O.N.I. GC, Lane Hacker Massive Smuggling operation ONI-Drone Data file
31.12. 829 A.S.
Probe Designation:1st|ONI-Probe-45 Systems of Origin:Tau 23, 37, Omicron Alpha, Beta, Sigma 19,13, Frankfurt, New Berlin, Hamburg Data of Data arrival:31 December 829 Data:
[28.12.2022 20:21:27] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: ::canning:::
[28.12.2022 20:23:23] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: :::matching course and speed of subjects:::
[28.12.2022 20:25:09] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: ::can initiating:::
[28.12.2022 20:25:10] 2022-12-28 20:25:10 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Ashitazu has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 20:25:13] 2022-12-28 20:25:13 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Bakemono has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 20:25:19] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: :::gathering data:::
[28.12.2022 20:26:34] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: :::Relaying location, cargo, vessel details:::
[28.12.2022 20:26:42] 2022-12-28 20:26:42 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Yukiusagi has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 20:26:42] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: :::outlink complete:::
[28.12.2022 20:26:43] GC-Hiasobi': Piss off, asshat probe.
[28.12.2022 20:26:46] GC-Bolzano: Mariko: That thing bothers me
[28.12.2022 20:27:41] 2022-12-28 20:27:41 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Okuni has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 20:27:44] 2022-12-28 20:27:45 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Bakemono has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 20:28:14] 2022-12-28 20:28:14 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Hiasobi' has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 20:28:40] [13th]F.Halsey: Hola!
[28.12.2022 20:28:54] GC-Yukiusagi: K: Yo!
[28.12.2022 20:29:04] [13th]F.Halsey: Navy? Here?
[28.12.2022 20:29:06] [13th]F.Halsey: Is that a joke?
[28.12.2022 20:29:14] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: :::query not found:::
[28.12.2022 20:29:45] Izet.Vasqez: Contact re-established
[28.12.2022 20:30:04] Izet.Vasqez: I need you dead
[28.12.2022 20:30:12] Izet.Vasqez: Or in pieces of scrap
[28.12.2022 20:30:18] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: :::analysing::::
[28.12.2022 20:30:25] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: :::response found:::
[28.12.2022 20:30:28] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: Your mother
[28.12.2022 20:31:06] Death: Gabriel.Archer was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[28.12.2022 20:33:45] Rules Tip: A single player running two or more instances of Freelancer for trading or mining purposes is against server rules and is regarded as cheating.
[28.12.2022 20:33:45] GC-Kamishiro,Rize: Konnichiwa sisters, I finaly caught up with you.
[28.12.2022 20:34:06] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: ::::Scanning MNS-Amalfi:::
[28.12.2022 20:34:30] MNS-Amalfi: CO: Buonasera, what is happening at my homeworld?
[28.12.2022 20:34:46] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: :::MNS-Amalfi, priority target detected:::
[28.12.2022 20:35:41] GC-Ashitazu: Himari: An annoying Liberty Navy probe, it seems.
[28.12.2022 20:35:57] MNS-Amalfi: CO: How did it get here?
[28.12.2022 20:37:16] MNS-Amalfi: CO: This is not a tourist destination, Freelancer.
[28.12.2022 20:37:19] GC-Amaririsu: Eri: so where do we go next?
[28.12.2022 20:37:29] GC-Bolzano: New Berlin
[28.12.2022 20:37:32] Saronsen: Isn't it? People bring, heh, tourists here every day.
[28.12.2022 20:37:49] GC-Amaririsu: Eri: well then lets go.
[28.12.2022 20:38:15] MNS-Amalfi: CO: Tourists are not welcome in here.
[28.12.2022 20:38:36] Saronsen: I see you're not familiar with 'humor'.
[28.12.2022 20:38:44] GC-Amaririsu: Eri: lets go. Mama needs to earn money for Bird Food.
[28.12.2022 20:39:05] MNS-Amalfi: CO: I do not joke around when the security of my home is in question.
[28.12.2022 20:39:13] 2022-12-28 20:39:13 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Kamishiro,Rize has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 20:39:34] Saronsen: I'm certain I'm a major risk to your planet of chemically-enhanced humans and several battlegroups of capital ships.
[28.12.2022 20:39:37] GC-Hiasobi': Okay, ladies.
[28.12.2022 20:39:39] GC-Hiasobi': Get set!
[28.12.2022 20:39:43] GC-Hiasobi': Three!
[28.12.2022 20:39:44] MNS-Amalfi: CO: Which forces me to repeat my question to Gen'an in here.
[28.12.2022 20:39:46] GC-Hiasobi': Two!
[28.12.2022 20:39:52] GC-Hiasobi': One!
[28.12.2022 20:39:58] GC-Hiasobi': Go go go!
[28.12.2022 20:40:00] GC-Hiasobi': Race is on!
[28.12.2022 20:40:21] Saronsen: My money's on the Grouse.
[28.12.2022 20:40:33] GC-Amaririsu: Eri: lets go. *the Bird Screams GO GO GO*
[28.12.2022 20:40:33] MNS-Amalfi: CO: -What- is hapenning in here?!
[28.12.2022 20:40:53] Saronsen: Kusarian women is what's going on.
[28.12.2022 20:40:53] GC-Kamishiro,Rize: I am the fast !
[28.12.2022 20:41:13] Changing screen mode=windowed
[28.12.2022 20:43:20] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: :::assuming surveillance perimeter:::
[28.12.2022 20:47:31] Death: Gabriel.Archer was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[28.12.2022 20:56:51] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: ::::Scanning GC-Yukiusagi:::
[28.12.2022 20:57:40] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: :::targets discovered, plotting course:::
[28.12.2022 20:59:25] Death: Phantom-09 was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[28.12.2022 20:59:30] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Alberto.Rodriguez[TBH]
[28.12.2022 20:59:38] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: :::Liner-Renzu:::
[28.12.2022 21:00:04] A/)-SV-Starstream: Now that's uh...
[28.12.2022 21:00:14] A/)-SV-Starstream: Not quite the star spectrum I was looking for.
[28.12.2022 21:00:38] A/)-SV-Starstream: And an unmanned probe unit.
