I would like to let my superiors know that, I, Santo Kaisa Kobayakawa Yuji of the glorious and famed special forces in our brave Naval Forces, has single-handledly rescued Itto Kaisa Hayashimura Kiyoko by myself! I'm confident the Admiralty will agree that such a feat is one the GREATEST deeds that the Naval Forces has ever accomplished and it was thanks to I, Kobayakawa Yuji, because that is what it is.
It is my conviction that it is not necessary for I, Santo Kaisa Kobayakawa Yuji, to bore you with all the details of this glorious expedition to rescue a member of our military, nor all the risks taken by I, Kobayakawa Yuji, to fulfill that altruistic feat.
And I, Kobayakawa Yuji, was thinking that it was the most righteous time to remind you that, I, Kobayakawa Yuji, to be your rightful choice for the next promotions to the Admirals circle. I, Kobayakawa Yuji am already envisioning what the future would be like under the guidance of my blessed self.
Meanwhile, I, Kobayakawa Yuji, will be honored to receive another medal as an expression of the admiration of my peers and the excellency of my work.
31. May, 824 A.S
Battleship Nagumo, Kyushu system.
Comm ID:Kiyoko Hayashimura, Itto Kaisa. Recipient:KUNAVCOM Topic:Return to service; Liberty Navy Warship
I'd like to inform you that I've come back from my medical leave, fully recovered from the previous wounds inflicted during my escape attempt. In addition, I have a rather late report to make.
A few days ago, the K.D.S Okinoshima intercepted a Liberty Navy warship L.N.S Wyoming, an assault carrier specifically, in the Shikoku system, coming from New Tokyo. The Okinoshima managed to keep the warship halted at the New Tokyo jump gate in the Shikoku system until I arrived onboard the K.D.S Matsuyama. Upon investigating and interrogating the cooperative Navy captain, it appeared that the Navy Warship - alongside other Liberty and Rheinland ships - arrived at the Hokkaido system through a Blind Jump sequence initiated by a Rheinland Military warship in, what the captain claimed to be, an uncharted system near the Federal Republic of Rheinland. However, we were unable to intercept any other ship to confirm these claims.
The Matsuyama's scanners also identified items and commodities of interest within the Wyoming's cargo hold alongside various scientific data, namely Jump Hole Generator Parts, items that would pose a threat to the Republic if fallen into the wrong hands. We confiscated the parts prior to escorting the warship outside of Kusari space.
[23.04.2017 20:24:58] [27.05.2017 13:47:38] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Now would you please explain the reason of this violation of Kusari sovereign space with more details?
[27.05.2017 13:47:46] LNS-Wyoming: Of course.
[27.05.2017 13:48:08] LNS-Wyoming: I was forced to make a blin jump, along with allies.
[27.05.2017 13:48:23] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Blind jump, you say? Allies? From which location.
[27.05.2017 13:48:24] LNS-Wyoming: Was dropped in Kusari space as a result.
[27.05.2017 13:48:45] LNS-Wyoming: Hmm... well, no point for secrecy, now.
[27.05.2017 13:48:58] LNS-Wyoming: It was the recently discovered Uncharted system.
[27.05.2017 13:49:17] LNS-Wyoming: I am asking or safe passage through Kusari space, so I can reach Liberty.
[27.05.2017 13:49:31] Amalthea: Rheimland battlesip was sighted in Honshu
[27.05.2017 13:49:39] Attention! Stand clear. Towing Amalthea
[27.05.2017 13:49:47] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Well, Matsuyama command.
[27.05.2017 13:49:52] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: What do you think about this.
[27.05.2017 13:50:12] [KNF]KDS-Matsuyama|66th: CO: Hilarious. You ask for passage once you've passed through most of our systems?
[27.05.2017 13:50:13] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: That sounds quite crazy I dare say, hai hai...
[27.05.2017 13:50:30] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: At least that Captain is polite.
[27.05.2017 13:51:01] [KNF]KDS-Matsuyama|66th: CO: I wouldn't say polite, he is just forcing himself to be polite when he finds himself in trouble.
[27.05.2017 13:51:20] LNS-Wyoming: Quite harsh, captain.
[27.05.2017 13:51:40] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Matsuyama command. Are you scanners detecting the same cargo on board as we do? Your scanners must be more powerful.
[27.05.2017 13:51:56] [KNF]KDS-Matsuyama|66th: CO: Passing through our soverign systems without notice and permission isn't a very polite thing either.
[27.05.2017 13:51:56] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Your scanners, even.
[27.05.2017 13:52:22] LNS-Wyoming: As I said, it was a blind jump. Couldn't have given warning if I wanted.
[27.05.2017 13:52:38] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Hai. We understand that, Whyoming command.
[27.05.2017 13:53:07] [KNF]KDS-Matsuyama|66th: CO: Hai. Scanners are picking a handful of advanced technology as well as a lot of data chunks.
[27.05.2017 13:53:11] If you are killed in a PvP fight, you are not allowed to re-engage the player or group of players that you were fighting any of your characters for 2 hours. Self-destruction during such fights also counts as a PvP death.
[27.05.2017 13:53:11] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 2 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
[27.05.2017 13:53:26] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Does that material come from that system you mentioned?
[27.05.2017 13:53:37] LNS-Wyoming: Indeed it does.
[27.05.2017 13:54:02] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: And what would be the source of such material? That looks advanced.
[27.05.2017 13:54:34] LNS-Wyoming: I am afraid you would have to get that information through official channels. All I know is
[27.05.2017 13:54:57] LNS-Wyoming: We were sent to fight advanced warships with a design unlike anything I've ever seen before.
[27.05.2017 13:55:03] [KNF]KDS-Matsuyama|66th: CO: He might have salaved him, and might not have. The Navy might be plotting to generate a jumphol in our space.
[27.05.2017 13:55:13] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Advanced warships? Hmm...
[27.05.2017 13:55:58] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Well then, Matsuyama command. What is your opinion about our course of action?
[27.05.2017 13:56:01] LNS-Wyoming: Now, I understand what you gentlemen must feel, with a foreign warship appearing inside your space.
[27.05.2017 13:56:15] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Hai. That is rather unpleasant.
[27.05.2017 13:56:24] [KNF]KDS-Matsuyama|66th: CO: Confiscate th dangerous cargo at the very least.
[27.05.2017 13:56:24] LNS-Wyoming: But I urge you to consider the circumstances and the relationship between our houses.
[27.05.2017 13:56:33] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: It is not the first time House Liberty violates Kusari sovereign space, sadly.
[27.05.2017 13:56:59] [KNF]KDS-Matsuyama|66th: CO: Who are the alies you initiated the blind jump with?
[27.05.2017 13:56:59] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Confiscate all of it, Matsuyama command? Wouldn't that be a bit.. Harsh?
[27.05.2017 13:57:27] [KNF]KDS-Matsuyama|66th: CO: The Jumphole Generator Parts are what is needed to be confiscated.
[27.05.2017 13:57:48] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Soka soka..
