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Personal Medical Logs.
Location: Freeport 1, Omega 3:
Doc woke up on station after a short sleep. Sleeping on Freeport 1 did that to a lot of people. Few slept well when so many decided it was always necessary to take pop shots at the base. But, the medical staff of the base let their boss sleep. Upon his own awakening, they were given a chance to sleep as well.
This morning, Doc found a window that looked out towards Planet Sprague. It was a quiet corridor with no one around and one place that hadn't been damaged by gun fire. He stood, his coffee in hand, as he looked over the distant planet. For a moment, he wondered the secrets it held as he knew the history of it. As he stood, he activated his personal com link to make his report.
Personal Log, Dr. John Holliday reporting.
It makes me wonder how this base still exhists. First the Wilde, then the Corsairs and then the Rheinlanders. Who will be next? It still bewilders me as to what people.....or things.....hope to accomplish by shooting this place up.
He continued looking out to Sprague, taking a sip of his coffee before continuing.
All that remained here in need of medical help are treated, the regular staff wrapping things up. All will survive but all will be sore.
I've found it a priviledge to meet Dane Summers. He's young and has much to learn but he did one thing right, he asserted himself and continues to do so. He's asked me to stay as he plans to attempt diplomacy with the Bretonian Crown.
Before he sips again, Doc cringes and groans at the thought of Bretonia, a House that he has had no success in negotiations in the past.
Hopefully my stay won't be a long one as I promised Midori I wouldn't be gone too long.
He sighs and then weakly smiles
I miss my girls and with twins on the way I worry even more. For now, duty.
For a short time, he enjoyed the view of Sprague as he worked on his morning coffee, enjoying a second cup before making his morning rounds.
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Trauma Unit 47
The patient transfer was complete. Samantha Marquez arrived in the room, still sedated after surgery. While her injuries were healing internally, the burns about her body remained a problem. Between burns and shattered bone damage, her right leg was already gone. It took hours alone just to removed much of the clothing that covered her body as they were infused to her skin. Fatty tissue was now exposed in large areas from what was removed. So as to prevent the excrutiating pain, she was kept comatose. A sheet was kept over her and she was placed in a special room. Any type of infection could kill someone with so much burn damage.
"I can't remember seeing anyone this bad," said one of the surgeons to the team.
"It's sickening how people do this to each other," replied his partner, "I'll be curious to see if the skin replicator will work as advertised."
"Well, it did marvelously for those of the Freeport bombings if you remember and many of them were as bad as she is," reminded the surgeon.
The replicator, a gift from the Lane Hacker medical ship "Genesis", was one of the prizes and big secrets on ship, a gift from the Hackers.
It suspended a patient, regenerating the skin cells, as if nothing had happened to the victim. They were kept motionless and sedated for 24 hours as any movement would leave imperfections or even damage.
"Once Doctor Nagger is here and clears her, we can begin," declared the surgeon. It was now a waiting game.
It was several days before Dr. Naggar arrived to continue the procedure with Samantha. Her internal wounds were healing nicely to include her lungs which had been damaged from sudden decompression.
Dr. Naggar had Samantha moved onto the platform of the "skin replicator" as it had become known.
Her hair was put up and kept under a rubber cap. The machine was then powered up and the staff stood in the operating chamber as the process began. Samantha's naked but badly burned and somewhat disfigured body was then held in suspended in a state of levitation from the rays of the machine. Under a very heavy sedative, Samantha never knew what was happening to her.
The arm of the machine passed over her body, first from head to toe and then back. It would do this numerous times. With each pass, it gaged the severity of the burns and there depths in all locations of her body. It also gaged deformities caused by them. Once it had made it's calculations, the healing process began.
The arm passed slowly down her body, millimeter by millimeter, it's solid red sheet-like beam doing its work. As it passed, the treated areas looked like new skin, untouched by fire, plasma, cutting device or anything. A wet sheen was left as it settled. The beam finished with her head, neck and shoulders as it continued over her chest, down her arms and torso, doing it's work as the medical team just watched. It then passed down her leg. The whole process took just over an hour's time and when completed, the arm passed back over her and stopped above her head. It was then that Dr. Naggar assessed her patient, using a full body sized mirror to view Samantha's backside as it remained levitated.
Her skin was now perfect. The burns were gone and showed no form of scarring. Still, it was wet as the re-generated skin settled. The team knew not to touch her for 24 hours after the procedure.
"I'll watch her," stated Doreen, "she's my patient. She won't be awake until I discontinue the medicine but still, I'll stay with her."