[28.12.2022 21:00:40] GC-Bolzano: Mariko: An uncanny sight
[28.12.2022 21:01:06] 2022-12-28 21:01:07 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Bolzano has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 21:01:12] 2022-12-28 21:01:13 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Bolzano has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 21:01:15] 2022-12-28 21:01:16 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Okuni has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 21:01:30] 2022-12-28 21:01:30 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Ashitazu has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 21:01:34] 2022-12-28 21:01:34 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Ashitazu has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 21:01:59] 2022-12-28 21:02:00 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Yukiusagi has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 21:01:59] 2022-12-28 21:02:00 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Bakemono has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 21:02:02] 2022-12-28 21:02:02 SMT Traffic control alert: GC-Ashitazu has requested to dock
[28.12.2022 21:02:08] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: :::Relaying Data::: ::::::
[28.12.2022 21:02:10] 1st|ONI-Probe-5: :::Relaying Data::: :::::::::::: ::ata relay complete:::
[28.12.2022 21:02:32] GC-Ashitazu: Himari: Quite the party.
[28.12.2022 21:02:40] GC-Hiasobi': *Transmits seven zetabytes of junk mail and adult videos to the probe*
[28.12.2022 21:02:40] A/)-SV-Starstream: It would seem so.
[28.12.2022 21:03:27] 1st|ONI-Probe-5 rolled 5 with the formula 1d20
[28.12.2022 21:03:36] A/)-SV-Starstream: How did you even attract the attention of some defunctional Navy wing anyway?
[28.12.2022 21:03:47] GC-Hiasobi': If only we knew...
[28.12.2022 21:04:07] GC-Bakemono: Unknown, we detected it in Omicrons.
[28.12.2022 21:04:37] A/)-SV-Starstream: That's a lot of Cardamine you just delivered, enough to change an entire atmosphere's worth!
[28.12.2022 21:04:49] A/)-SV-Starstream: Who could need such a large amount?
[28.12.2022 21:04:54] A/)-SV-Starstream: An Outcast with asthma?
[28.12.2022 21:05:12] GC-Bolzano: Mariko: It is more a race between stations
[28.12.2022 21:05:17] GC-Amaririsu: Eri: ready
[28.12.2022 21:05:24] A/)-SV-Starstream: Oh, you are racing each other?
[28.12.2022 21:05:24] GC-Hiasobi': Alright then!
[28.12.2022 21:05:30] GC-Hiasobi': Three!
[28.12.2022 21:05:33] GC-Hiasobi': Two!
[28.12.2022 21:05:36] GC-Hiasobi': One!
[28.12.2022 21:05:38] GC-Bolzano: Mariko: Ready
[28.12.2022 21:05:40] GC-Hiasobi': Aaaand away we GOOO!
Today's classified mission will be of utmost importance. We require as many ONI Operatives and First Armada conventional agile forces as possible. Warships are to remain in reserve. All participants will be briefed on the classified mission at ONI Headquarters on a need-to-know basis right before the mission start.
::::Raw Mission Data Collected:::: :::::Analysis pending::::
[09.05.2023 16:30:07] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: So, you made it!
[09.05.2023 16:30:16] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: Where is the rest!
[09.05.2023 16:30:25] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Salutations Admiral!
[09.05.2023 16:30:35] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Assume formation
[09.05.2023 16:30:38] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Jonathan: Greetings Admiral! Indeed we are here.
[09.05.2023 16:31:33] Death: :;o' was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[09.05.2023 16:31:34] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Very well, we are all here, assume formation
[09.05.2023 16:31:44] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: In formation, Sir
[09.05.2023 16:31:44] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Now, what can you tell me abour Radford
[09.05.2023 16:31:54] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: Good afternoon pilots! Is everything going according to a plan so far?
[09.05.2023 16:32:17] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: It is our research stations Sir
[09.05.2023 16:32:25] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Controling this... anomaly somehow
[09.05.2023 16:32:40] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Obviously what you see here and on this missionis highly classified
[09.05.2023 16:32:49] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Of course, Sir
[09.05.2023 16:32:50] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: If the populace would find out what we are doing here well...
[09.05.2023 16:32:54] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: They wouldn't like it
[09.05.2023 16:33:08] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: This is what is called a Baxter anomaly
[09.05.2023 16:33:15] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: And that over there is a Rheinland vessel
[09.05.2023 16:33:28] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Radford is where ONI - Office of Naval Intelligence resides
[09.05.2023 16:33:39] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Now let's move
[09.05.2023 16:33:39] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Understood.
[09.05.2023 16:33:47] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: you will be briefed on the way
[09.05.2023 16:33:47] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Pretty clear.
[09.05.2023 16:34:11] Death: Anton_Petrovich was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[09.05.2023 16:34:19] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: What is our destination, sir?
[09.05.2023 16:34:38] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Right now?
[09.05.2023 16:34:41] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Nu
[09.05.2023 16:35:06] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Very well, now tell me, what do you know about Omicron Nu
[09.05.2023 16:35:18] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Jonathan you want to take this one?
[09.05.2023 16:35:54] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Who knows...anything about this system?
[09.05.2023 16:36:04] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Well
[09.05.2023 16:36:15] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: It is a system with history of conflict
[09.05.2023 16:36:21] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: How so?
[09.05.2023 16:36:24] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: A system linking alien forms to Liberty.
[09.05.2023 16:36:50] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Very well
[09.05.2023 16:36:51] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: The conflict is not known exactly, but we have a damaged battleship remains in here
[09.05.2023 16:36:54] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Speaking of which!
[09.05.2023 16:36:57] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Watch out!
[09.05.2023 16:37:14] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Protect the scientists!
[09.05.2023 16:37:17] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Weapons online, engaging!
[09.05.2023 16:37:25] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Moving in!
[09.05.2023 16:37:47] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Target down
[09.05.2023 16:37:58] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: More incoming
[09.05.2023 16:38:05] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Hold them off while we study the ruins
[09.05.2023 16:38:21] 1st|Fury-27: i could bring bomber
[09.05.2023 16:38:27] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: nono
[09.05.2023 16:38:38] A $400.950 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 16:38:42] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Take shat!
[09.05.2023 16:38:53] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: *couch* that
[09.05.2023 16:38:57] 2023-05-09 16:38:59 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:38:57] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Language!
[09.05.2023 16:39:02] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Sorry Sir!
[09.05.2023 16:39:13] A $400.950 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 16:39:19] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: One more!
[09.05.2023 16:39:27] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: They keep coming!
[09.05.2023 16:39:32] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Buy us moretime, starting scan!
[09.05.2023 16:40:20] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: ::::Scan in progress:::
[09.05.2023 16:40:26] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Break their formation!