[27.05.2017 13:59:18] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: But about those Allies... a passerby mentioned Rheinland Military ships in Honshu system.
[27.05.2017 13:59:29] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Would that be those allies in question?
[27.05.2017 14:00:16] LNS-Wyoming: I was with several Liberty capital ships, some freelancers, and yes, there were two Rheinland warships. There was a temporary t
[27.05.2017 14:00:19] LNS-Wyoming: truce
[27.05.2017 14:00:46] [KNF]KDS-Matsuyama|66th: CO: Several Liberty Navy ships? Omoshiroi.
[27.05.2017 14:00:51] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Well. It's good to see the old grudges from the war came to an end.
[27.05.2017 14:01:08] [KNF]KDS-Matsuyama|66th: CO: Where did the rest of the Navy ships fly to?
[27.05.2017 14:01:11] LNS-Wyoming: Common intrests and enemies have a way to do that.
[27.05.2017 14:01:18] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Hai...
[27.05.2017 14:01:32] LNS-Wyoming: I lost contact with them, I'm afraid. They were ahead of my ship.
[27.05.2017 14:02:21] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Well then, regardless. As Matsuyama command specified, you will hand over those jump parts to us, and be escorted to House -
[27.05.2017 14:02:23] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Liberty borders.
[27.05.2017 14:02:46] LNS-Wyoming: I see. That is acceptable.
[27.05.2017 14:03:00] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Excellent. I'm glad this won't end in a bloodbath.
[27.05.2017 14:03:14] LNS-Wyoming: Likewise, captain.
[27.05.2017 14:03:39] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Matsuyama will receive the dangerous material. Okinoshima will be escorting you to Liberty space.
[27.05.2017 14:03:54] LNS-Wyoming: Oh, he will receive all four?
[27.05.2017 14:03:58] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Hai.
[27.05.2017 14:04:03] [KNF]KDS-Matsuyama|66th: CO: Yes of course.
[27.05.2017 14:04:37] [KNF]KDS-Matsuyama|66th: CO: Hai. Cargo received. Arigatou for your cooperation.
[27.05.2017 14:04:46] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: We will then escort you to Liberty without delay.
[27.05.2017 14:04:50] LNS-Wyoming: You are welcome.
[27.05.2017 14:04:55] LNS-Wyoming: Excellent.
[27.05.2017 14:05:05] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Matsuyama, feel free to return to New Tokyo. We will handle this. Arigato gozaimasu.
[27.05.2017 14:05:20] [KNF]KDS-Matsuyama|66th: CO: Ryoukai. Returning back to New Tokyo.
[27.05.2017 14:05:25] [KNF]KDS-Okinoshima: Godspeed!
Kiyoko Hayashimura, Itto Kaisa
CO 66th Special Expeditionary Division
5FLT, Kusari Naval Forces
Comm ID:Mutsu Ryuzoji, Itto Kai. Recipient:KUNAVCOM Topic:Unauthorized Base
Yo- Konnichiwa,
During a routine patrol in the Shikoku system, I stumbled upon a base by the name FreelancersCafe, a very newly constructed base right in front of Planet Junyo. After looking through the database, I was unable to find the base with a valid registry there. Attempts to dock on the base resulting in nothing but failure, and I was unable to identify any transports or pilots that would be associated with the base. That said, the base was also within the 5K restricted zone from the planet; which is a violation of article 3, section 8 of the Legal Codex.
The situation in Kyushu system has dramatically deteriorated.
As you know by now, an uprising planet-side, organized by the Imperials, overthrew the police forces maintaining Republic laws on planet Kyushu. Military personnel performing their duty in Naval Air Facility Atsugi and Sasebo Naval Dockyards could do little to assist State Police.
As situation went downhill on Kyushu hour by hour, I took the decision to give an evacuation order for military personnel planet-side. My objective was to buy as much time as possible by moving Battleship Nagumo to an interdiction vector on planet Kyushu's gravity well main entry point, so that as many assets as possible could be evacuated to New Tokyo system. The evacuation rearguard received the order to sabotage, destroy or wipe what could not be transferred.
Sadly, this evacuation order took significant time to be executed. Battleship Nagumo, already severely tested by the Tau 29 jump-gate Imperial attack, was dramatically damaged, forcing us to retreat sooner than I hoped to. This resulted in a part of our assets planet-side ending up being blocked on planet Kyushu.
As for Nagumo's battle-group... To be frank, we were lucky to lose our pursuers in Seiran dust cloud, our path to New Tokyo system blocked by the Imperials and their Farmer allies. The battleship is playing a hide and seek game with both Imperialist forces and Blood Dragons as of now. This situation cannot evolve in our favor.
The men and women under my command have admirably served during those terrible hours, but one cannot demand the impossible. This ever lasting tension will eventually take its toll on their courage and their vigilance.
What remains of Nagumo battle-group, trapped in Kyushu system, is in dire need in assistance, mainly :
- Evacuation and personnel transfer assets to replace Nagumo's crew. My men need some rest. They earned it.
- Construction and repair mobile assets, in order to patch up Battleship Nagumo and restore its offensive and defensive capabilities as much as possible.
- At last, supplies, so that we can consider maintaining our operations in Kyushu system. A bridgehead in the system is indeed vital to disrupt Imperial forces operations.
Those needs are most urgent.
Furthermore, I demand Admirals circle to redeploy key assets without delays. There is no time for petty struggles and endless discussions, gentlemen. My suggestion is to remove assets from both First and Fourth fleet to transfer them to Kyushu and Nagano system within the next thirty six hours. I'm certain Nishiyama Kenzo and Kobayashi Akuro will agree Honshu system, as well as the borders with House Liberty, do not raise major security concerns for now. Units belonging to those two fleets definitely will be more useful elsewhere.
Comm ID:Nobushi, Itto Kaisa. Recipient:KUNAVCOM Topic:LCS-Secession; ESRD
I will keep this short.
During two separate routine recon missions in the Tau-29 system, I met two Navy External Security & Research Division operatives, ESRD, by the Freeport. I took the privilege and opportunity to discuss the subject of the newly-defected Type-19 'Defiant' gunboat, the LCS-Secession. The Navy refused the Secession commander's allegations of infection, demanding that the gunboat be returned to them. That said, they have also raised the subject of another splinter Navy group going by the name Harmony, reportedly allying with Rheinland unlawful organizations.
Shikashi, I've also encountered one of the ESRD operatives alongside operative 'Ubume' at the same location at 1500, further discussion evolved regarding the situation; in addition, we also indulged into other lesser subjects. All in all, the admiralty circle should expect an official communique from the Republic of Liberty. Judging from the recent developments of the situation, I can only imagine where this is going.
[07.06.2017 10:28:09][KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: First, Yukawa shipyard has recently hosted a Liberty Navy gunboat that claims he has defected from your respective military.
[07.06.2017 10:28:34] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Is that so?
[07.06.2017 10:29:00] [LN]-ESRD|Griffin': Is there any possibility that you know why he defected?
[07.06.2017 10:29:08] [LN]-ESRD|Griffin': I suppose you asked a lot of questions.