And stay with her she did, stepping out only to use the lady's room. By her request, her meals were brought to her and she even received a visit from Dr. Holliday.
After the 24 hour time period ended, she examined Samantha. Her skin was perfect and now dry. The only sign of any problem was her missing leg. Doreen covered her in a sheet for her decency and moved her down to a room in ICU where the medicine that kept her sleeping was discontinued. For Doreen, it was time to get to know her patient a bit.
It was getting towards the end of her day on the ship. Normally, her duties were on the Canarian surface with the medical center but with a patient on the ship, she found herself spending time on her old training ground.
Samantha Marquez to this point was turning out to be her greatest accomplishment. There were no physical signs of the severe burns left during her attack save the leg that was lost. Samantha had only briefly opened her eyes once but had pretty much stayed asleep. It was just as well since the body healed itself more while it rested. Satisfied that Samantha was doing well, she left the room to catch the next shuttle home.
Her mind was elsewhere towards the end of a shift...her son. Benjen was, as she told people, the young man in her life. Unless pressed, she rarely told the story of how he came to be. Still, the only thing she loved more than being a doctor was being a mother to the "young man." Her smile beamed as she hung up her smock for the day and put on her coat, the smile on her face as she walked to the shuttle bay. It was there she passed her mentor, John Holliday.
They chatted a moment as the shuttle was ready to leave, picking at him for that rare night shift appearance. With that, she flew home and hugged her son.
That weird feeling of reality and dream separating hits Samantha again as she slowly opens her eyes. For a few moments she saw nothing but blinding light until her irises adjusted, tending to some charts, Doreen sees Samantha start to stir in her bed a little
"Samantha. Can you hear me?" A soft voice speaks.
Unsure she could speak Samantha just nods her head a little. Doreen comes to the side of the bed near her head.
[color=#FFFFFF]"You don't have to speak if you don't want to. I am Dr. Naggar and you are aboard MedForceOne"
"H...hi doc.." She paused for a moment as if she forgot how to speak and breathe at the same time
"Ha...have I been ou..out long?"
"You have been asleep for about two weeks." Doreen speaks with a soft smile,
Sam just nodded again and tried to raise her head just a little so she could take a look at her body, her skin felt weirdly soft but definitely better than before, slightly more saturated than usual, her leg however was still missing
"You welcome," she nods. "Once you get your strength back up, we'll fit you with a prosthetic. You won't notice the difference."
"Will I be to fly..again with it?"
'Well...tha..thats all I care about really'
"Give yourself some time though. You were in pretty rough shape when you got here."
"When you feel up to it, you can see what you looked like when you got here and what you do now."
'I can im..imagine. We do wh..what we gotta do I guess. Too b..bad I wa.was on the recieving end this time'
"Sorry. Is there anything I can get for you? Someone I can contact for you perhaps?"
'Yes...can I...can I get a PDA, I need to check my squadron's status'
"I'll have to go find one but I can do that."
The door chime sounds. Sam tried to smile but she realized her face still felt like it was glued to her skull rather badly. Doreen gets the door. It's John Holliday.
"The head nurse told me I could find you here, Doctor," he says, "how is your patient?"
"Just woke up," she answers
Sam raised her left hand just a bit and moved her fingers waving at the man who just entered the room. The muscles which had not moved in a while felt extremely painful
'Bad Idea..'
"It'll take getting used to," Doreen explains, "the skin is your own, just reconditioned of all the burns and damage. Before too long, you won't notice."
'As lon...long as I am alive...And as long as I can fly of course'
"One is done, the other will in time."
"Can you find a PDA somewhere? It's all she asks for right now." Doreen turns to Doc
Doc nods and leaves to go get one. Sam tried to rise what's left of her amputated leg, knowing it would probably be painful. To her surprise it wasn't. She stared at it for a while then chuckled at herself
"Once that's done, no one will know the difference, not by your walk anyway"
'Yeah wel..well I don't care much for the looks anyway, look is just trivial if it do...doesn't function properly. I fought, I got shot d..down, I lost a leg. I accepted the risk the mome..moment I climbed in the cockpit''
"If I never have to fight someone, I'll be blessed. I have a son to look after. Do you think you can eat some solid food if I order it? You're internally healed enough to do so."
'Well, wouldn't kill me to try...'
"Anything you want to eat?"
