The SiriusPostalService started out when the creator (who does not want to be identified) saw a lack of a service that handles smaller scale postal deliveries between businesses, corporations and consumers but quickly grew into a small business that operates in a quasi-lawful manner delivering packages of all shapes, sizes and origins between pretty much everyone in Sirius, in whatever quantity required. By investing themselves into Orbital Spa and Cruise, SPS has had dealings with all sorts of unlawful, quasi-lawful and fully lawful entities throughout the Sirius sector, are trying to establish relationships in Gallia, and are managing to profit from Sirius's warzones and areas of territorial dispute.
With the company being relatively new, they have experienced many errors, such as the slight damaging of packages and delays in deliveries, however they still strive to bring people their mail and take their hard earned credits.
With a grand scheme in plan, the mysterious investor and his associate founded the firm with the blessing of OS&C and began their postalservice.
To efficiently deliver the people of Sirius their mail, whatever it may be and whoever those people are.
Name: SiriusPostalService
Tag: SPS)-
IFF: Orbital Spa and Cruise
ID: Orbital Spa and Cruise
Orbital Spa and Cruise
House corporations, House Navies, House Police