[09.05.2023 16:41:35] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Taking damage!
[09.05.2023 16:41:37] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 16:41:38] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scan complete!
[09.05.2023 16:41:48] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: lets get the hell out of here
[09.05.2023 16:41:51] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 16:42:00] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: Copy!
[09.05.2023 16:42:02] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Forming up!
[09.05.2023 16:42:14] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Roger, in formation.
[09.05.2023 16:42:25] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: CO: A Siege cruiser!
[09.05.2023 16:42:31] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: how did it get here?
[09.05.2023 16:42:33] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Theories?
[09.05.2023 16:42:49] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Sir, it could have done what we tried
[09.05.2023 16:42:58] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: But can't confirm
[09.05.2023 16:43:18] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Starting scan!
[09.05.2023 16:43:37] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scan complete
[09.05.2023 16:43:44] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Let's move on
[09.05.2023 16:43:48] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: 10-4
[09.05.2023 16:43:58] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scientist: Ancient design, hundreds of years old
[09.05.2023 16:44:11] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Hundreds...
[09.05.2023 16:44:24] 2023-05-09 16:44:26 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:44:24] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: Now, how could that be possible?
[09.05.2023 16:44:35] 2023-05-09 16:44:37 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:44:35] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Theories?
[09.05.2023 16:44:45] 2023-05-09 16:44:47 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:44:45] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Battle long ago
[09.05.2023 16:44:54] 2023-05-09 16:44:56 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:44:54] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Long long ago...
[09.05.2023 16:44:55] 2023-05-09 16:44:57 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:44:55] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: In Omicron NU?
[09.05.2023 16:44:59] 2023-05-09 16:45:01 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:44:59] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: We just explored this system
[09.05.2023 16:45:03] 2023-05-09 16:45:05 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:45:03] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: When supergate opened!
[09.05.2023 16:45:05] 2023-05-09 16:45:07 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:45:05] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Two years ago
[09.05.2023 16:45:10] 2023-05-09 16:45:12 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:45:10] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: I am shooting in the dark here, Sir
[09.05.2023 16:45:20] 2023-05-09 16:45:22 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:45:20] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: I am as confounded as anyone else
[09.05.2023 16:45:21] 2023-05-09 16:45:23 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:45:21] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Tennesee ahead
[09.05.2023 16:45:44] 2023-05-09 16:45:46 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:45:44] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scannig initiated
[09.05.2023 16:46:00] 2023-05-09 16:46:02 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:46:00] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: :::Scan complete:::
[09.05.2023 16:46:24] 2023-05-09 16:46:27 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:46:24] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Dating estimate: 300 Years old
[09.05.2023 16:46:42] 2023-05-09 16:46:44 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:46:42] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: How?...
[09.05.2023 16:46:42] 2023-05-09 16:46:44 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:46:42] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Incredible
[09.05.2023 16:46:48] Rules Tip: Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks against another player must be the result of some form of written role play. One-Word engagements such as "Engaging" or "Halt" are not considered sufficient.
[09.05.2023 16:46:54] 2023-05-09 16:46:56 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:46:54] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scientist: Dark Matter Residue detected
[09.05.2023 16:47:08] 2023-05-09 16:47:10 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:47:08] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: So, we have a 300 year old Battleship
[09.05.2023 16:47:18] 2023-05-09 16:47:20 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:47:18] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: With Dark Matter residue, seemingly preserved
[09.05.2023 16:47:29] Death: Pedro.Ruiz was put out of action by GMG|Keiji'Namura (Mine).
[09.05.2023 16:47:30] 2023-05-09 16:47:32 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:47:30] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Anyone know when Liberty messed with Darkmatter in the past?
[09.05.2023 16:47:40] Changing screen mode=windowed
[09.05.2023 16:47:48] 2023-05-09 16:47:50 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:47:48] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: When? Not really.
[09.05.2023 16:47:55] Changing screen mode=full
[09.05.2023 16:48:04] 2023-05-09 16:48:06 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:48:04] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Did we...have no clue sir.
[09.05.2023 16:48:17] 2023-05-09 16:48:19 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:48:17] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Does the Texas Incident ring a bell?
[09.05.2023 16:48:18] Changing screen mode=windowed
[09.05.2023 16:48:27] Changing screen mode=full
[09.05.2023 16:48:32] 2023-05-09 16:48:34 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:48:32] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Ah yes it does
[09.05.2023 16:48:37] 2023-05-09 16:48:39 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:48:37] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Very well
[09.05.2023 16:48:39] 2023-05-09 16:48:41 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:48:39] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: scans complete
[09.05.2023 16:48:42] 2023-05-09 16:48:45 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:48:42] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Hard to not know about it
[09.05.2023 16:48:50] 2023-05-09 16:48:52 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:48:50] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Now we go for our real mission...this one was just a data collection
[09.05.2023 16:49:05] 2023-05-09 16:49:07 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:49:05] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: As you know many enemies have been pouring in toOmicron Nu
[09.05.2023 16:49:10] 2023-05-09 16:49:12 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:49:10] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: We want to explore from where
[09.05.2023 16:49:19] 2023-05-09 16:49:21 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:49:19] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Out job is to go to the next system
[09.05.2023 16:49:23] 2023-05-09 16:49:25 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:49:23] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Understood.
[09.05.2023 16:49:25] 2023-05-09 16:49:27 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:49:25] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: And survey anything of interest
[09.05.2023 16:49:38] 2023-05-09 16:49:40 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:49:38] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: When we arrive there disperse, and report on anything unusual
[09.05.2023 16:49:45] 2023-05-09 16:49:47 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:49:45] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Roger that.
[09.05.2023 16:49:47] 2023-05-09 16:49:49 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:49:47] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Our vessel will be ready to scan what you find
[09.05.2023 16:49:51] 2023-05-09 16:49:53 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:49:51] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Jump hole in view
[09.05.2023 16:49:53] 2023-05-09 16:49:55 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:49:53] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Copy.
[09.05.2023 16:49:58] A bounty pool worth $980.100 credits for 8 kills has been deposited in your account.
[09.05.2023 16:49:59] 2023-05-09 16:50:01 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:49:59] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Escorts, scout ahead
[09.05.2023 16:50:09] 2023-05-09 16:50:11 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:50:09] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Jumping.
