Comm ID:Kiyoko Hayashimura, 'Nobushi', Itto Kaisa. Recipient:KUCENTCOM Topic:Sigma tensions; Dragons
On the 16th of August at approximately 1336, I, Captain Kiyoko Hayashimura of the 66th Division, proceeded to conduct a patrol into the Frankfurt system of the Federal Republic of Rheinland in accordance with the Rheinland Treaty of the 13th of June of the year 820. During my trip through the Sigma-13 system, I encountered a fighter squadron from the Rheinwher commandeered by Admiral Driedrik Sterr as well as a GMG detachment presumably led by Guildmaster Kara Yukari in the close vicinity of Helgoland station. Unfortunately, I was only able to catch a glimpse of the conversation before the GMG ships proceeded to dock on the station.
However, I was granted the opportunity to converse with Admiral Sterr as a representative of the Kusari Kaigun. Admiral Sterr expressed his concern to the latest GMG actions towards Rheinland and in the Sigmas, claiming that the GMG Guildmaster had opened fire on his ship as the Rheinwher officers were enforcing the Sigmas Treaty signed between the Federal Republic of Rheinland and the Gas Miners Guild. I was relayed to a news article published by the Rheinland Imperator, a Rheinland newsletter, the article expressed concern and materialistic evidence of the GMG's association and possible alliance with Rheinland criminal and terrorist organizations such as the Red Hessians Army, as well as intergalactic terrorist organizations such as the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army. It is not far fetched that the GMG would collaborate more openly with criminal organizations inside of Kusari if they had already declared their association with Rheinland terrorist organizations. Thus, in accordance with the responsibilities given to me by attaining my rank, I took the opportunity to express the Naval Forces concern of the GMG's actions and reassured the welfare of Kusari's good relations with our Rheinland neighbors. In addition, Admiral Sterr approved my request to relay evidence and more information regarding the GMG's latest actions to the Kaigun; thus, the admiralty circle should be expecting a communication soon. Following the conversation, I was given the liberty to join the Rheinwher pilots on their way back to Frankfurt where the Rheinwher pilots departed for their headquarters in Munich.
At approximately 1709, two hostile dragon ship under the affiliation of the Tears of Izanagi subgroup were spotted in the vicinity of the Tau-37 jump hole in the Nagano system. My orders for the pilot to stop were met with compliance. Thus, I proceeded to interrogate the pilots about their presence and assignment; nothing of significant interest despite their willingness to put a stop to the Cardamine trade through Kusari. The Dragons expressed their neutral and indecisive stance towards the terrorist organization of the Golden Chrysanthemums, I attempted to manipulate the pilots into convincing their leaders to denounce the Chrysanthemums to help put an end to the Cardamine business in Kusari. However, the pilots were mindless warriors, seemingly incapable of expressing their own thoughts or advice to their leader; thus, the outcome of the discussion is yet to be known. Taking into consideration that I was outnumbered two-to-one against the Dragons, and as a token for their cooperation, I escorted the Dragons to their battleship, Kokura before departing for Matsumoto.
On another note, the 66th Expeditionary Taskforce has not received any new orders following the call back to Kusari from the Omicrons as the Exiles captured planet Kyushu. The 66th efforts have been mainly focused on enforcing the 2nd Fleet against the Exile forces. However, as the conflict seems to be calming down, the 66th is requesting new directives from the admiralty board.
That is the end of my report. Unity! Honor! Vigilance!
[16.08.2017 16:36:03] GMG|Yukari.Maru: Yukari: So what do you plan on doing here now?
[16.08.2017 16:36:24] [RM]Lt.Karlmann.Faust: Hailing KNF Hayashimura.
[16.08.2017 16:36:34] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: Greetings, military pilots.
[16.08.2017 16:36:37] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: As we have been, we're guarding the space near Helgoland and the Frankfurt gate.
[16.08.2017 16:36:48] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Guten tag, kusarian representative.
[16.08.2017 16:37:07] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: I assume you are on patrol to the Frankfurt system?
[16.08.2017 16:37:10] [RM]Hm.Hans.Eberhardt: Guten tag, Kusarian.
[16.08.2017 16:37:10] Death: CNS-Yoshimura suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[16.08.2017 16:37:10] GMG|Yukari.Maru: Yukari: Is disrupting tradelanes part of this guarding?
[16.08.2017 16:37:52] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Leutnant Faust's guns obviously missfired.
[16.08.2017 16:38:28] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: Hai, indeed. However, I was that a fuss was going around Helgoland. I thought i'd investigate.
[16.08.2017 16:38:39] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: I overheard, rather.
[16.08.2017 16:38:44] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: I won't ask.
[16.08.2017 16:38:52] GMG|Yukari.Maru: Yukari: Mister Maddox, go back to your service, we let the Rheinland Military do the dirty work.
[16.08.2017 16:38:57] 2017-08-16 16:39:03 SMT Traffic control alert: GMG|Yukari.Maru has requested to dock
[16.08.2017 16:39:05] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: The Guildmistress here is unaware of the existance of the Sigma treaty.
[16.08.2017 16:39:08] GMG|Vincent.Maddox: Roger that. RTB
[16.08.2017 16:39:15] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: Ah. A pity.
[16.08.2017 16:39:26] [RM]Hm.Hans.Eberhardt: They finally saw raeson?
[16.08.2017 16:39:27] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: She opened fire on my ship and attempted to exert authority on my men, and me.
[16.08.2017 16:39:38] [RM]Hm.Hans.Eberhardt: Reason even.
[16.08.2017 16:40:08] [RM]Lt.Karlmann.Faust: Admiral, I really don't like these GMG people.
[16.08.2017 16:40:26] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: That's a rather blunt thing to do. It seems the GMG aren't keen on respecting their neighbors.
[16.08.2017 16:40:29] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Soldat, your opinions to yourself and the rest of the wing when you return to HQ.
[16.08.2017 16:40:48] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Remember your grade.