[07.06.2017 10:29:44] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: He claimed nomad infection within your ranks. While I'm often reluctant to believe such claims, as it is often the other way
[07.06.2017 10:29:53] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Sounds like Harmony.
[07.06.2017 10:29:55] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: around. With the one claiming infection is the infected.
[07.06.2017 10:29:59] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Harmony?
[07.06.2017 10:30:27] [LN]-ESRD|Griffin': A rogue Navy Battlegroup.
[07.06.2017 10:30:29] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: A rogue battlegroup that caused quite a stir within Liberty for a while.
[07.06.2017 10:30:54] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Ah. Hai. I recall the Kusari Naval Intelligence reporting on that incident.
[07.06.2017 10:31:03] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: ESRD launched an investigation into one of its members for an unaccounted disappearance.
[07.06.2017 10:31:06] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: There was quite a standoff if I recall correctly.
[07.06.2017 10:31:11] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: That there was.
[07.06.2017 10:32:01] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: To bring the point here, we have a weighted guess that Harmony has escaped to the unlawful fringes of Rhienland.
[07.06.2017 10:32:13] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Not to mention their claim of an infected Liberty Navy.
[07.06.2017 10:33:01] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: I see. To be fair, we've our own big problems with nomad infection in our ranks.
[07.06.2017 10:33:55] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Resolved at some point in the past, which is why my division exists and serves the purpose of its prevention - which is
[07.06.2017 10:34:04] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: something I assume your division also serves.
[07.06.2017 10:34:11] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: The only good 'infection' is an eradicated one.
[07.06.2017 10:34:22] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: That I can agree on.
[07.06.2017 10:34:50] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: The only 'visible' group would be the Ninth Division of the Liberty Security Force, but we have reason to believe that they-
[07.06.2017 10:34:52] [LN]-ESRD|Griffin': Not only. It's a small part. We're at war after all. A military intelligence can't concentrate on such things during a war.
[07.06.2017 10:35:16] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Just like their Aoi Iseijin counterparts in Kusari.
[07.06.2017 10:35:18] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Have been pushed out since their last appearance with some squids.
[07.06.2017 10:36:20] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: A minor problem, compared the constant threat of pirates and the Gallics.
[07.06.2017 10:36:59] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: You'd be shocked what a 'minor' problem such as those could do, the Naval Forces has suffered greatly from it in the past.
[07.06.2017 10:37:44] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: The gunship, is a Type-19 Defiant, yes?
[07.06.2017 10:38:10] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Mhm. Correct.
[07.06.2017 10:38:42] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: The 'captain' of this currently unnamed vessel is of the Secondary Fleet, is that also correct?
[07.06.2017 10:39:01] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: True.
[07.06.2017 10:39:31] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Secondary fleet, figures.
[07.06.2017 10:39:59] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: The Government has still to decide to give the captain and his crew asylum. For the moment, the 66th are preparing for
[07.06.2017 10:40:08] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: inspection of the ship and crew, as well as interrogations.
[07.06.2017 10:40:21] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: We will require all the information you have been given, preferably in a Neuralnet communication addressed to our offices.
[07.06.2017 10:41:00] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Whether I deliver those or not, depends on the outcome of our own investigation.
[07.06.2017 10:41:39] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: However, if the the ship is affiliated with Nomads or what you call Harmony in anyway, we will make sure to hand them over to
[07.06.2017 10:41:39] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: you.
[07.06.2017 10:42:14] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Given that this Type-19 is no longer affiliating itself with the Liberty Navy, it is now considered 'stolen.'
[07.06.2017 10:42:59] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Any and all information regarding the investigation and detainment of the Type-19 is to be relayed to Liberty Naval assets.
[07.06.2017 10:43:26] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: You would feel the same if Liberty was hiding one of your gunships.
[07.06.2017 10:43:53] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Unfortunately, I am in no position to relay that information to you in a formal manner.
[07.06.2017 10:44:57] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Then I request that you relay such information to your superiors. I'm sure LIBNAVCOM would love to have to ask in person.
[07.06.2017 10:46:09] [LN]-ESRD|Griffin': But you can tell your superiors to "consider" sending the information our way.
[07.06.2017 10:46:16] Tip: Are you a new player? Discovery Freelancer is not the easiest game to get your head around. If you have any questions of any kind, do not feel discouraged or embarrassed to ask them on our forum or simply approach other players for help.
[07.06.2017 10:47:04] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: I'm rather uncertain whether the admiralty board would be willing to send information if the crew and the ship are granted
[07.06.2017 10:47:13] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: asylum. But we will see what brews up.
[07.06.2017 10:47:54] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: We should move. I have a feeling those Maltese were scouts, and we let them escape.
[07.06.2017 10:48:19] [LN]-ESRD|Griffin': Yes, I suppose. We were way too long in this area.
[07.06.2017 10:48:31] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Let's move.
[08.06.2017 14:55:36] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: We're close to Gallia, Liberty is at war with Gallia, I work for Liberty. Connect the dots.
[08.06.2017 14:55:47] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: And we do, Tau-29 is rather peaceful, so not much is needed to control it
[08.06.2017 14:55:50] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: He's here to collect Kusari women I bet!
[08.06.2017 14:55:55] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: More arrives. Seems we have a party. Should have brought drinks.
[08.06.2017 14:55:58] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Ho no... Nobushi is here!
[08.06.2017 14:56:15] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: We meet again, Archangel.
[08.06.2017 14:56:23] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Nani? You know that person?
[08.06.2017 14:56:25] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Ugh, great..
[08.06.2017 14:56:36] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Mmmmhm.
[08.06.2017 14:56:40] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: I see we also have an Exile guest here.
[08.06.2017 14:56:46] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Can't even vacation in peace, it seems.
[08.06.2017 14:56:49] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: You two did not... Eh...
[08.06.2017 14:57:01] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Guest? I think that would be all of you
[08.06.2017 14:57:26] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: As our honorable host, shouldn't you dance and entertain us then?
[08.06.2017 14:57:28] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Tau-29 is far from being a vacationonal place, especially for someone flying your colors.
[08.06.2017 14:58:12] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Doesn't that make all of us uninvited guests, Exile?
[08.06.2017 14:58:18] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: And as an honorable guest you could at least infrom us before coming
[08.06.2017 14:58:35] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: But when I do, people yell at me!
[08.06.2017 14:58:36] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Hai, it does make you that
[08.06.2017 14:58:51] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: If you take the Gallia Crown's word, everything is theirs.
[08.06.2017 14:59:10] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: It's supposed to be a DMZ here though...
[08.06.2017 14:59:19] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: No it doesn't. The vicinity of Freeport 6 is not your space, neither it is ours.
[08.06.2017 14:59:19] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: And it's not like we're seeing a valor here so far.
[08.06.2017 14:59:24] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: If you take Maltese word, they would shoot you.
[08.06.2017 14:59:49] Death: Enma.Loyola. suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[08.06.2017 15:00:34] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Aren't there better places for you to operate from, Libertonian?