[09.05.2023 16:50:40] 2023-05-09 16:50:42 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:50:40] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: //do not use navmap :)
[09.05.2023 16:50:42] 2023-05-09 16:50:44 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:50:42] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: More fun
[09.05.2023 16:50:49] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Can't see shit xD
[09.05.2023 16:50:50] 2023-05-09 16:50:52 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:50:50] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Very well,disperse, anythingyou find
[09.05.2023 16:50:53] 2023-05-09 16:50:55 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:50:53] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: //true
[09.05.2023 16:50:55] 2023-05-09 16:50:57 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:50:55] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: xD
[09.05.2023 16:50:56] 2023-05-09 16:50:58 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:50:56] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Report over systems channel!
[09.05.2023 16:51:00] 2023-05-09 16:51:02 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:51:00] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Visibility is difficult
[09.05.2023 16:51:28] 2023-05-09 16:51:30 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:51:28] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Is this systemeven chartered?
[09.05.2023 16:51:43] 2023-05-09 16:51:45 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:51:43] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Escorts, disperse
[09.05.2023 16:51:51] 2023-05-09 16:51:53 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:51:51] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Go search for anything out of the ordinary
[09.05.2023 16:51:57] 2023-05-09 16:51:59 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:51:57] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Structures, planets, jump holes
[09.05.2023 16:52:17] 2023-05-09 16:52:19 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:52:17] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: Roger that!
[09.05.2023 16:52:25] 2023-05-09 16:52:27 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:52:25] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Upholder, fury, you have your orders!
[09.05.2023 16:52:35] 2023-05-09 16:52:37 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:52:35] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: GO on and search anything we could use
[09.05.2023 16:52:55] Death: Bonifacius_Cornelius was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[09.05.2023 16:52:56] 2023-05-09 16:52:58 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:52:56] 1st|Upholder: roger that captain
[09.05.2023 16:53:20] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Order vessels inbound!
[09.05.2023 16:53:28] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Take them down ifyou have to
[09.05.2023 16:53:29] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Station on radar.
[09.05.2023 16:53:39] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: Sector, Odgar?
[09.05.2023 16:54:11] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Jonathan: 5D sir.
[09.05.2023 16:54:16] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: on our way!
[09.05.2023 16:54:32] 2023-05-09 16:54:34 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:54:32] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Jonathan: Junkers! These scrapers reached this system
[09.05.2023 16:54:40] 2023-05-09 16:54:42 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:54:40] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Jonathan: Even here..
[09.05.2023 16:54:41] /shields
[09.05.2023 16:54:41] Shields Disabled
[09.05.2023 16:54:55] /shields
[09.05.2023 16:54:55] Shields Enabled
[09.05.2023 16:54:57] 2023-05-09 16:54:59 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:54:58] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: By god
[09.05.2023 16:55:02] 2023-05-09 16:55:04 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:55:02] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: How can anyone live inthis!
[09.05.2023 16:55:07] 2023-05-09 16:55:09 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:55:07] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: It looks completely destroyed
[09.05.2023 16:55:11] 2023-05-09 16:55:13 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:55:11] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Starting Scan
[09.05.2023 16:55:29] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: I found something, isn't it Alien Jump Gate? 4/F-G
[09.05.2023 16:55:34] 2023-05-09 16:55:36 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:55:34] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Looks terrible...
[09.05.2023 16:55:39] 2023-05-09 16:55:41 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:55:39] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scan complete
[09.05.2023 16:55:44] 2023-05-09 16:55:46 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:55:44] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: These Junkers are crazy
[09.05.2023 16:55:50] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Copy. Moving in
[09.05.2023 16:56:09] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Moving to your position.
[09.05.2023 16:56:37] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: Wooo, radiation detected! Watch out!
[09.05.2023 16:56:56] 2023-05-09 16:56:58 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:56:56] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Anyone see this?
[09.05.2023 16:56:57] 2023-05-09 16:57:00 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:56:57] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: a Planet!
[09.05.2023 16:57:08] 2023-05-09 16:57:10 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:57:08] 1st|Upholder: yes sir!
[09.05.2023 16:57:12] 2023-05-09 16:57:14 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:57:12] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Remember it'slocation
[09.05.2023 16:57:17] 2023-05-09 16:57:19 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:57:17] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Let's depart to Bryce first
[09.05.2023 16:57:23] 2023-05-09 16:57:25 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:57:23] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: It`s..ahm..dead?
[09.05.2023 16:57:35] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: Better to keep for safety 900m.
[09.05.2023 16:58:25] Death: sissi was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[09.05.2023 16:58:34] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: We cannot seeyou
[09.05.2023 16:58:42] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: I followed some Order vessels in the cloud, I found a jumphole.
[09.05.2023 16:58:53] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Let's move to location of Bryce
[09.05.2023 16:59:05] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: in formation sir
[09.05.2023 16:59:16] 2023-05-09 16:59:18 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:59:16] 1st|Upholder: orders here
[09.05.2023 16:59:23] 2023-05-09 16:59:25 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:59:23] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: yeah :)
[09.05.2023 16:59:41] 2023-05-09 16:59:43 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:59:41] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: never shoot first
[09.05.2023 16:59:44] 2023-05-09 16:59:46 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:59:44] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: they got to attackus
[09.05.2023 16:59:53] 2023-05-09 16:59:55 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:59:53] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: By god!
[09.05.2023 16:59:56] 2023-05-09 16:59:58 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:59:56] 1st|Fury-27: know know
[09.05.2023 16:59:56] 2023-05-09 16:59:58 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:59:56] 1st|Upholder: ok
[09.05.2023 16:59:58] 2023-05-09 17:00:00 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:59:58] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: What is this?!
[09.05.2023 16:59:59] 2023-05-09 17:00:01 SMT
[09.05.2023 16:59:59] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: What the hell is that!
[09.05.2023 17:00:11] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Standing by.
[09.05.2023 17:00:13] 2023-05-09 17:00:15 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:00:13] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scientist: there seems to be a weapons platform
[09.05.2023 17:00:22] 2023-05-09 17:00:24 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:00:22] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Bryce, see if it is active
[09.05.2023 17:00:49] 2023-05-09 17:00:51 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:00:49] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: Sir it's wreck.
[09.05.2023 17:00:57] 2023-05-09 17:00:59 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:00:57] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scientist: It appears inert!
[09.05.2023 17:01:05] 2023-05-09 17:01:07 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:01:05] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: ::::commencing scan:::::
[09.05.2023 17:01:23] 2023-05-09 17:01:25 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:01:23] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: protect the research ship. If anything goes wrong, cover our retreat
[09.05.2023 17:01:30] 2023-05-09 17:01:32 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:01:30] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: What is this!