[16.08.2017 16:41:14] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: They themselves declared they were having trouble with unioner parties recently.
[16.08.2017 16:41:33] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Up to the point there Helgoland and the gas miner ahead were suffering damage
[16.08.2017 16:41:35] Death: StDH5 was put out of action by Executioner (Gun).
[16.08.2017 16:41:41] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Ence our presence here.
[16.08.2017 16:41:54] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: As you can see, this is no invasion force, but a mere patrol.
[16.08.2017 16:42:07] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Our good will seems to offend these people
[16.08.2017 16:43:15] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Furthermore, we attempted to negotiate ways to clear their apparent ties with the S.C.R.A and the Red Hessian Army
[16.08.2017 16:43:21] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: It sounds like they've been hit where they're hurt; their incompetence.
[16.08.2017 16:43:30] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Our kindness was rejected just the same.
[16.08.2017 16:44:12] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: In the case of his Guildmistress, who is unaware of the existance of the Sigma treaty, opens fire on the admiral of the-
[16.08.2017 16:44:34] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: -Rheinwehr and endangers the most important connection between our nation, I am afraid so.
[16.08.2017 16:44:47] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Nations, excuse me.
[16.08.2017 16:45:14] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: I believe we have not been introduced, fellow kusarian.
[16.08.2017 16:45:19] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: May I ask, name and rank?
[16.08.2017 16:45:50] Death: Another's.PvP.Disguise was put out of action by Executioner (Gun).
[16.08.2017 16:46:02] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: Hayashimura Kiyoko, Captain of the Kusari Kaigun and commanding officer of the 66th Expeditionary Division.
[16.08.2017 16:46:07] Death: StDH5 was put out of action by Executioner (Gun).
[16.08.2017 16:46:21] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: Pleased to meet you, admiral.
[16.08.2017 16:46:24] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: I am Admiral Driedrik Sterr.
[16.08.2017 16:46:26] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: My pleasure.
[16.08.2017 16:46:38] Death: Vasili.Vn'Yok was put out of action by Executioner (Gun).
[16.08.2017 16:47:16] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: If the GMG threatens members of the Rheinwher, that indicates that they would also dare to do the same to pilots of the Kaigun.
[16.08.2017 16:47:32] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: I am afraid so.
[16.08.2017 16:47:36] Tip: Did you end up lost? Can't find your way back? Use the Interactive NavMap on our forums.
[16.08.2017 16:48:00] [RM]Kpt.Roland.Kaiser: Guten Tag.
[16.08.2017 16:48:01] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Regardless, there is no reason for alarm just yet.
[16.08.2017 16:48:04] [RM]Ge.Hans.Von.Brandt: Ah, It's Kapitan Kaiser.
[16.08.2017 16:48:11] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Guten tag soldat. You are late.
[16.08.2017 16:48:22] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: If I can be supplied with more material evidence, I'd be pleased to report the incident to the admiralty circle for any future
[16.08.2017 16:48:25] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: incident.
[16.08.2017 16:48:40] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: Incidents, pardon me.
[16.08.2017 16:48:43] [RM]Kpt.Roland.Kaiser: Verzeihung Admiral, there was some work to do for me.
[16.08.2017 16:48:53] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Although at the rate the Guild seems to try to escalate this situation, starting with their alledged ties with terrorists...
[16.08.2017 16:49:19] [RM]Hm.Hans.Eberhardt: They clearly tried to provoke a fight by declaring our presence here a declaration of war and firing upon the admiral.
[16.08.2017 16:49:39] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: The Rheinland Imperator, one of our newspapers, as already elaborated on the subject and summarizes my statements on the-
[16.08.2017 16:49:39] [RM]Hm.Hans.Eberhardt: And then backing out. They seem to want to make us look like the aggressor.
[16.08.2017 16:49:41] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Matter.
[16.08.2017 16:49:55] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: They quoted me after all.
[16.08.2017 16:50:07] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: I believe you'll be able to access it from Kusari on your neural net.
[16.08.2017 16:50:11] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: About this incident, well.
[16.08.2017 16:50:28] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: We were told to "leave" and then I my shields disabled by solaris class gunfire.
[16.08.2017 16:51:03] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Herr Eberhardt.
[16.08.2017 16:51:05] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: Hai. I have already read the article mae by the newspaper. Truly concerning.
[16.08.2017 16:51:11] [RM]Hm.Hans.Eberhardt: Ja, herr admiral?
[16.08.2017 16:51:11] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: Made, rather.
[16.08.2017 16:51:51] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Request permission next time.
[16.08.2017 16:52:10] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Guten tag freelancer.
[16.08.2017 16:52:18] [RM]Hm.Hans.Eberhardt: Verstanden!
[16.08.2017 16:52:57] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: If you require so, I'll glandly send you the assorted evidence.
[16.08.2017 16:53:38] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: The relation between our houses is a thing we cherish and we do not mean to disrespect.
[16.08.2017 16:54:27] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: That would be appreciated. The admiralty board would want to be informed of the GMG's recent irresponsible actions.
[16.08.2017 16:55:01] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: Any threat to Rheinland in the region is a threat to Kusari as well.
[16.08.2017 16:55:07] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: In that case I will have a transmission prepared for the admiralty shorty.
[16.08.2017 16:55:14] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: That's what we believe and that's why we came here.
[16.08.2017 16:55:26] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: Thank you, admiral.
[16.08.2017 16:55:41] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: You are welcome in Rheinwehr installations anytime, kaptain.
[16.08.2017 16:55:57] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: If there is nothing else you wish to discuss, we will take our leave.
[16.08.2017 16:56:37] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: That is all. Thank you for the conversation. I'll be heading to the Frankfurt system now, if you don't have any inquiries.
[16.08.2017 16:56:57] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Of course not. You may accompany us if you are so inclined.
[16.08.2017 16:57:06] [RM]Hm.Hans.Eberhardt: Men, prepare to move!