[08.06.2017 15:01:03] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Ryota-san doesn't like Archangel?
[08.06.2017 15:01:20] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Depends on your point of view. This is idealy the best operational point. Zoner space, so no conflict, and people are impatrial
[08.06.2017 15:01:34] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Iie, Liberty fights Gallia and for that is our friend, but we like to have information of their operations in our space
[08.06.2017 15:02:16] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Perhaps you could try to stop pressuring Nago station?
[08.06.2017 15:02:16] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: And you think that some frogs could care less of the Zoner laws?
[08.06.2017 15:02:23] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: I mean, there is just workers there.
[08.06.2017 15:02:36] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: The Freeport stands unharmed, does it not?
[08.06.2017 15:02:40] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: And that battlecruiser keeping its turrets aimed at the station. It's mean!
[08.06.2017 15:02:55] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Hai, because they still do not know Liberty Navy uses it
[08.06.2017 15:03:23] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Why do you think there is not a large GRN presence in this system, Ryota-san?
[08.06.2017 15:03:24] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Akatsuki is here to watch over the whole system
[08.06.2017 15:03:39] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Because of the treaty signed between Gallia and the Republic! That's why!
[08.06.2017 15:04:05] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: This system is not yours tho, in fact the next one is neither
[08.06.2017 15:04:27] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: That's what you claim. Claims are nothing but words.
[08.06.2017 15:04:34] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: The real reason for no frogs here, is because they have their hands full in Leeds
[08.06.2017 15:04:36] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Our presence here is a perfect example.
[08.06.2017 15:05:05] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: So Archangel, is that true the only reason of your presence is to find a new Kusari maid? Is it?!
[08.06.2017 15:05:24] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: I don't have use for a 'maid'
[08.06.2017 15:05:25] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Then you have little to no claim over whole Kusari, as i can go wherever as i want, as i want. Something i proved
[08.06.2017 15:05:32] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Don't mind Ubume, ESRD.
[08.06.2017 15:05:37] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Why not?!
[08.06.2017 15:05:45] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: I mean... Maids are fine.
[08.06.2017 15:06:09] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Actually, you may take her as your maid if that's what she's rushing you for.
[08.06.2017 15:06:19] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Nani nani nani?
[08.06.2017 15:06:19] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: I have little to no use of her.
[08.06.2017 15:06:27] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Feeling loved here.
[08.06.2017 15:06:29] Rules Tip: A single player running two or more instances of Freelancer for trading or mining purposes is against server rules and is regarded as cheating.
[08.06.2017 15:06:58] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: All of this is not because of that little Manchester mistake is it?
[08.06.2017 15:07:04] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Did you snitch on me, Archangel?!
[08.06.2017 15:07:10] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Nani?
[08.06.2017 15:07:16] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Ho... Eh..
[08.06.2017 15:07:20] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: N...Nothing at all.
[08.06.2017 15:07:22] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Don't know what you're talking about.
[08.06.2017 15:07:30] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Do explain.
[08.06.2017 15:07:42] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: There is nothing to explain! At all!
[08.06.2017 15:07:57] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Ask Ubume.
[08.06.2017 15:08:11] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Right. Report to my office later, Ubume. We'll have to talk about that.
[08.06.2017 15:08:16] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: *Chuckles* Seems you have some shady things going on within your ranks, Nobushi.
[08.06.2017 15:08:18] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: G...Gah..
[08.06.2017 15:08:54] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Meanwhile, I have something to discuss with you, ESRD. But apparently - just like yesterday- we're being interrupted by
[08.06.2017 15:09:00] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: unwanted individuals
[08.06.2017 15:09:15] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Talking with Liberty Navy? That must be important.
[08.06.2017 15:09:21] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Or am I the interruption?
[08.06.2017 15:09:41] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Do you want me to chase away Ryota-chan?
[08.06.2017 15:09:52] 2017-06-08 15:09:48 SMT WARNING: A hyperspace breach is being opened by [LN]-ESRD|Archangel
[08.06.2017 15:10:01] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Eh.. What..?
[08.06.2017 15:10:15] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Take him for a ride, Ubume.
[08.06.2017 15:10:17] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Faulty equipment. Grand.
[08.06.2017 15:10:29] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Okay!
[08.06.2017 15:10:34] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Chan? *Sighs* Just how young pilots do you people recruit these days
[08.06.2017 15:10:39] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Ryota-san.. Mind returning to Kyushu system, my friend?
[08.06.2017 15:10:47] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: I'm not young! I'm very skilled!
[08.06.2017 15:10:48] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Age is irrelevant, Exile.
[08.06.2017 15:11:13] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Iie, however what can be done, is that you can leave to your part of Kusari, or at least what you hold for time being
[08.06.2017 15:11:19] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: And have all the talks there
[08.06.2017 15:11:25] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Well that's sad.
[08.06.2017 15:11:31] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Because I really don't want to shoot you.
[08.06.2017 15:11:33] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Is that so? Make us, then.
[08.06.2017 15:11:37] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: I mean.. Aren't we friends?
[08.06.2017 15:11:47] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Iie. We're not.
[08.06.2017 15:11:51] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: And we're both members of the Naval Forces!
[08.06.2017 15:11:57] Death: SANIC: was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[08.06.2017 15:11:59] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Brothers and sisters!
[08.06.2017 15:12:03] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Iie. We're not.
[08.06.2017 15:12:26] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: *Chuckles* And then you say age is irrelevant..
[08.06.2017 15:12:51] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: So please... Please, Ryota-san.. Can you just go? We will pretend you had an urgent call from your wife or something like
[08.06.2017 15:12:53] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: that.
[08.06.2017 15:13:32] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: No wife, and no, you can not stay as you wish within our space. You would say the same if i was to fly into your space
[08.06.2017 15:13:32] Ping: 242ms (Max: 1000ms) Fluct: 9ms Loss: 25% (Max: 70%) Lag: 30% (Max: 100%)
[08.06.2017 15:13:35] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: And demand the same
[08.06.2017 15:13:49] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Move away, Exile.
[08.06.2017 15:13:56] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Oh well.. In that case... *Ubume checks the Eagle's weapon systems.*
[08.06.2017 15:14:04] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Are you ready, Ryota-san?
[08.06.2017 15:14:09] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Oh look now, i thought there were Zoner laws in place here.. *Laughs*
[08.06.2017 15:14:25] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Like the Naval Forces ever cared about No Fire Zones!
[08.06.2017 15:14:38] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Then don't act like you do.
[08.06.2017 15:14:52] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Nobushi, authorization to open fire?
[08.06.2017 15:15:48] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Granted.
[08.06.2017 15:15:59] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: *Sighs*
[08.06.2017 15:16:00] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Yahhhhh! *Screams over the comms*
[08.06.2017 15:16:19] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Alright, defending.
[08.06.2017 15:16:29] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Chase it away. Kill it if necessary.
[08.06.2017 15:16:36] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Ryoukai!
[08.06.2017 15:25:40] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: You're taking too long, Ubume. Eight and 23 seconds have passed.