[09.05.2023 17:01:31] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:01:33] 2023-05-09 17:01:35 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:01:33] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Nomads all around..cleaning the area.
[09.05.2023 17:01:38] 2023-05-09 17:01:41 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:01:38] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Particles all around us
[09.05.2023 17:01:41] 2023-05-09 17:01:43 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:01:41] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Taking a sample
[09.05.2023 17:01:47] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:01:59] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Admiral, do we need to scan this jumphole?
[09.05.2023 17:02:05] 2023-05-09 17:02:07 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:02:05] 1st|Fury-27: you can shoot these thing around you btw
[09.05.2023 17:02:08] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Negative, approach our position
[09.05.2023 17:02:14] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: 10-4
[09.05.2023 17:02:33] 2023-05-09 17:02:35 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:02:33] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer - is that it is! Azurite Gas!
[09.05.2023 17:02:37] 2023-05-09 17:02:39 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:02:37] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Looks kinda stunning.
[09.05.2023 17:02:55] 2023-05-09 17:02:57 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:02:55] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scientist: This is why I got my 5 doctorates!
[09.05.2023 17:02:59] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:03:12] 2023-05-09 17:03:14 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:03:12] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: Commence scan, stop gazing!
[09.05.2023 17:03:22] 2023-05-09 17:03:24 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:03:22] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scientist: Green Brains *sighs*
[09.05.2023 17:03:28] 2023-05-09 17:03:30 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:03:28] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: ::::Scan Commencing::::
[09.05.2023 17:03:37] 2023-05-09 17:03:39 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:03:37] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: I see you on scanners.
[09.05.2023 17:03:54] 2023-05-09 17:03:55 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:03:54] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: ::::Scan complete:::;
[09.05.2023 17:03:59] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:04:00] 2023-05-09 17:04:02 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:04:00] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scientist: Weapons platform inert
[09.05.2023 17:04:09] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:04:15] 2023-05-09 17:04:17 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:04:15] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: It appears to have residual energy discharge
[09.05.2023 17:04:16] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:04:18] 2023-05-09 17:04:20 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:04:18] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Source: unknown
[09.05.2023 17:04:38] 2023-05-09 17:04:40 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:04:38] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: :::Scanning gate:::
[09.05.2023 17:04:55] 2023-05-09 17:04:57 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:04:55] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: Cover us!
[09.05.2023 17:04:59] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:05:01] 2023-05-09 17:05:03 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:05:01] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: take this gaswith you!
[09.05.2023 17:05:09] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:05:13] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:05:43] 2023-05-09 17:05:45 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:05:43] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: ::::Scan complete:::
[09.05.2023 17:05:50] 2023-05-09 17:05:52 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:05:50] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scientist: it appears also inert
[09.05.2023 17:06:09] 2023-05-09 17:06:11 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:06:09] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scientist: We dedect same readings as Ageira Jump Gates!
[09.05.2023 17:06:15] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:06:28] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:06:28] 2023-05-09 17:06:31 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:06:28] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: Same as Ageira?
[09.05.2023 17:06:32] 2023-05-09 17:06:34 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:06:32] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: What couldthis mean?
[09.05.2023 17:06:36] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:06:41] 2023-05-09 17:06:43 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:06:41] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Are Ageira secretly Aliens? *laughs*
[09.05.2023 17:06:50] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:06:59] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:06:59] 2023-05-09 17:07:01 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:06:59] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: Did we stole technol.... ?
[09.05.2023 17:07:04] Rules Tip: If you die to a player/players, you must not only leave and not re-enter the system you died in for one hour, but you must also not attack the players you died to for one hour on ANY of your characters.
[09.05.2023 17:07:12] 2023-05-09 17:07:14 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:07:12] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Assume formation
[09.05.2023 17:07:19] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:07:22] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:07:28] 2023-05-09 17:07:30 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:07:28] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: In formation
[09.05.2023 17:07:33] A $29.700 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[09.05.2023 17:07:37] 2023-05-09 17:07:39 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:07:37] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Engage tight formation at once
[09.05.2023 17:07:57] 2023-05-09 17:07:59 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:07:57] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Samples collected!
[09.05.2023 17:08:09] 2023-05-09 17:08:11 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:08:09] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Azurite gas can be found here, as well as Jump Gate technology
[09.05.2023 17:08:16] 2023-05-09 17:08:18 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:08:16] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Very well, let us return
[09.05.2023 17:08:23] 2023-05-09 17:08:25 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:08:23] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: On return journey we will scan the planet
[09.05.2023 17:08:31] 2023-05-09 17:08:33 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:08:31] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Who remembers it's location?
[09.05.2023 17:08:35] 2023-05-09 17:08:37 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:08:35] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Dead one?
[09.05.2023 17:08:52] 2023-05-09 17:08:54 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:08:52] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: Wasn't it 6/D?
[09.05.2023 17:08:53] 2023-05-09 17:08:55 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:08:53] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: Correct
[09.05.2023 17:08:58] 2023-05-09 17:09:00 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:08:58] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Very well
[09.05.2023 17:09:02] 2023-05-09 17:09:04 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:09:02] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Fury,Lead the way!
[09.05.2023 17:09:20] 2023-05-09 17:09:22 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:09:20] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Everyone, assume formation oin Fury
[09.05.2023 17:09:22] 2023-05-09 17:09:24 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:09:22] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: Roger that, keep foramtion!
[09.05.2023 17:09:25] 2023-05-09 17:09:27 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:09:25] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Take us to the planet Walker!
[09.05.2023 17:09:29] 2023-05-09 17:09:31 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:09:29] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Roger. Following.
[09.05.2023 17:09:35] 2023-05-09 17:09:37 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:09:35] 1st|Upholder: but sir i think its in 4D
[09.05.2023 17:09:50] 2023-05-09 17:09:52 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:09:50] DTR-Havoc: Lemon?
[09.05.2023 17:10:04] 2023-05-09 17:10:06 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:10:04] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Might be 5D...
[09.05.2023 17:10:15] 2023-05-09 17:10:17 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:10:15] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: //aye, we on arpee mission, feel free to try find us :
[09.05.2023 17:10:23] 2023-05-09 17:10:25 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:10:23] DTR-Havoc: roger
[09.05.2023 17:10:28] 2023-05-09 17:10:30 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:10:28] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: walker, you sounded confident!