[16.08.2017 16:57:08] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Soldaten, enter formation and follow me.
[16.08.2017 16:57:13] [RM]Lt.Karlmann.Faust: Jawohl!
[16.08.2017 16:57:13] [RM]Fw;Richard.Fiedler: Jawohl
[16.08.2017 16:57:16] [RM]Kpt.Roland.Kaiser: Verstanden.
[16.08.2017 16:57:22] [RM]Ge.Lukas.Adorf: Jawohl.
[16.08.2017 16:57:28] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: I would be honered.
[16.08.2017 16:57:41] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: You are welcome to form up with us.
[16.08.2017 16:58:14] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Soldaten, march.
[16.08.2017 16:58:22] [RM]Lt.Karlmann.Faust: Jawohl!
[16.08.2017 16:59:29] [RM]Lt.Karlmann.Faust: clear
[16.08.2017 16:59:46] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Affirmative.
[16.08.2017 16:59:48] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Enter formation.
[16.08.2017 16:59:52] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: Entering formation.
[16.08.2017 17:00:05] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: March!
[16.08.2017 17:00:12] [RM]Lt.Karlmann.Faust: On formation!
[16.08.2017 17:01:04] [RM]Ge.Hans.Von.Brandt: Negative, Schwerin.
[16.08.2017 17:01:10] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Soldaten, return to HQ in Munich.
[16.08.2017 17:01:16] [RM]Hm.Hans.Eberhardt: Verstande.
[16.08.2017 17:01:21] [RM]Lt.Karlmann.Faust: Jawohl!
[16.08.2017 17:01:44] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Herr Hayashimura, it's been a pleasure.
[16.08.2017 17:01:57] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: You are invited to stay in our installations until you are done with your business here.
[16.08.2017 17:02:11] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: I will have that transmission prepared shortly.
[16.08.2017 17:02:25] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Now, if you would excuse me, I must attend to our front in Munich.
[16.08.2017 17:02:28] [KNF]Ik.K.Hayashimura: The pleasure is mine, admiral. Thank you for your hospitality.
[16.08.2017 17:02:47] [RM]Adm.Driedrik.Sterr: Good bye, captain.
[16.08.2017 20:08:53] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Halt, hostile ship.
[16.08.2017 20:09:20] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: Well, what is an KNF ship doing in Nagano?
[16.08.2017 20:09:29] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: That question is for you to answer.
[16.08.2017 20:09:49] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: What is a Blood Dragon ship doing in the Nagano system at the entrance to the Taus region.
[16.08.2017 20:10:31] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: Well I just came from Tau 37 and now I will head to my next waypoint.
[16.08.2017 20:10:40] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Why were you in Tau-37?
[16.08.2017 20:10:41] Tip: The world of Freelancer is full of ambiguity just like real life is. Not all characters showing up as hostile are your enemies. Likewise - not all characters showing up as neutral are your friends.
[16.08.2017 20:10:55] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: You know that it is not very friendly to not answer a question that is given in first place?
[16.08.2017 20:11:01] Death: Slylandro was put out of action by Bill_Davion (Gun).
[16.08.2017 20:11:06] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: I ask the questions here.
[16.08.2017 20:11:20] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: Also, you know that it is not very friendly to not say the name and a warm greeting in first place?
[16.08.2017 20:11:36] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: So, I am Mizu Lee, and welcome to Nagano KNF pilot.
[16.08.2017 20:11:47] CONSOLE: Base Xuanming Trade Centre is under attack by {ToI}Bakushi!
[16.08.2017 20:11:47] Death: L\-'Vanal' was put out of action by Cadaver (Gun).
[16.08.2017 20:11:58] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Eh.
[16.08.2017 20:12:14] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Nobushi, Captain, 66th Expeditioary Division of the Kusari Naval Forces.
[16.08.2017 20:12:35] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: Nice to meet you.
[16.08.2017 20:12:54] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: If you're done with the pleasanteries, I need an answers to my questions.
[16.08.2017 20:13:06] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: So, I was following a target, a Freelancer to the Tau 37, but I lost him over there.
[16.08.2017 20:13:21] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Who is that freelancer, and why were you following him?
[16.08.2017 20:13:22] Death: Bill_Davion was put out of action by L\-'Vanal' (Gun).
[16.08.2017 20:13:52] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: I just wanted to scan his cargo hold for Cardamin drugs, but he was to fast for me to scan him.
[16.08.2017 20:14:07] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: What is his identification?
[16.08.2017 20:14:42] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: 'Rover' it did say. Was all data that I was able to extract in time.
[16.08.2017 20:14:54] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Noted.
[16.08.2017 20:15:07] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: What is your next destination?
[16.08.2017 20:15:16] Death: BHG|Mephistoles was put out of action by L\-'Vanal' (Gun).
[16.08.2017 20:15:19] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: We experienced an increase in the Cardamine smuggle in the last days.
[16.08.2017 20:15:38] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Your Chrysanthemum friends can be blamed for that.
[16.08.2017 20:16:21] Death: L\-'Vanal' was put out of action by Cadaver (Gun).
[16.08.2017 20:16:56] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: We are very unhappy of Cardamine smuggle, but I can not say if this has to do with the GC.
[16.08.2017 20:17:18] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: I just do partroling against it.
[16.08.2017 20:17:41] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: It's rather obvious, a large proportion of the Chrysanthemum population is dependant on Cardamine; not to mention, they're also
[16.08.2017 20:17:47] {ToI}silverlight: Ah, an honourable Ashigaru. What do we owe the pleasure?
[16.08.2017 20:17:52] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: allied to the Outcasts - the main shippers of Cardamine.
[16.08.2017 20:18:08] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: I see you've received backup.
[16.08.2017 20:18:14] {ToI}silverlight: I'm not backup.
[16.08.2017 20:18:23] {ToI}silverlight: There is no reason for this to get nasty
[16.08.2017 20:18:33] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Cooperate, and it won't.