[08.06.2017 15:26:12] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: I wasn't keeping track... I was trying to make coffee. This instant coffee stuff doesn't take well without gravity.
[08.06.2017 15:29:12] Death: Botev was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[08.06.2017 15:31:44] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Alright? Will you go now?
[08.06.2017 15:31:49] {343}Ryota.M-Chusho: Iie.
[08.06.2017 15:31:55] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Destroy it.
[08.06.2017 15:31:56] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Oh well.
[08.06.2017 15:32:46] Death: {343}Ryota.M-Chusho was put out of action by [KNF]'Ubume'|66th (Gun).
[08.06.2017 15:32:53] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: You see! I'm very useful!
[08.06.2017 15:33:11] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Kuso... He scratched my hull.
[08.06.2017 15:33:18] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Eto.. I mean... Gomen.
[08.06.2017 15:33:36] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Fifteen minutes and 32 seconds.
[08.06.2017 15:33:54] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: *Audible Sigh* Right.
[08.06.2017 15:33:58] Death: (C~Hernan.Rosales was put out of action by [-=XTF=-]Renaissance (Gun).
[08.06.2017 15:34:15] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: That doesn't seem too bad.
[08.06.2017 15:34:35] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: I'd have to question your combat standards then.
[08.06.2017 15:34:53] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: I didn't even use a bot!
[08.06.2017 15:35:03] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Its not bad to stay intact, that is.
[08.06.2017 15:35:14] Death: (C~Jared.Nomak was put out of action by [-=XTF=-]Renaissance (Gun).
[08.06.2017 15:35:26] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Come on, I fought very well.
[08.06.2017 15:35:38] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: You could praise me at least once!
[08.06.2017 15:35:43] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Gold Wing doesn't allow more than seven.
[08.06.2017 15:35:46] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Perhaps you did, but you wasted time.
[08.06.2017 15:36:03] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Well... He was hard to hit, still...
[08.06.2017 15:36:53] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Douemo ii. I have a couple of inquiries for you, Archangelu.
[08.06.2017 15:36:54] Death: (C~Hernan.Rosales was put out of action by [-=XTF=-]Renaissance (Gun).
[08.06.2017 15:36:57] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel:
[08.06.2017 15:37:18] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Mmmmmhm.
[08.06.2017 15:38:16] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: A specific group of Freelancers have recently been flying in Kusari space, specifically Kyushu. They go by the name 'Forlorn'.
[08.06.2017 15:38:28] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Noticed.
[08.06.2017 15:38:48] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: It has come to my understanding that the group originates from Liberty, so I figured you'd know their deal.
[08.06.2017 15:39:27] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: What are they?
[08.06.2017 15:39:32] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: They serve as a group of Bounty Hunters within Liberty. So far they have been 'very successful'.
[08.06.2017 15:39:41] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: they were moving a lot of bases related supplies towards Manchester!
[08.06.2017 15:40:31] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Perhaps they were assisting a corporation in maintainance. Bretonia has a high density of modular installation.
[08.06.2017 15:40:47] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Maybe!
[08.06.2017 15:41:01] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: That is of no interest to the 66th.
[08.06.2017 15:41:07] Death: <f-'???' was put out of action by [-=XTF=-]Renaissance (Gun).
[08.06.2017 15:41:10] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: What else do you know about them?
[08.06.2017 15:41:44] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: They applied for a licence to operate illegal P-line vessels before. That's about it.
[08.06.2017 15:42:05] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Oh that's why you didn't mind the slaver transport.
[08.06.2017 15:42:16] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: I did not say it was approved.
[08.06.2017 15:42:29] Forlorn|-Hera: ?: And hello again
[08.06.2017 15:42:36] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Ohayo...
[08.06.2017 15:42:54] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Tch.
[08.06.2017 15:42:55] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Anything else, because I have my own choice of questions.
[08.06.2017 15:43:10] 2017-06-08 15:43:06 SMT Traffic control alert: Forlorn|-Hera has requested to dock
[08.06.2017 15:44:14] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: It has come to our knowledge that previously in the past, Liberty suffered from a NEMP attack - otherwise known as Nuclear
[08.06.2017 15:44:34] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Electromagnetic Pulse attack on a Jump Gate in the New York system.
[08.06.2017 15:44:48] 2017-06-08 15:44:43 SMT Traffic control alert: [KNF]'Ubume'|66th has requested to dock
[08.06.2017 15:44:49] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: What knowledge do you have in regards of such weapon?
[08.06.2017 15:44:55] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Nuclear Electro-Magnetic Pulse detonation on the California jumpgate... yes.
[08.06.2017 15:45:25] Death: <f-'???' was put out of action by [-=XTF=-]Renaissance (Gun).
[08.06.2017 15:45:29] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Considering that it is your conventional nuclear weapon, much.
[08.06.2017 15:46:12] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Simple enough mechanics. Being a nuclear device, primary charge gets slammed into the secondary, causing mass... energy use.
[08.06.2017 15:46:58] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: When deployed correctly, or detonated not as a ground detonation, there is the signature EMP wave.
[08.06.2017 15:47:03] Rules Tip: Do not threaten a player with reports or sanctions. If you see someone breaking server rules - help them. If that does not work - report them to the administration team on the Forums.
[08.06.2017 15:48:02] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: It is not that complex of a subject. Certain assets must be right to create such a damaging blast such as California.
[08.06.2017 15:48:11] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Souka. That much is understandable. However, my concern is in regards of the damage and destruction that it emitts.
[08.06.2017 15:48:28] Death: [-=XTF=-]Renaissance was put out of action by <f-'???' (Gun).
[08.06.2017 15:48:52] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: The damage was substantial, to say the least.
[08.06.2017 15:49:45] Death: <f-'???' was put out of action by [-=XTF=-]Renaissance (Gun).
[08.06.2017 15:49:47] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Damage was... repairable.
[08.06.2017 15:50:19] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: I see. But it is still enough to cripple a station or lets a heavy warship.
[08.06.2017 15:51:06] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: If it can disable a two-way connection of the legendary Ageria Jump-Gate,
[08.06.2017 15:51:39] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Disabling a station, or a warship of near any size, it a feat that can easily be done.
[08.06.2017 15:51:52] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Understandable.
[08.06.2017 15:52:15] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: That information will suffice for now.
[08.06.2017 15:52:29] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Good. The Type-19.
[08.06.2017 15:52:35] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Eh.. Sorry. I felt asleep.
[08.06.2017 15:52:40] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: I reckon you had your own questions, Shujutsu-san?
[08.06.2017 15:52:45] Death: [-=XTF=-]Renaissance was put out of action by <f-'???' (Collision).
[08.06.2017 15:52:51] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: You people are boring you know that! I wanted to talk about Kusari maids.
[08.06.2017 15:52:57] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: What is the designation? Who is the Commanding Officer.
[08.06.2017 15:53:23] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: You are dismissed at any time, Ubume- Ah. I am the Commanding Officer.
[08.06.2017 15:53:36] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Of the Type-19.