'Whate..ver you get me, but I'd rath.rather check what's up with my boys first'
She orders a meal over her com. Knowing that her patient will be eating, she pulls the IV from her
"Nothing should be too uncomfortable at this point but if you need it, I can give you a sedative later."
'It's need to worry'
She looks over her patient, checking over how her skin has settled and scanning internally. After a few minutes, she covers Sam with the sheet for her privacy. The door chimes again and Doc returns with a PDA for her.
"You can monitor but for our own safety, no one will be able to lock in on it." He sets it next to her.
Samantha takes takes the PDA with slow movements, using the touch screen with one hand as she was not sure that she could lift the other over her body. When she logged on a loud beep fills the room as a message appears on the screen
"Doreen, I need to make my rounds. You can head home whenver you wish. I have the shift."
She just nods her acknowledgement as he leaves to make his rounds. Samantha nods at the leaving doctor too as the message loads. Suddenly eyes start wetting...
'Brilliant....' a couple of tears roll down her cheeks leaving burning sensation behind on her still soft skin 'Absolutely, brilliant...'
"I'm so sorry."
'Me too...doc, me too'
Despite her hands still felt weak she slowly wiped the tears as best as she could
"For now though, you need to worry about yourself. The best tribute you can give is to get yourself back to health. I will help you."
'That's the thi..thing doc, I don't about myself, but when someb..somebody hurts my boys...I.I..feel useless'
Doreen takes a tissue and wipes Sam's face. About this time, a porter arrives with some food.
She returned home to her Canarian condo after a hard day's work. Her son put to bed for the night after some play time with Mom, Doreen slipped into something comfortable for the night. Pouring a glass of chablis, she sat in her favorite chair, crossed her legs and placed the glass on the stand next to her. She then pulled out her datapad to make the final entry of her day for Samantha Marquez.
Doctor's Log, 10/30 819:
Samantha woke up today after a long slumber. She's still groggy and pretty weak. I've ordered a physical therapist to come in and start giving her some light exercise in the form of stretches and so forth. Once her strength is up and she's used to the reconditioned skin, we can begin the process of a prosthetic leg.
She pauses a moment, taking a drink of her chablis and enjoying the quiet of her domain before continuing
I hope she doesn't push to recover to quickly. I know she's got a lot going on that she can't be there for. I think she understands that she won't have the strength for awhile to be an asset to them. In time, she will.
With that, she put her datapad on the stand next to her, finished her wine and headed off to bed after securing her residence.
Doreen was getting ready to check in on Samantha when the ship's commander approached her.
"Doctor," he greeted, "I trust your day is well."
"It is so far," she smiled, "what's up?"
"I didn't know if you were going to keep this patient aboard as we are planning on a trip to Omicron 74 for some retrofits," he told her.
"Well, I can transfer her back to Canaria Medical at this point," she answered, "how much time do I have?"
"Not sure yet," he answered, "I'm guessing within the week depending on what engineering says."
"Oh, well," she smiled, "I'll manage then. If you don't mind, I need to look in on my patient."
"Yes, of course," he said as he began the trip back to the command bridge.
Doreen then went into the room where Samantha was resting. It had been a good many days since the skin reconditioning and she was hoping that Samantha was comfortable with it at this point as they should have adjusted to each other. She found Samantha awake and resting.
"Good morning," smile Doreen as she began checking her patient over, talking as she ran scans, "if you feel up to it, we can fit you with a prosthetic leg. Once fitted, I will transfer you back to Canaria where you can rehab the leg and finish recovering. It'll be more comfortable down there, too."
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Commander's Log, James Haddock reporting:
We have arrived at Lividia Shipyard for upgrades. I've forgotten how quiet it can be out here. Most of the medical staff is on shore leave back at Gran Canaria save a skeleton crew and researchers while the command crew, ship staff and engineers will be busy. Medical upgrades are planned as are engine, weapon and even updates for Pleasantview Lounge.
Hopefully, if all goes well, Doc will meet us here for the final couple of days. Briefing him in the presence of the Lividia staff will be easier than doing it alone.
For now, it's been a long trip out. Time to turn in as 0600 gets here quick.
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[b]Commander's Log. James Haddock Reporting[/b]:
We arrived in orbit of Planet Toledo in Omicron Minor today fresh out of upgrade at Lividia. John Holliday is on board should his help be needed for any injured evacuees. We met up with some of the 141st and TCG personnel today. A good lot. Thus far, it's been peaceful. One would never tell at first glimpse that there is a threat out here. A couple of days here, a flight home and then some shore leave in my Canaria condo.