[16.08.2017 20:18:42] {ToI}silverlight: Same for you.
[16.08.2017 20:18:57] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: I have no reason to cooperate with you.
[16.08.2017 20:19:06] {ToI}silverlight: Now, we don't like to Corsairs, they smuggle this drug.
[16.08.2017 20:19:19] {ToI}silverlight: Then we have no reason to work with you either, but still here we are.
[16.08.2017 20:19:52] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Don't push your luck. You're only here because I'm allowing it.
[16.08.2017 20:20:11] {ToI}silverlight: Our relationship with GC is still yet to be decided, our Daimyo hasn't made that choice yet.
[16.08.2017 20:20:33] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Take my advice for it, and put an end to them.
[16.08.2017 20:20:54] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: The only thing they're doing is violate and damage Kusari and the people.
[16.08.2017 20:21:07] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: 'Nobushi' you are a good Ahigaru, and you want to do the best of Kusary people.
[16.08.2017 20:21:14] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: We can see that in some way.
[16.08.2017 20:21:15] {ToI}silverlight: That isn't my choice to make, if you want to talk about philosophical matters you should speak with our Daimyo
[16.08.2017 20:21:25] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: They're one of the main reasons why this Cardamine business is intensifying.
[16.08.2017 20:21:38] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: I do not wish to talk to your Daimyo.
[16.08.2017 20:22:18] {ToI}silverlight: Then your words are falling on deaf ears, for we cannot make such changes
[16.08.2017 20:22:24] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: If you, Dragons, can't keep your Chrysanthemum lapdogs in check, we will handle them our own way.
[16.08.2017 20:22:37] {ToI}silverlight: And have no ill feelings towards the GC, it isnt our choice to make.
[16.08.2017 20:22:37] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Relay it to your Daiymo, are you not his soldiers?
[16.08.2017 20:22:50] {ToI}silverlight: Soliders, yes. Messengers, no.
[16.08.2017 20:23:10] {ToI}Mizu.Lee: Exactly.
[16.08.2017 20:23:16] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Soldiers are messengers, to an extent.
[16.08.2017 20:23:24] {ToI}silverlight: Warriors are not.
[16.08.2017 20:23:41] {ToI}silverlight: Mizu, you have a few Farmers Alliance pilots in your hold
[16.08.2017 20:23:56] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: And you have contraband in yours.
[16.08.2017 20:24:01] {ToI}silverlight: Perhaps the KNF could put them to better use, we dont have the space for them
[16.08.2017 20:24:31] {ToI}silverlight: Ah, yes, that. It came from a smuggler. Do you want it or should i shoot it as i originally intended?
[16.08.2017 20:24:46] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Feel free to shoot it.
[16.08.2017 20:24:58] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Good.
[16.08.2017 20:25:09] {ToI}silverlight: So these pilots,
[16.08.2017 20:25:18] {ToI}silverlight: We don't have space for them back home,
[16.08.2017 20:25:29] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: They'll be transfered to Fuchu.
[16.08.2017 20:25:37] {ToI}silverlight: Really if you don't take them, they will probably suffer a similar fate to that contraband
[16.08.2017 20:25:45] {ToI}silverlight: Ah, very good
[16.08.2017 20:26:35] {ToI}silverlight: Right, well we are heading off now, we are late to Kokura
[16.08.2017 20:27:32] {ToI}silverlight: This encounter was a good one, well, better than the previous
[16.08.2017 20:27:36] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: A KoS order has been put on any Blood Dragon ship in the 10K radius around Xuanming, considering that you seem to have some
[16.08.2017 20:27:46] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: aims towards the installation.
[16.08.2017 20:27:55] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Take my advice, and keep away.
[16.08.2017 20:27:55] {ToI}silverlight: What proof do you have that we have entered that radius
[16.08.2017 20:28:01] {ToI}silverlight: Ahh, I see
[16.08.2017 20:28:09] {ToI}silverlight: Thank you for your warning
[16.08.2017 20:28:30] {ToI}silverlight: I'll take a note of that but If my daimyo commands against it I will have to comply with his orders.
[16.08.2017 20:28:36] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Otherwise, the interaction would neither be as long and friendly as this one.
[16.08.2017 20:28:59] {ToI}silverlight: Safe flying Ashigaru, you do a great service for the people of Kusari.
[16.08.2017 20:29:32] [KNF]'Nobushi',|66th: Standard protocols suggest that I should eleminate you; however, due to your cooperation, you will be let go.
Kiyoko Hayashimura, Itto Kaisa
CO 66th Special Expeditionary Division
5FLT, Kusari Naval Forces
Comm ID:Itto Kaisa HAYASHIMURA, Kiyoko Recipient:KUCENTCOM Topic:Dragon Incrusions
Itto Kaisa Hayashimura Kiyoko reporting. On the 17th of the August, 824. Approximately at 1425 in the close vicinity of Xuanming Trade Center in the Nagano system, two Blood Dragon affiliated ships branching under the subgroup of the Tears of Izanagi were spotted. Utilizing cloaking technolgy, the ships were able to disappear and escape as soon as I appeared in range for an interception. However, knowing their foul intent to damage the trade space around Xuanming, I managed to successfully bait one of them into deactivating their cloaking device for me to intercept them. Successfully doing so, An engagement started between the Raijin I was piloting and the hostile Dragons fighter in the occupied Chugoku system. To say the least, lack of determination and skill was displayed by the enemy pilot as they forced me to indulge in a cat-and-mouse between the Nagano and Chugoku. During the engagement, the pilot's wingman had arrived and moved in to assist them, in vain, however. The engagement ended in the proximity of the Dragon's hideout Kyoto with the downing of the hostile pilot as it tried to crash-dock into the station. By the time the first ship was disposed of, the other OPFOR pilot abandoned their comrade and ran away towards the Nagano system, no sign of the ship was traced upon heading back to Battleship Matsumoto for repairs, reporting minimal hull damage and excessive ammunition loss.