[08.06.2017 15:53:47] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Oh- Uh. Right.
[08.06.2017 15:54:08] Death: [-=XTF=-]Renaissance was put out of action by <f-'???' (Gun).
[08.06.2017 15:54:42] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Thomas Davis.
[08.06.2017 15:55:07] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: This is a Secondary CO, of what 'claimed rank' is this individual?
[08.06.2017 15:55:08] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Type 19..?
[08.06.2017 15:55:17] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: What kind of name is that.
[08.06.2017 15:55:24] Death: <f-'???' was put out of action by [-=XTF=-]Renaissance (Gun).
[08.06.2017 15:56:34] Death: [LN]-Daniel.Redding. was put out of action by 5th|LNS-Omaha (Gun).
[08.06.2017 15:56:34] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: The ship in question is the Type-19 LCS-Secession gunboat, CO is the Commander Thomas Davis.
[08.06.2017 15:57:22] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Uhoh...
[08.06.2017 15:57:26] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: That rings a bell.
[08.06.2017 15:57:27] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: The Type-19 in question claimed succession due to non-logical reasoning of infection, correct?
[08.06.2017 15:57:37] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: I...Maybe?
[08.06.2017 15:58:40] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: I wouldn't call it non-logical, but I'm reluctant to believe anyone defecting for the reason of infection right off the bat.
[08.06.2017 15:58:47] Death: <f-'???' was put out of action by [-=XTF=-]Renaissance (Gun).
[08.06.2017 15:58:49] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Where is the Type-19?
[08.06.2017 15:59:08] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Can't disclose.
[08.06.2017 15:59:47] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: How many were detained in the 'asylum' of the Type-19?
[08.06.2017 15:59:54] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Eh..
[08.06.2017 16:00:00] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Like we are told those things.
[08.06.2017 16:00:08] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Tokkeitai's playground.
[08.06.2017 16:00:36] Death: [-=XTF=-]Renaissance was put out of action by <f-'???' (Gun).
[08.06.2017 16:00:46] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: That information is not available, the 66th will ask to inspect the ship and interrogate the crew once the Tokkeitai and
[08.06.2017 16:00:53] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: the admiralty are done with their playtoys.
[08.06.2017 16:01:13] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: I expected results sooner. This was detained how long ago?
[08.06.2017 16:01:25] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Tuesday.
[08.06.2017 16:02:00] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Any information you can forward concerning the gunboat and its crew will be beneficial to our own investigation.
[08.06.2017 16:02:04] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: They are too busy making sandwitches!
[08.06.2017 16:02:17] Death: <f-'???' was put out of action by [-=XTF=-]Renaissance (Gun).
[08.06.2017 16:02:41] Death: [-=XTF=-]Renaissance suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[08.06.2017 16:02:44] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Secondary knowledge is not well kept. LIBGOV keeps track of them.
[08.06.2017 16:03:36] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: So what is this infection about anyway?
[08.06.2017 16:04:22] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Inform whoever needs to be informed.
[08.06.2017 16:05:00] Death: Angelica.Caras was put out of action by <f-'???' (Gun).
[08.06.2017 16:05:02] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: That the Liberty Navy wants their Type-19 back, as well as all the information involved, with the crew in its entirety.
[08.06.2017 16:06:05] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Do you think Liberty will make a formal complaint about it then?
[08.06.2017 16:06:20] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Whether we deliver is solely dependant on the results of our investigations.
[08.06.2017 16:06:46] Death: MarioBaros was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[08.06.2017 16:06:55] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: The Type-19 in Kusari posession is property of the Liberty Navy, and itself is a multi-million credit production.
[08.06.2017 16:07:10] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: A formal complaint should be expected.
[08.06.2017 16:07:21] Tip: You were a new player once. If you see someone making obvious mistakes, talk to them and help them.
[08.06.2017 16:07:47] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Given the situation you explained in regards of the LSF, Harmony and the Navy. I'm unsure who trust here.
[08.06.2017 16:07:57] Death: Angelica.Caras was put out of action by <f-'???' (Gun).
[08.06.2017 16:08:22] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Harmony? What is that.
[08.06.2017 16:08:47] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Trust either the House, or the single rogue battlegroup, that allies with Rhienlandic Terrorists.
[08.06.2017 16:09:41] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Trust them about what again? Did I miss something?!
[08.06.2017 16:09:41] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Perhaps. But it doesn't necessarily refute their claims of infection within your very Navy.
[08.06.2017 16:10:07] Death: Angelica.Caras was put out of action by <f-'???' (Gun).
[08.06.2017 16:10:16] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: You claimed yourself, that your very own forces were plagued with 'infection'
[08.06.2017 16:10:41] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Why is why we are very wary of anything that relates to it.
[08.06.2017 16:10:48] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Should I trust you, that you are not planning to steal the Type-19 for Kusari's Naval forces.
[08.06.2017 16:11:27] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Why would we do that?!
[08.06.2017 16:11:37] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Is that a ship with cutting edge technology?
[08.06.2017 16:11:47] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Not sure. Everyone has their own motives, don't they?
[08.06.2017 16:11:50] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: We have no intention or benefit in stealing an out-dated class ship
[08.06.2017 16:12:58] Death: Angelica.Caras was put out of action by <f-'???' (Gun).
[08.06.2017 16:13:00] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Then prove it, by getting what I wish for.
[08.06.2017 16:13:15] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: That's not for me to decide, I've already done what I can.
[08.06.2017 16:14:01] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: If your military or government would file an official complaint, that would be the proper way to ask for it.
[08.06.2017 16:14:09] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: With name disrection if possible.
[08.06.2017 16:14:35] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: I'll be sure to pass that along to the relevant parties.
[08.06.2017 16:15:15] Death: communist was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[08.06.2017 16:15:21] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Well that works then!
[08.06.2017 16:16:28] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Anything else?
[08.06.2017 16:16:49] Death: Angelica.Caras was put out of action by <f-'???' (Gun).
[08.06.2017 16:16:55] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: I do not have anything else, no.
[08.06.2017 16:17:06] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: If I remember correctly, someone has to explain Manchester.
[08.06.2017 16:17:06] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: So... Are you going to ask Nobushi out now?
[08.06.2017 16:17:09] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: You might be overstaying your welcome in the Taus.
[08.06.2017 16:17:10] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: She reaaaaally needs it. Aha.
[08.06.2017 16:17:12] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Perhaps.
[08.06.2017 16:17:24] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Oh- Yes.
[08.06.2017 16:17:27] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Oh he's gone.
[08.06.2017 16:17:31] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Oh well!
[08.06.2017 16:17:34] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Perhaps we should go!
[08.06.2017 16:17:35] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Oh. He didn't even ask me out.
[08.06.2017 16:17:39] [LN]-ESRD|Archangel: Don't leave out the details on intrusion into Bretonia.
[08.06.2017 16:17:42] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: Ruuuuude~!
[08.06.2017 16:17:52] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: W...What?
[08.06.2017 16:18:05] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: What intrusion?! Nothing happened!
