listened. Yes, he remembered the encounter. He was flying home through Dublin when the transmission came through. He thought it was forgotten as the months had passed and even thought he might be crazy but now, seeing such a sight of beauty before him, he remembered. Still, a part of him wondered if he was going crazy. But how could someone be if they felt so at ease with a........stranger?
"Thank you," he answered, "if you are what you say you are then you know how much pride I take in this ship and all that goes on aboard it, how my dream of helping anyone in need came true because of it. How much hard work I put in just to develop it. I think you can see that for yourself."
He then thought of her questions. He could feel her looking into him. She probably knew how he felt.
"To know everything, well, I would be one of you," he commented, "If we humans knew everything, humanity would cease to exist." He then cocked his head just a bit, "but it would be kind of nice at times."
He straightened his head, wore a straight face and continued, nodding, "Yes, I do remember the deal in which we discussed. You would also remember that I asked, in return, to know how it was that I arrived here in Sirius, my last memory of a distant sanitarium on old Earth. I know you know. It will close a few voids for myself."
He thought to himself, "does the deal still stand." He knew what she wanted. He was reluctant, knowing that it would break a sacred vow. But he also remembered that she had the power to make it so that he never remembered any of what would take place.
"Yes," he answered, "providing that when this is finished that I have no memory of it. Even a small memory may give that unwanted feeling of guilt."
He then looked around him a moment, "I'm also not so sure that this would be the proper place for this."
She smiled. "Although, I have changed one term of our deal, your term. I do not want to put you in a tight spot, but I have yet to decide what it will be. For now... I have to show you something."
She extended her hand, waiting for the Doc to take it.
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He was a bit unsure of what to expect but he wasn't afraid, not in the least. He reached out and took her hand. As he did, he thought to himself, "May fortune favor the foolish."