[09.05.2023 17:10:34] 2023-05-09 17:10:36 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:10:34] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: You better find that place!
[09.05.2023 17:11:01] 2023-05-09 17:11:03 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:11:01] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: Are you sure Admiral?
[09.05.2023 17:11:12] 2023-05-09 17:11:14 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:11:12] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Seems like they are looking for us :)
[09.05.2023 17:11:22] 2023-05-09 17:11:24 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:11:22] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: CO: You are a lieutenant Commander for crying out loud, of course I trustyou!
[09.05.2023 17:11:30] 2023-05-09 17:11:32 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:11:30] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Here it is..on radar..wait..
[09.05.2023 17:11:34] 2023-05-09 17:11:36 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:11:34] Entropy: Hmmm.
[09.05.2023 17:11:45] 2023-05-09 17:11:47 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:11:45] Entropy: Liberty /this/ far out?
[09.05.2023 17:11:54] 2023-05-09 17:11:56 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:11:54] Order|Tau-1: You guys ar.....yeah, what Entropy said.
[09.05.2023 17:11:59] 2023-05-09 17:12:01 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:11:59] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Targets on scanners
[09.05.2023 17:12:04] 2023-05-09 17:12:06 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:12:04] Entropy: I certainly hope you aren't disturbing the remains of those who died protecting Toledo.
[09.05.2023 17:12:04] 2023-05-09 17:12:06 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:12:04] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: Assume formation
[09.05.2023 17:12:11] 2023-05-09 17:12:13 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:12:11] Order|Tau-1: As do I.
[09.05.2023 17:12:15] 2023-05-09 17:12:17 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:12:15] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: In formation, Sir
[09.05.2023 17:12:22] 2023-05-09 17:12:24 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:12:22] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: Scan commencing.
[09.05.2023 17:12:38] 2023-05-09 17:12:40 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:12:38] Entropy: Mind you, I have no problems with you exploring the system, but be respectful of those who passed here in combat.
[09.05.2023 17:12:49] 2023-05-09 17:12:51 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:12:49] Entropy: As a matter of respect.
[09.05.2023 17:12:56] 2023-05-09 17:12:58 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:12:56] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Certainly we will respect the fallen.
[09.05.2023 17:13:01] 2023-05-09 17:13:03 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:13:01] MV-Acheron: -"Hello! This is MV Acheron, en route to Kepler, it seems we lost route! Libertonian vessels?"
[09.05.2023 17:13:06] 2023-05-09 17:13:08 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:13:06] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Long may they live.
[09.05.2023 17:13:08] 2023-05-09 17:13:10 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:13:08] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: Of course, just a few scans and we are out of your hair!
[09.05.2023 17:13:15] Death: ElGatoFurioso was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[09.05.2023 17:13:18] 2023-05-09 17:13:20 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:13:18] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: :::Scan commencing:::
[09.05.2023 17:13:21] 2023-05-09 17:13:23 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:13:21] Entropy: I'm relieved to hear you say that.
[09.05.2023 17:13:32] 2023-05-09 17:13:34 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:13:32] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Just what exactly happened here then?
[09.05.2023 17:13:38] 2023-05-09 17:13:40 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:13:38] MV-Acheron: -"They don't reply..."
[09.05.2023 17:13:44] 2023-05-09 17:13:46 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:13:44] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: who are the fallen?
[09.05.2023 17:13:49] 2023-05-09 17:13:51 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:13:49] Entropy: Toledo was once my home when I was younger.
[09.05.2023 17:13:57] 2023-05-09 17:13:59 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:13:57] Entropy: The Nomads burned her.
[09.05.2023 17:14:03] 2023-05-09 17:14:05 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:14:03] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: The Nomads?
[09.05.2023 17:14:08] 2023-05-09 17:14:10 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:14:08] MV-Acheron: --"I'm scared, I'm scared of them, they're not Libertonians, are they Kusarian terrorists?"
[09.05.2023 17:14:16] 2023-05-09 17:14:18 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:14:16] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Nomads... *ponders*
[09.05.2023 17:14:25] 2023-05-09 17:14:27 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:14:25] MV-Acheron: "Whatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoido"
[09.05.2023 17:14:29] 2023-05-09 17:14:31 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:14:29] Entropy: Yes. The Nomads. The Core attacked, bringing down our security grid.
[09.05.2023 17:14:32] 2023-05-09 17:14:34 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:14:32] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: If this is the work of aliens....why is there a sign of a massive battle between Core and Order?
[09.05.2023 17:14:37] 2023-05-09 17:14:39 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:14:37] Entropy: The Nomads used that time to attack.
[09.05.2023 17:14:52] 2023-05-09 17:14:54 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:14:52] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Than gunboat is firing at us!
[09.05.2023 17:14:57] 2023-05-09 17:14:59 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:14:57] Order|Tau-1: Confirmed.
[09.05.2023 17:14:57] 2023-05-09 17:14:59 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:14:57] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: What is going on
[09.05.2023 17:14:58] 2023-05-09 17:15:00 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:14:58] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Roger that!
[09.05.2023 17:15:00] 2023-05-09 17:15:02 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:15:00] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: Keep distance MV-Acheron!
[09.05.2023 17:15:02] 2023-05-09 17:15:04 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:15:02] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Stay down
[09.05.2023 17:15:04] 2023-05-09 17:15:06 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:15:04] MV-Acheron: "We have been contacting you!"
[09.05.2023 17:15:05] 2023-05-09 17:15:07 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:15:05] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: We will scan it
[09.05.2023 17:15:12] 2023-05-09 17:15:14 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:15:12] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: :::commencing scan::::
[09.05.2023 17:15:15] 2023-05-09 17:15:17 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:15:15] MV-Acheron: "No! Don't look inside my bag!"
[09.05.2023 17:15:20] 2023-05-09 17:15:22 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:15:20] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Standing by, Sir
[09.05.2023 17:15:34] 2023-05-09 17:15:36 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:15:34] Order|Tau-1: Huh, weird that it would attack you like that.
[09.05.2023 17:15:34] 2023-05-09 17:15:36 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:15:34] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: :::Scan complete:::
[09.05.2023 17:15:51] 2023-05-09 17:15:53 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:15:51] Entropy: Hmmm. IFF is odd.