[08.06.2017 16:18:06] [KNF]'Ubume'|66th: At all!
Kiyoko Hayashimura, Itto Kaisa
CO 66th Special Expeditionary Division
5FLT, Kusari Naval Forces
Comm ID:Kiyoko Hayashimura, Itto Kaisa. Recipient:KUCENTCOM Topic:Leave Request
I am contacting to express my wish to use my request an interim leave starting from the 19th of June. My absence will last until the end of the month. I see myself in need of a small vacation to attend to my personal affairs as well as to ease my mind.
With that out of the way, I would also like to express my concern over the leadership of the 66th during my absence. The responsibilities of the Commanding Officer of the 66th are now carried by callsign Ubume, I'm rather sure she would hold to her responsibilities accordingly.
Kiyoko Hayashimura, Itto Kaisa
CO 66th Special Expeditionary Division
5FLT, Kusari Naval Forces
Comm ID:Kiyoko Hayashimura, Itto Kaisa. Recipient:KUCENTCOM Topic:Patrol Reports
Hayashimura reporting,
On the 14th of July, approximately at 1641 in the Tohoku system, I came across an Order fighter in the vicinity of the Blood Dragons facility in the Nampo cloud. Upon inquiring the pilot about their presence in the system - which was not met with compliance - an engagement broke that eventually resulted in the destruction of the Order light fighter.
On the 15th, approx. 1434 in the New Tokyo system, an Outcast destroyer was spotted in the vicinity of Yokohama Shipyard inbound from the Kyushu jump gate. Iito Kaii Isayama Seiho was soon to arrive and keep the warship pinned until I could bring the heavy support needed to take down the ship. The Asahi took care of the job, thanks to Iito Kaii Isayama's assistance.
On the 16th, approx. 1717 in the New Tokyo system, during a routine flight check up for Matsuyama, scanners picked up signals of an Outcast warship from the close vicinity of Shinjuku station. Upon responding to the location, we were met with an Outcast dreadnought, inbound from Kyushu and heading towards Planet New Tokyo. The Matsuyama opened fire on the said warship before it could get any closer to the planet, eventually crippling it with acceptable received damage.
At approximately 2015 during a border check-up patrol in Sigma-13, a freelancer medium transport was found on the trade lane from the Frankfurt jump gate towards Helgoland station carrying illegal material, namely Black Market Munitions. The crew refused to comply with my preliminary demands to cut engines and submit for inspections; thus, the ship was neutralized, and the cargo destroyed.
22.July, 824 A.S
Battleship Matsumoto, Nagano system
Comm ID: Nito Kaii, Masaru Takeda
Recipient: Kusari Naval Forces Admiralty
Topic: Patrol report
Masaru Takeda reporting,
I went on patrol with Kijiro Nambu trough Nagano. As we reached the outter rim of the system we encountered a group of Blood Dragons. Their attempt to flee was a coward move, we chased after them trough the nothern Ice Cloud of Nagano. As we left the Ice Cloud the Dragons moved slower and we managed to catch up to them. As we were close enough for them they immidiatly engaged us and started a fight. We had to defend ourself no matter what happend. There were no casualties for the Kusarian Naval Forces today, all targets were eliminated.
Takeda Masaru,
Nito Kaii of the Kusari Naval Forces
Konbanwa, officers. Agent Majin, of the Kusari Naval Intelligence division here. You probably not accustomed to directly receiving our reports in the main network, but the division command has changed its policy, and believes the need for filtering of KNI intelligence to the Naval Forces operations was deemed unnecessary.
I write following reports of traffic disturbances in the Liberty border in the past week or so. One would expect piracy or some weird incursion, but hostile encounters were seldom reported in this disturbances. I took to the fields of Kepler and Galileo to investigate potential causes.
Evidently, something was causing commotion, as me and my team have located several new installation deployed along the tradelanes of Kepler and Galileo, in several stages of development.
First new discovery was near Ames research station, broadcasting the designation Port Tacoma. The installation seems distantly associated with the zoner community, and in a precarious state of development. We passed by the same location a day later to record progress, and the station remains debilitated, but apparently stable. Access to the station was not granted for inspection, and we will contact the zoners at Ames for further information.
Kepler held only this new presence, but it was not to be the sole perpetrator of the disturbances. On a prolonged patrol on the Galileo system, we stumbled upon a second installation on the Reppu Bend, in the Liberty area of influence.
This station designated Freeport 12 was stable, had some defenses online, and showed faint affinity with the zoners. Access to the station was granted, and we could verify that a sizeable market of goods was being established. Fortunately it appeared that illicit goods presence was residual so far, keeping up with regulations of Kusari. The only point of concern was the development of a workshop for restricted ship equipment (see annex notes).
Comm ID:Kiyoko Hayashimura, 'Nobushi', Itto Kaisa. Recipient:KUCENTCOM Topic:BIS incrusion
At approximately 1708 in the Tau-29 system, I came across a Liberty 'Guardian'-class ship flying Bretonian colors. Presumably, a ship for the Bretonian Intelligence Service. Judging by the interception trajectory, the ship had jumped out from the Baffin system before turning and fleeing away from me. Fortunately, the pilot stopped as I approached her, soon to be joined by her wingman. And in return, I was joined by 'iamthelaw' from the KNF secondary fleet. Therefore, I began interrogating the two agents about their reasons to be in Tau-29, I was only supplied with weak and illogical excuses and reasons, which made me more suspicious.
Unfortunately, my systems went dark for a short while. By the time my ship was back operational, the targets had already cruised away after my wingman had opened fire on one of them to prevent them from running away. I powered up my engines and pursued the targets through other routes to cut them off. Eventually, we arrived at the Gallic-occupied Edinburgh system, where we managed to down one of the agents as soon as I arrived. I set course back to the Taus as quick as possible to avoid drawing unnecessary attention from the Gauls, or any potential Bretonian reinforcements that may have been on the way. Hopefully, that delivers the required message to them.
However, on my trip back, I encountered a Blood Dragon ship in the vicinity of the Tau-29 jump gate in Tau-31. In addition, I overheard ships from the Union Corse calling said Dragons for talks, which indicated that there was possibly a large number of them. Bretonian Intelligence and Blood Dragons in the Taus doesn't seem very coincidental, especially that the Dragons have never shown much interest in that region.
[15.08.2017 20:08:48] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: I suggest you cut your engines, pilot.
[15.08.2017 20:09:08] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: Yes, pilot?
[15.08.2017 20:09:56] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: (Static)
[15.08.2017 20:10:01] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Ah. Interesting, an Armed forces vessel with Libertonian equipment in the Taus. Intellignece, right?
[15.08.2017 20:10:27] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: Well I'm sure you're aware that Liberty and Bretonia have a lend-lease agreement.
[15.08.2017 20:10:56] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: As to your second question, I can neither confirm nor deny.
[15.08.2017 20:11:29] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: I'll take that as a yes, for the time being. Now, I'm more concernd about what you're doing here in Tau-29.