In another situation at approx. 1750, during a standard patrol in New Tokyo, I was informed by a passing IMG convoy of a Blood Dragons raid party engaging trade convoys and civilians in the vicinity of Planet New Tokyo. I responded there officer Suzuki Akina of the Kusari State Police, utilizing the TLAGS Network at the disposal of the State Police, we were able to successfully track the party heading towards the Shikoku system. Last entry suggested that they had exited the tradelane at Deshima station. Following my judgment, we proceeded to investigate the Keiun Cloud to the south of the system where we indeed have found the OPFOR party consisting of a Gunboat and two fighter crafts from the Tears of Izanagi subgroup. I proceeded to contact Myoko command for backup, however for the friendly forces to arrive it would have taken time and the Dragons would have received more forces by that time. Thus, both of myself and officer Suzuki saw fit to engage the hostiles on our own, successfully neutralizing all hostile ships in the cloud with minimal damage. My personal commendations go to officer Suzuki Akina for her hard work.
Following the concerning transmissions issued by both Rheinland Military and Gas Miner Guild regarding tensions in Sigma systems between those two entities, the Admirals circle took the decision to send a high ranked member of the Admiralty to personally assess the situation in the area. Since Vice-Admiral Sakamoto is currently busy in Kyushu system, Rear-Admiral Ishikawa is on a short time leave and Rear-Admiral Shimoe is assigned is currently assigned to Yokosuka dotation project, I took upon myself to make the trip to Frankfurt system via Sigma 13. Captain Hayashimura was kind enough to provide an escort; her presence was more than welcome, given her experience with the Guild.
By reaching Sigma 13, we encountered the current Guildmaster of Gas Miner Guild, namely Yukari Kara. Subsequent talks were undertaken in the vicinity of Helgoland station.
[KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: That is the station which used to be operated by ALG, correct, Yukari-san?
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Hai. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: You appeared to be quite stressed, earlier.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: If two nations are about to attack you, this is quite possible. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Two, you say?
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Hai, you included. That is because of the Rheinland Military's false interpretations. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: That is quite a bold interpretation, Yukari-san. The Republic of Kusari, to my knowledge, did not issue an ultimatum to Gas Miner Guild or displayed any hostility.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Yet. What will you do, if Rheinland attacks us? Are you telling me they did not already ask for your help? That is what I would do in their situation after all. Not to mention that your high command demands things from the Guild to assure that your interference won't happen. Which makes me think that your militaristic preference lies with Rheinland. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: We value regular communication with our neighbors. We naturally have a diplomatic and strategic channel opened with House Rheinland. So do we with House Liberty and House Gallia. Such a grid does not exist with Gas Miner Guild for historical reasons.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: And in this case, Sigma thirteen is the trouble zone. Rheinland aims to conquer this system. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: I believe you are mistaken, Yukari-san. Naval Forces Admiralty did not demand anything to the GMG so far.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: So I will ask you the same as I asked one of the Itto Kaisa's yesterday. What will you do if Rheinland attacks? [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: The Admiralty did not reach a consensus regarding that question, Yukari-san. And it is partly the reason of my presence here, today.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Good, that at least is something. So tell me your story of the events that have reached Kusari about this so far. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: From what I understood, you opened fire on a Rheinland Military ship, and declared your treaty with House Rheinland as void?
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Let's come to the treaty issue first. Hai, no treaty that has ever been made with Rheinland means anything to me. The one that Admiral Sterr used to justify his actions was seven years ago. Different administration, different rules. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Well. That is not without precedent. Gas Miner Guild declared Aomori treaty as void during Kurile crisis.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Admiral Sterr and a squadron of his soldiers came to Sigma thirteen and positioned themselves around our stations. I told them to leave. They declined. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Which in essence means there is no treaty binding Gas Miner Guild and Kusari together as is.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: More things to do.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Now where were we? [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Mention of the Aomori treaty declared as void by your organization, I believe.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: What I declared as void was the treaty concerning Rheinland Military presence in Sigma thirteen. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Is that wise, Yukari-san? Treaties with your neighbors are essential instruments to the stability of this sector.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Not if they are being abused by the Rheinland Military to enforce their will upon us in our own system. The initial conflict were the Unioners. They attacked Helgoland and we needed to fight them off. That succeded but the station suffered some damages. Admiral Sterr said that from this point on, his ships will protect this sector. I told him that I don't want this, because it is not necessary and I don't want those people in my Sigmas. They ignored me. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: So did they in the past by the treaty's terms, correct? What changed, then.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: The difference is that I do not agree with it. I don't want any foreign military in here trying to unnecessarily protect our stations. Especially not them. The only people I don't bother are yours. Manner, honor, behavior, respect, things that the Naval Forces know and the Rheinlanders don't. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Well. You seem to forget easily about the past.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: The past is past. What I remember is Rheinland trying to invade us during the Eighty Years War. And what I see now is a repetition. If Admiral Sterr would just have listened to me, this all wouldn't happen. But his hot headed ness and his ego make him believe that the Sigmas are his. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Do you think there would be a chance you may be over reacting about this affair, Yukari-san?
GMG|Kara.Yukari: When I became Guildmistress, I have sworn to keep the Sigmas for us and us only. And I keep this promise. The Sigmas are our systems. Even if this one is between your houses. Claiming that it is in need of foreign protection without regarding the word of the Guildmistress is an invasion to me. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Isn't it already troublesome enough to dispute this space to Corsairs and Outcasts?
GMG|Kara.Yukari: And there is the point I am trying to make. We have this under control. That's all about it. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Your paramilitary is certainly powerful, but not almighty.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: I am aware. But the bigger threat is Rheinland. Rheinland is currently the only thing I am afraid of being here. Lousy Unioners, Corsairs or Outcasts, ha. If I have another Rheinland fleet in here, that is when the real threat is coming. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Your concern is noted then, Yukari-san. But between you and me, from what I could gather, it does not seem House Rheinland is planning to claim this space.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Are you sure? [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: I believe they simply take care of their interest.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: And disregard ours for that? In -our- space? We both want to defend Sigma thirteen. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: I remind you we have a defense treaty with House Rheinland. Allowing their forces to patrol Honshu system while our forces can patrol Frankfurt system.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: That would be easily done as long as Rheinland would ask for permission. Then a wing of my scouts recently disappeared as well. I only want one thing. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Where did this happen?