[09.05.2023 17:15:53] 2023-05-09 17:15:55 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:15:53] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scientist: We detect Rheinland Alloys
[09.05.2023 17:16:07] 2023-05-09 17:16:09 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:16:07] Order|Tau-1: Confirmed, having an odd time tracking it down.
[09.05.2023 17:16:14] 2023-05-09 17:16:17 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:16:14] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scientist: They seem to have been merget with an unknown substance
[09.05.2023 17:16:17] 2023-05-09 17:16:19 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:16:17] MV-Acheron: *bzzt* "Rheinland? We have nothing to do with 'em"
[09.05.2023 17:16:19] 2023-05-09 17:16:21 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:16:19] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Theories First Armada?
[09.05.2023 17:16:32] 2023-05-09 17:16:34 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:16:32] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Well, why do you have a ship like this?
[09.05.2023 17:16:48] 2023-05-09 17:16:50 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:16:48] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Theories? This whole trip has been a theory
[09.05.2023 17:16:49] 2023-05-09 17:16:51 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:16:49] Entropy: Scans can't isolate the transponder/
[09.05.2023 17:16:49] 2023-05-09 17:16:52 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:16:49] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: My scientists can't seem to detect what the material is
[09.05.2023 17:16:52] 2023-05-09 17:16:54 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:16:52] MV-Acheron: "Well, what? You can't see? This is the Captain speaking, it's a Percheron class!"
[09.05.2023 17:17:00] 2023-05-09 17:17:02 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:17:00] Entropy: Only seen this once before...and it wasn't good.
[09.05.2023 17:17:12] 2023-05-09 17:17:14 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:17:12] Order|Tau-1: Neither can my scanners. Recommend caution.
[09.05.2023 17:17:25] 2023-05-09 17:17:27 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:17:25] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Scientist: Scan is complete, unknown origin besides Rheinland Alloys
[09.05.2023 17:17:33] 2023-05-09 17:17:35 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:17:33] Order|Tau-1: Not good? I request elaboration.
[09.05.2023 17:17:33] 2023-05-09 17:17:35 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:17:33] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: 10-4
[09.05.2023 17:17:37] 2023-05-09 17:17:39 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:17:37] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Well this Toledo
[09.05.2023 17:17:46] 2023-05-09 17:17:48 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:17:46] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Why you say the aliens did this
[09.05.2023 17:17:53] 2023-05-09 17:17:55 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:17:53] Entropy: I'd advise caution with that ship. Last time I ran into one with the IFF like that in Nu it nearly tore me apart.
[09.05.2023 17:17:54] 2023-05-09 17:17:56 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:17:54] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: When there is clearly a graveyard of Core and Order vessels
[09.05.2023 17:18:10] 2023-05-09 17:18:12 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:18:10] MV-Acheron: "..."
[09.05.2023 17:18:16] 2023-05-09 17:18:18 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:18:16] MV-Acheron: "... What are you doing here?"
[09.05.2023 17:18:22] 2023-05-09 17:18:24 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:18:22] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Are you trying to throw the guilt for your own squabbles on the "Aliens" once more?
[09.05.2023 17:18:24] 2023-05-09 17:18:26 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:18:24] Entropy: Well, as I was saying, the Core attacked Toledo and took down our security grid.
[09.05.2023 17:18:27] 2023-05-09 17:18:29 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:18:27] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: I don't like this, Sir
[09.05.2023 17:18:34] 2023-05-09 17:18:36 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:18:34] Order|Tau-1: Ah, well, defiently recommend extreme caution.
[09.05.2023 17:18:34] 2023-05-09 17:18:36 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:18:34] Entropy: The Nomads used that time to attack.
[09.05.2023 17:18:50] 2023-05-09 17:18:52 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:18:50] MV-Acheron: W-System engaged, overrriding human consciousnesses... *bzzt*
[09.05.2023 17:18:57] 2023-05-09 17:18:59 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:18:57] Entropy: During the chaos, the Order and Core ships teamed up for one time only to try to stop the Nomads...but failed.
[09.05.2023 17:19:05] 2023-05-09 17:19:07 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:19:05] MV-Acheron: Calculating firing solution. BEATPEACEATONCE.
[09.05.2023 17:19:06] 2023-05-09 17:19:08 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:19:06] Entropy: The result...you see here.
[09.05.2023 17:19:16] 2023-05-09 17:19:18 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:19:16] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Sir!?
[09.05.2023 17:19:17] 2023-05-09 17:19:19 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:19:17] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Itr is attacking
[09.05.2023 17:19:19] 2023-05-09 17:19:21 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:19:19] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Protect us!
[09.05.2023 17:19:22] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora has set MV-Acheron as group target.
[09.05.2023 17:19:22] OK
[09.05.2023 17:19:23] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Weapons online, engaging!
[09.05.2023 17:19:25] 2023-05-09 17:19:27 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:19:25] Entropy: Tau-1, let's move.
[09.05.2023 17:19:26] 2023-05-09 17:19:28 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:19:26] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Under fire! Moving in!
[09.05.2023 17:19:28] 1st|Upholder: Enemy spotted!
[09.05.2023 17:19:29] Changing screen mode=windowed
[09.05.2023 17:19:34] Changing screen mode=full
[09.05.2023 17:19:37] 2023-05-09 17:19:39 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:19:37] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: Fire at will!
[09.05.2023 17:19:38] 2023-05-09 17:19:40 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:19:38] Entropy: Engaging unknown vessel, MV-Archeron/
[09.05.2023 17:19:43] 1st|Upholder: All guns ready for engage!
[09.05.2023 17:19:45] 1st|Upholder: kill them with no mercy!
[09.05.2023 17:19:58] A bounty pool worth $504.900 credits for 17 kills has been deposited in your account.
[09.05.2023 17:20:04] 2023-05-09 17:20:06 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:20:04] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: For the Navy!
[09.05.2023 17:20:29] 2023-05-09 17:20:31 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:20:29] Order|Tau-1: Weapons hot!
[09.05.2023 17:20:35] 2023-05-09 17:20:37 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:20:35] Order|Tau-1: Engaging target!
[09.05.2023 17:20:40] 2023-05-09 17:20:42 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:20:40] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: get last hit boys
[09.05.2023 17:21:05] Death: MV-Acheron was put out of action by 1st|Felix-Gustafson (Gun).
[09.05.2023 17:21:10] 2023-05-09 17:21:12 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:21:10] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Target down!
[09.05.2023 17:21:15] 2023-05-09 17:21:17 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:21:15] Entropy: Contacts clear.