[15.08.2017 20:12:19] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: I would suggest that that question be referred to the Bretonian Embassy at New Tokyo as I am not at Liberty to answer.
[15.08.2017 20:13:11] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: I'm not here to play politics, pilot. I ask questions, and you answer them respectively. You either do it now, or do it later
[15.08.2017 20:13:14] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: in detention.
[15.08.2017 20:13:34] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: The Naval Forces doesn't tolerate foreign intelligence in its vicinity.
[15.08.2017 20:13:52] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Especially if it's from the Kingdom of Bretonia.
[15.08.2017 20:14:35] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What the hell is this?
[15.08.2017 20:14:59] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: As far as I'm aware, Tau-29 is not within the territory of Kusari
[15.08.2017 20:15:29] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: As such, the conclusion that we are active within the vicinity of the KNF is ... incorrect.
[15.08.2017 20:16:05] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And what Business does the KNF have for holding us up?
[15.08.2017 20:16:33] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: The Imperials can claim what they want, if you're referring to that. Doesn't mean that it can be true.
[15.08.2017 20:16:52] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Has my agent broken any laws?
[15.08.2017 20:17:01] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: The system of Tau-29 has always been a shared territory between the Republic of Kusari and the Kingdom of Gallia.
[15.08.2017 20:17:54] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Your very presence in this system threatens the national security of the Republic. It is fishy for Bretonian intelligence-
[15.08.2017 20:18:06] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: pilots to be in this system, and I want to know why.
[15.08.2017 20:18:20] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You know we can't tell you that.
[15.08.2017 20:18:43] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: I wasn't giving you an option, pilot.
[15.08.2017 20:19:16] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: Apologies,
[15.08.2017 20:19:21] [SIS]-James.Skirka: When last I checked, the Republic of Kusari was at peace with the Empire. We wouldn't want to cause a diplomatic incident now.
[15.08.2017 20:19:30] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Would we?
[15.08.2017 20:19:36] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: If you would like to escort us out of the system, we will comply.
[15.08.2017 20:19:54] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: We we're unaware that this was considered shared territory, I'm sure it would better for the diplomats to handle this.
[15.08.2017 20:19:57] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Empire? You mean the Kingdom?
[15.08.2017 20:20:17] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Her majesty is 'Empress of the Tau'
[15.08.2017 20:21:00] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Tch. I doubt your so-called queen even went to the Taus in the first place.
[15.08.2017 20:21:16] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Fair point. In any case, how can we help?
[15.08.2017 20:21:36] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: If you're trying to fool me by acting like some foolish uninformed agents, you have to try again.
[15.08.2017 20:22:05] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: I doubt any intelligence agency would hire someone who isn't informed intergallactic treaties and agreements.
[15.08.2017 20:22:12] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: Quite frankly, we were unaware that your government considered this part of their territory. We have never seen any treaty,
[15.08.2017 20:22:29] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: agreement or document which confirms this to be as Kusari's territory.
[15.08.2017 20:22:40] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: That said, intelligence work doesn't stop at peace, does it?
[15.08.2017 20:22:51] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: So instead of causing a diplomatic incident, let us cooperate.
[15.08.2017 20:23:05] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: We will turn off our weapons, and you can escort us out of this system.
[15.08.2017 20:23:08] iamthelaw: Hold on law breakers
[15.08.2017 20:23:23] iamthelaw: Your stolen goods are now forfeit
[15.08.2017 20:23:32] iamthelaw: And look at that, you do not have enough money to pay the fine
[15.08.2017 20:23:35] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Not before you speak out what you were doing here, or even planning to do.
[15.08.2017 20:23:38] iamthelaw: So you will have to spend some time in jail
[15.08.2017 20:23:50] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Calm down, officer.
[15.08.2017 20:24:05] iamthelaw: Now, it's all over lawbreaker.
[15.08.2017 20:24:37] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: We were searching for the Rousillon jump hole, we were attempting to monitor the activities of Auxesia.
[15.08.2017 20:24:53] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: As you know, there are rumors that their leader is potentially infected by Nomads.
[15.08.2017 20:25:11] iamthelaw: Sheathe your weapons and surrender or be destroyed!
[15.08.2017 20:25:27] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Mind telling this chap to settle down as well?
[15.08.2017 20:25:36] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: As such, Bretonia needs to evaluate the situation in the independent worlds and reconsider our relationship with that -
[15.08.2017 20:25:39] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: organization.
[15.08.2017 20:26:42] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Oh. Don't mind him, he might be suffering from the Lawl's Syndrome, we'll have him checked up soon.
[15.08.2017 20:26:53] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: Thank you.
[15.08.2017 20:28:41] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Auxesai doesn't normally operate in the Taus region, how come you think that they may be operating there?
[15.08.2017 20:30:22] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: Our intelligence suggests that they have been making erratic incursions out of the independent worlds
[15.08.2017 20:30:37] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: We needed to monitor there movements as a result.
[15.08.2017 20:30:56] iamthelaw: You do not need to be here to do that
[15.08.2017 20:31:04] iamthelaw: Why are you here?
[15.08.2017 20:31:08] iamthelaw: Explain, now.
[15.08.2017 20:31:15] iamthelaw: Your stolen goods are forfeit.
[15.08.2017 20:31:27] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Fine by me.
[15.08.2017 20:32:26] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Auxesia is supposed to be closer to Bretonia than the Taus. Our information suggests that they reside in a system close to
[15.08.2017 20:32:28] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Cortez.
[15.08.2017 20:32:32] iamthelaw: Now pay the fine or go to jail.
[15.08.2017 20:33:03] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: Thank you for the intelligence sharing, our intelligence has also suspected the same for quite some time now
[15.08.2017 20:33:41] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Huh? A bit surprising that you aren't quite aware of that, considering the close relations you two have.
[15.08.2017 20:59:50] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: You shouldn't leave without notice, pilot.
[15.08.2017 21:00:00] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: You are in Bretonian territory. Illegally.
[15.08.2017 21:00:04] [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry: You do not have permission to be here
[15.08.2017 21:00:13] [KNF]'Nobushi'|66th: Last I checked, this was Gallic. [15.08.2017 21:00:38] Death: [SIS]-Adrienne.Perry was put out of action by iamthelaw (Gun).
[15.08.2017 20:51:33] [UC]-Jose.Nivalgo: This is Jose Nivalgo of the Unione Corse, to all ToI vessels in the area.
[15.08.2017 20:51:47] [UC]-Jose.Nivalgo: I would like to meet you. For conversation. Please send me coordinates.
[15.08.2017 20:52:09] {ToI}Imari.Settan: We are currenly unable to assist
[15.08.2017 20:52:27] [UC]-Jose.Nivalgo: Is there something I might help you with?
[15.08.2017 20:52:32] {ToI}Imari.Settan: please contact us via Neural Net
[15.08.2017 20:52:49] [UC]-Jose.Nivalgo: As you wish. Thank you for your precious time.
Kiyoko Hayashimura, Itto Kaisa
CO 66th Special Expeditionary Division
5FLT, Kusari Naval Forces