GMG|Kara.Yukari: I don't know, they just disappeared. Not even a trace. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: You have no data about their patrol path?
GMG|Kara.Yukari: They seem to have lost it, but I assume Sigma twenty one. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Hai. There is also that contention issue regarding planet Saigon.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Another topic, but let's come back to Rheinland for once more. See, Rheinland would do good being kind before being active. Their intentions have never been to patrol Honshu. If that would have been the case, I wouldn't say anything. What they did was forcing their presence onto us in the system. If Admiral Sterr would only plan to reach Honshu, no problem, really. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Though, Yukari-san, I have to remind you you shot one of them first. From what I could understand they were in their right to operate in the area by the treaty with Rheinland.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: It was a warning shot and I am aware that it was not a good idea. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Unless GMG declared this treaty as void before this operation...?
GMG|Kara.Yukari: But their constant provocation towards us is simply annoying. But this issue should not even exist anymore. After all, I gave them permission to patrol here now for the sake of peace. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: As it stands, House Kusari has no interest in angering House Rheinland, nor Gas Miner Guild for that matter. We would rather serve as a neutral party able to move forward negotiations.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Sadly, Rheinland became the aggressor here. I even got far enough to back down from disallowing them here. Who knows what happens next. *she shrugs* I have already announced that I try to prevent a war. But the way Rheinland possibly makes negotiations over us, that is unlikely to be prevented. *she sighs* This is all going into a very bad direction. I am not trying to say I am innocent here, though. But if there is something I cannot stand, it is disrespect in my own territory. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Your concern is noted, Yukari-san.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: If it eases up the situation. Feel free to pass this system whenever you want. Both of you, Rheinland and Kusari militaries. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Your good will is noted, but I do not believe it is the right time to state this.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Isn't it happening already? The difference is that now I give permission for it. Sigma thirteen is a curse. Its position inconvenient. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: I'd encourage you to start negotiations with both houses to reforge new treaties that will stabilize the situation.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: You are probably right. I will attempt one more communication with Admiral Sterr. I will include you as well. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: I also advise you to maintain a coldheaded approach when dealing with foreign entities. No offense, but you seem to be prone to listen to your emotions. That opening fire on a Rheinland Military is an example of such a trait.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Well, if it is only to cross Sigma thirteen to reach Honshu, I have no problem with that. But this would have to be the reason in the first place, which it was not. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Aomori treaty also covered the status of Aomori and its immediate space, as well as planet Kurile.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: I will get to work about this now, I guess. The faster the better. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: By Aomori treaty, a 15k radius around Aomori station used to be considered as GMG space.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Hai, indeed. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Aomori treaty also guaranteed Samura Keiretsu's right on planet Kurile, as well as Sigma 17 jump-gate.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Ah... well.. Samura... [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: And as I said, negociations would require to include this contention point that is the newly surveyed Sigma 21 system.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Saigon, you mean? [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: That is the main issue in Sigma 21 indeed.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Well... what is your stance on that? [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Well. The Republic has shown quite some interest in the area, which would be suitable for settlement. So does your organization and House Rheinland, as far as I know.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Well, I can tell you one thing. Rheinland will not have this planet. And I also don't really like the thought of anyone else apart from us doing so. It is our system after all. The only one who has a reasonable interest is Kusari, apart from us. Rheinland has nothing to say in this case, as harsh as it sounds. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Indeed. Sigma 21 is directly connected to Honshu system.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: But it is in a Sigma system. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Well. It's a newly surveyed one.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Yet, it is a Sigma system. And you can tell who controls the Sigmas. I wouldn't claim a newly surveyed planet in Honshu now. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: I can understand you consider this as your territory. But you do not control the entirety of Sigmas, do you?
GMG|Kara.Yukari: It is your territory. Not the entirety, there are other things in the Sigmas than the Guild, of course. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: From the recovered Intel, this area is very dangerous. Mainly Aliens. You certainly heard about those.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Hai, are we talking about the Sigmas as a whole or just this specific one now? [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: As a matter of fact, one of our survey battlegroup was ambushed by an infected party. No. I'm referring to Sigma 21.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Hm. Maybe this has something to do with my group that disappeared. You think those were aliens? [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Not specifically Aliens, Yukari-san. I'm doing you a favor by disclosing this to you, actually. They are people enslaved by Alien entities.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: The Wild, you mean then. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: This includes former members of the Naval Forces.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Hm. That is a possibility... Can't explain how it wouldn't leave traces after all. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Their activities has been quite high in the Sigmas actually. Not all the Kusari Naval Forces elements you detect belong to the Republic.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Hard to tell, I've heard they're not to tell apart from regular pilots. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Their IFF is typically outdated. We update ours daily.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Hm. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Another good hint is the usage of unconventional material.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: That sounds like something that requires attention. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Indeed. That is actually a bigger menace than Rheinland Military if you ask me. They at least have some rules they follow.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Not ours, though. *she laughs* If the situation with the Rheinland Military has calmed down, we can investigate that. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Well. I'd encourage you to consider the situation calmly, and to issue apologies if that is requires. Those cost nothing.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: Hai, that will be done. I am more calm already, more than yesterday, at least. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: Excellent, Yukari-san. I will thus move to Frankfurt system to assess the situation there. I rarely leave New Tokyo and seeing the area and witnessing its activity myself will be certainly good for a good assessment.
GMG|Kara.Yukari: *She nods* Hai, arigato, Kaisho. [KNF]Ko.T.Mochizuki: You are most welcome. Moving in.
