First off: As you can see, our diplomacy is a bit different and it measures the level of trust we put in said factions, not the level of hostility or amicability.
Nomads are neutral, yes. The inRP justification would be the fact that we have discovered that if we ignore the nomads, then they will ignore us as well. So far this policy worked for us, so yes.
This doesn't imply we befriend nomads, or want to snuggle their extremities in more intimate parts of our personal bodies, or get infected, no, not at all. We just came to the conclusion that ignorance is the best defensive weapon against them ( for the moment at least ) as it's the best we can do considering our... military capability
PS: Thank you for the warm post
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
To elaborate on that slightly from an InRp perspective; theCommonwealth fails to view the K'hara as a threat in their enormity. True, they are a rumoured "nemesis of humanity", yes, but there are plenty of other humans to join the jelly crusade, no real purpose for theCommonwealth in jumping on the bandwagon. As of present, they are entities of curiosity, to be liased with, to be respected, but to be kept at a reasonably sterile arm's length. This may change as theCommonwealth's story develops and further Rp encounters progress with nomad Spectre chars/Infectees, along with the odd K'hara Marduk seen merrily cruising past Freeport Ten from time to time.
Before you go; "Hey, you're Zoners, you should be fragging nomads, you're Order allies according to your ID", theCommonwealth actually possesses very little contact with the Order as a group, and indeed, resents mildly for a certain minor shooting incident within the Freeport's Sylvania Dome. Think of it this way; Omicron Zoners are often forced to collaborate with the Order to survive in the Nomad-infested worlds, but in the upper Taus there is little true reason to collaborate over such.
Besides, the Order is a totalitarian militaristic organisation with a highly polarised ideological veneer. From InRp reasoning purely; It's better to be stuck between a rock and a hard place than strapped helplessly to one or the other.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
All the best wishes to you guys. Your attitude towards RP (from what I've seen) is inspiring, and you always seem to freshen up the atmosphere whenever I encounter you by the freeport or elsewhere. Disco needs more factions like this.
(09-10-2013, 05:09 AM)Mare123King Wrote: All the best wishes to you guys. Your attitude towards RP (from what I've seen) is inspiring, and you always seem to freshen up the atmosphere whenever I encounter you by the freeport or elsewhere. Disco needs more factions like this.
Kudos, to you as well.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)