From what I could gather, GMG's current Guild-master seems to be prone to listen to her emotions and take quick judgment, which probably aren't the most wanted traits for a leader. Perhaps it is caused by some inexperience related with her age. I wouldn't know. I did my best to ease her so that we could have a reasonable conversation, which appeared to be constructive enough, as you can see.
It appears GMG is afraid of a new war with House Rheinland, especially if it can secure an agreement with House Kusari to not remain passive like it did during the 80 Years War. This indeed allowed GMG to retreat to Kusari space, where Rheinland navy could not follow them, so that they could recover from their losses and guarantee hit and run tactics with impunity.
My personal conviction is Rheinland Military simply did not appreciate to be fired upon, and that its Admiralty intends to force GMG to maintain the terms of the treaty signed with House Rheinland.
There is no need to actively pick a side in those tensions for now. GMG may feel compelled to start negotiations to forge a new treaty with the Republic, since Aomori treaty was declared as void following the Kurile crisis. This can only be good for the stability of the area. I have to note Yukari-san mentioned her hostility regarding any agreement related with planet Saigon, which is quite an important matter for some elements of the Republic, from what I could gather.
Diligent, for a better Kusari, Admiral Mochizuki Tatsuya,
Kusari Naval Forces.
Captain Uemura Sukejuro on-board heavy unit Shirayuki speaking.
Battle-group Shirayuki departed from Honshu system and headed towards Helgoland station, where an IMG convoy was encountered. The personnel of the convoy appeared to be afraid of an unconfirmed threat, while several ships belonging to criminal organizations such as the Order were roaming in the vicinity.
As the area seemed to be all clear, the battle-group then moved to Frankfurt jump-gate, acknowledging its disrupted state, despite no apparent damage visible to the superstructure.
Course was set towards Frankfurt jump-hole. Jump lead us right into a battle between Rheinland Military and a very large Alien vessel. The battle-group assisted Rheinland Military in its destruction. Battle-cruiser Shirayuki was significantly damaged in the process, forcing us to move to planet Holstein gravity well to request emergency repairs.
We could exchange shortly with members of Rheinland Military, who have been quite reluctant to answer our inquiries regarding the incident reported in Frankfurt system, as seen bellow : [KNF]KDS-Shirayuki: Hail. May we have a word?
[RM-RNC]Fredegunde: Radio Operator: Das ist das Fredegunde. Guten tag... With the kapitan? [KNF]KDS-Shirayuki: Hai. If possible.
[RM-RNC]Fredegunde: RO: Ein moment... [KNF]KDS-Shirayuki: Thank you.
[RM-RNC]Fredegunde: Kossuth: This is Kapitan Klemens Kossuth to the Shirayuki. Ja? [KNF]KDS-Shirayuki: Well met, Captain Klemens. Kusari Admiralty would like to inquire about the events which occured in Frankfurt system lately. We heard reports of an attack..?
BDM|Kvt-H,Lichthammer: Guten tag Naval forces [KNF]KDS-Shirayuki: Konbanwa.,(KNI): Good day agent.
[RM-RNC]Fredegunde: Kossuth: Give me your rank, name and surname before we continue, bitte. [KNF]KDS-Shirayuki: Naturally. I am Captain Uemura Sukejuro.
BDM|Kvt-H,Lichthammer: It is Korvettenkapetan now,I have seen Order presence in the area. [KNF]KDS-Shirayuki: So did we in Sigma 13 as well. Several fighter class vessels.
[RM-RNC]Fredegunde: Kossuth: Danke, Captain Sukejuro.
BDM|Kvt-H,Lichthammer: I have green light to engage them ,but we better stay idle until nomad threat is dealt with. [KNF]KDS-Shirayuki: My apologies, Sukejuro is the firstname. Uemura it is then.
BDM|Kvt-H,Lichthammer: We are thankful for your support.
[RM-RNC]Fredegunde: Kossuth: Captain Sukejuro, I expected you to know that I cannot share such information with anyone outside of the Rheinland Military.,(KNI): Then it is not to you who we need to talk to.
[RM-RNC]Fredegunde: Kossuth: Nein. [KNF]KDS-Shirayuki: I can understand your reservations. However if events were caused by organizations having a presence in House Kusari, it would probably be wise to let us know.
[RM-RNC]Fredegunde: Kossuth: I was clear. There is arbeit to do. Have a nice day. Auf wiedersehn. [KNF]KDS-Shirayuki: Very well. Thank you for your time, Kapitan.
The battle-group then headed to Fulda station for further investigation. A peculiar but not never heard of green mist could be seen. Shirayuki proceeded with quick scans of the area before heading back to Sigma 13.
It is to note several hostile contacts engaged the battle-group in the vicinity of Fulda border station. Those ships were of Gas Miner Guild design. Several prisoners have been captured and will be interrogated very soon.
Those details are quite strange. What could trigger GMG to attack House Rheinland? Furthermore, if they did such a bold move, wouldn't that be wiser to not be identified as the aggressor?
All this might be an operation undertaken by foreign powers to destabilize the region, using the GMG as scapegoats.
I do hope the questioning of our prisoners will allow us to understand better the situation at hand. That said, I do believe agent Karasu no kage of the Kusari Naval Intelligence will send his own report regarding this operation.
Agent here, of the Naval Intelligence. I come to deliver my report on the recent action in the Frankfurt system, in tandem with the KDS-Shirayuki.
On the 16th of this month we were preparing our next operations to investigate the occurrence in Rheinland's Frankfurt system, where Fulda Border Station was the target of a highly destructive terrorist attack. During those preparations, chatter in the public communications channel in the Hegoland corridor in Sigma-13 spiked, caused by panic related to nomad sightings.
It was decided that the available ships of the Quick Response Taskforce for the Honshu system would be deployed to acertain the facts, and I joined the group, consisting of Komainu Class KDS-Shirayuki, and [KNF]Sk.Kuroh.Tatsuya and me on newly deployed Wyvern fighters.
We departed for Hegoland, where we spotted an IMG convoy, most likely the source of the comms spike. They were organizing their defenses, but no aliens were spotted in the vicinity of the installation. Shirayuki decided to head to the Frankfurt gate, as chatter indicated the threat was moving into Rheinland territory. Unfortunately, we come into the problems around the terrorist attack on Fulda, as the companion gate on the Sigma was disabled, although undamaged.
We passed tho Frankfurt through the nearby jumphole anomaly, and came face to face with a considerable large battle, where a Nomad entity (callsign Ikthys ) was under attack from several human warships, mostly Rheinland Military and paramilitary ships.
Also present were several agents of the Order organization, who were probably combating the Nomad at the same time they were observing the Military reaction to the threat.
Ikthys was destroyed, and the Shirayuki suffered considerable damage from the engagement. Luckly the BDM and RM agents were favorable to providing us some repairs for continued operation. Direct contact with RM officers provided us little in terms of information regarding the attack on Fulda, but a direct inspection of the site gave us some more clues.
Indeed, several ships of GMG production ambushed us in the area, and were definitely hostile to us, although they were not targeted by Fulda still active defense batteries. We neutralized a few units and captured some records on them, which may shed some light on how they managed to pass by the station security.
I'm afraid the situation on Battleship Nagumo has reached a point of no return. Despite our technicians' best efforts, the venerable battleship has suffered too much damage in critical areas to consider long term operation.
The engineering division is reporting irreparable damages in several subsystems : - Propulsion section: one out of four engine blocks are in working order.
- Weapon systems: Two out of four heavy ordnance are out of order; Three out of four anti capital weaponry are bellow combat performances standards.
- Life support: Air purification in the Heavy unit has been a major issue since a month. The lack of replacement parts forced the engineering team to cannibalize some of the least vital systems to maintain it in working order.
- Damage deflection: The engineering teams have reported several weaknesses in the overlapping shields covering Battleship Nagumo. The heavy unit's engine section is particularly exposed.
- Hull integrity: Several sections have been locked due to irreparable breaches. These caused quite some concern for the integrity of the structure as a whole. Nagumo seems to be holding for now, however. For how long? Several weeks at very least, was I told.
- Fighters carrying capability: Significantly impaired. The main vessels storage deck has been damaged during the Imperial strike in Kyushu high orbit, which forced us to operate with reduced space for squadrons. This significantly reduced Nagumo's squadrons efficiency in Kyushu system.
Given all those issues - several of them having no solution in a foreseeable future given the limited support received by West Quadrant fleet, I humbly advise you, no matter how difficult it will be for me - to issue an evacuation order for battleship Nagumo personnel in a very close future.
I'd advocate for a towing directive to Kure shipyard, Hiroshima system, but it is unlikely Imperials would allow this before crew evacuation is required. Our men's lives matter more than securing an aged and significantly damaged heavy unit.
[ID] "Goryo"
[SUBJECT] Omicron Delta report
This is a short report about events in the Omicron Delta.
Even tho the higher officer was present on the field I decided to submit these files for the review by the rest of Naval Forces.
It appears there was sum high tension discussion between Order forces and Zoners from Freeport 9.
Nothing new for them it seems, however I was a bit surprised by the ships that Order were using. One of the so called Zoner Colony ships and Core Battlecruiser. I believe the Core might be interested in the up to date information about their lost ship. From the intercepted communications it was seen moving from Omicron Delta via Minor to the Mu.
:::Incoming Transmission::: :::Establishing video feed::: :::Video feed: Live:::
ID: いそがい・めい
Location: プラネット新東京
I have been approved by my physician to officially return to active duty if I promise to not push myself too hard. I have not been able to keep up with events so if I can receive briefing it would be great.
Arigatogozaimasu for your patience in this matter,
K...Konbanwa, Isogai-san.
M.M..Maybe you remember me. Th...this is Sub-Lieutenant G..G...Gamo Ujisato.
Please allow me to you for your re.. reco... for your recovery...
I'm p..p..pleased to hear you're returning to duty. I v..very much enjoyed serving under your c..command.
As for a r..r..rundown about the current situation, you p..p..probably heard m..much of it in the news : - The Imperial fleet moved to p..p..planet Kyushu and most of the system is u..under their control.
- B.B...Blood Dragons launched a m..m..major offensive in Nagano system. They are t..trying to seize p..planet Tomioka.
- Rheinland recently d..declared war against G..G..Gas Mi..Miner Guild... T..Tensions are rising in the Sigmas as a c..c..consequence...
- Ku...Kusari Naval Forces recently started the of an Outpost in Sigma 21 to an alternate route with Rheinland...
- I heard about o..operations in the far O..O..Omicrons but I'm a..afraid I know very little about that, g...gomen..
I hope to work with you again v...very soon as you always have b..b..been very nice with me...
Th...Thank you.
D..D...Do not hesitate to if you need a...anything.
22.July, 824 A.S
Battleship Matsumoto, Nagano system
Comm ID: Nito Kaii, Masaru Takeda
Recipient: Kusari Naval Forces Admiralty
Topic: Patrol report
Masaru Takeda reporting,
Ohayō, today I ended up a group of pirates in Kusari, it seemed they sensed my approach in Honshu and ran to the near Sigma's. Due to a friendly Gas Miner I could locate those thiefs in Sigma-17. Watching the Gate waiting for their next victim. Kaisho-ho Hideaki was my wingman, the pirates went for a run, one of them managed to run away into the emptiness of Sigma-17. One of them stood and fought with honor and pride, he had no chance I was the superior fighter. We've returned to Honshu as Shimotsuki reported a Blood Dragon vessel in New Tokyo, unfortunantely we were too late and a Kishiro vessel was destroyed. We weren't able to catch the Blood Dragon, I'm ashamed of our incompetense.
This is everything for now.
Takeda Masaru,
Nito Kaii of the Kusari Naval Forces