[09.05.2023 17:21:18] 2023-05-09 17:21:20 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:21:18] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: What ...the hell was that!
[09.05.2023 17:21:34] 2023-05-09 17:21:36 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:21:34] Entropy: That was what we refer to as a Wild.
[09.05.2023 17:21:34] 2023-05-09 17:21:36 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:21:34] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Resuming formation
[09.05.2023 17:21:37] 2023-05-09 17:21:39 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:21:37] Order|Tau-1: Target down, good fight, guys.
[09.05.2023 17:21:47] 2023-05-09 17:21:49 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:21:47] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: Minordamage detected. One Scientist burnet off his mustache!
[09.05.2023 17:21:53] 2023-05-09 17:21:55 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:21:53] Ingrid:Lotter: Intruders
[09.05.2023 17:21:56] 2023-05-09 17:21:58 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:21:56] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: More contacts incoming, Sir!
[09.05.2023 17:21:58] 2023-05-09 17:22:00 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:21:58] Ingrid:Lotter: Weapons free
[09.05.2023 17:21:59] 2023-05-09 17:22:01 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:21:59] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: Wehave all we need,ready to depart
[09.05.2023 17:22:07] Kaster.Peralez: What the hell are the Navy doing here?
[09.05.2023 17:22:21] 2023-05-09 17:22:23 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:22:21] Entropy: They're just leaving.
[09.05.2023 17:22:25] 2023-05-09 17:22:27 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:22:25] Order|Tau-1: Wait, they helped us put down a Wild gunboat, how bout we let them go in honor of that?
[09.05.2023 17:22:28] 2023-05-09 17:22:30 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:22:28] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Assume formation, let's get the hell out of here
[09.05.2023 17:22:38] 2023-05-09 17:22:40 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:22:38] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Roger that, Sir
[09.05.2023 17:22:47] 2023-05-09 17:22:49 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:22:47] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Well done Order vessels, we owe you a debt of grattitude
[09.05.2023 17:22:57] 2023-05-09 17:22:59 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:22:57] OCV-Owl's.Eyes: John: What is the reason of your presense here Navies?
[09.05.2023 17:22:58] 2023-05-09 17:23:00 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:22:58] Entropy: Safe travels.
[09.05.2023 17:23:08] Preparing to cloak...
[09.05.2023 17:23:11] 2023-05-09 17:23:13 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:23:11] Ingrid:Lotter: Moving to intercept.
[09.05.2023 17:23:21] Cloaking device off
[09.05.2023 17:23:21] 2023-05-09 17:23:23 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:23:21] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Your comrades can fill you in!
[09.05.2023 17:23:23] 2023-05-09 17:23:25 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:23:23] OCV-Owl's.Eyes: John: Do it Ingreed.
[09.05.2023 17:23:29] Kaster.Peralez: I don't think we're gonna let them leave.
[09.05.2023 17:23:38] 2023-05-09 17:23:40 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:23:38] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Jonathtan: Seems like they are chasing, sir.
[09.05.2023 17:23:44] 2023-05-09 17:23:46 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:23:44] Ingrid:Lotter: Done.
[09.05.2023 17:23:47] Preparing to cloak...
[09.05.2023 17:23:51] 2023-05-09 17:23:53 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:23:51] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: What a...
[09.05.2023 17:24:01] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: //What the actual fuck xD
[09.05.2023 17:24:09] 2023-05-09 17:24:11 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:24:09] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: // are they dumb or what>xDD
[09.05.2023 17:24:10] 2023-05-09 17:24:12 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:24:10] Ingrid:Lotter: Not so fast...
[09.05.2023 17:24:21] 2023-05-09 17:24:23 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:24:21] Ingrid:Lotter: Weapons hot!
[09.05.2023 17:24:27] 2023-05-09 17:24:29 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:24:27] 1st|Fury-27: Bryce: What's your problem?
[09.05.2023 17:24:30] Kaster.Peralez: Alright then. Let's fly!
[09.05.2023 17:24:36] 2023-05-09 17:24:38 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:24:36] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: Protect the scientists!
[09.05.2023 17:24:39] 2023-05-09 17:24:41 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:24:39] OCV-Owl's.Eyes: John: Weapons systems online.
[09.05.2023 17:24:40] 2023-05-09 17:24:42 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:24:40] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: 10-?
[09.05.2023 17:24:48] Cloaking device on
[09.05.2023 17:24:52] 2023-05-09 17:24:54 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:24:52] Order|Tau-1: Hey! Let them go, they helped us take out some infected!
[09.05.2023 17:24:56] 2023-05-09 17:24:58 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:24:56] OCV-Owl's.Eyes: John: Attacking hostiles!
[09.05.2023 17:24:58] 2023-05-09 17:25:00 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:24:58] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Cloakengaged
[09.05.2023 17:25:01] 2023-05-09 17:25:03 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:25:01] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Create a distraction
[09.05.2023 17:25:04] 2023-05-09 17:25:06 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:25:04] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: And try to get to Nu
[09.05.2023 17:25:11] 2023-05-09 17:25:13 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:25:11] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Van Leer: We will protect the scientists
[09.05.2023 17:25:13] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Weapons online, engaging!
[09.05.2023 17:25:29] /fm1st try to jump to nu
[09.05.2023 17:25:36] Death: DTR-Apart suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[09.05.2023 17:25:37] /fm 1st try to jump here :)
[09.05.2023 17:25:37] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: try to jump here :)
[09.05.2023 17:25:53] 2023-05-09 17:25:55 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:25:53] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: fight or jumpup to you
[09.05.2023 17:26:15] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Jumping!
[09.05.2023 17:26:18] 2023-05-09 17:26:20 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:26:18] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Nice
[09.05.2023 17:26:19] 2023-05-09 17:26:21 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:26:19] 1st|Fury-27: same
[09.05.2023 17:26:30] 2023-05-09 17:26:32 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:26:30] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: cruise to virginia hole
[09.05.2023 17:26:32] 2023-05-09 17:26:34 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:26:32] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Auto CMon
[09.05.2023 17:26:41] Death: 1st|Upholder was put out of action by Ingrid:Lotter (Gun).
[09.05.2023 17:26:48] 2023-05-09 17:26:50 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:26:48] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: CO: First armada, retreat to Virginia
[09.05.2023 17:26:53] 2023-05-09 17:26:55 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:26:53] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Roger!
[09.05.2023 17:26:59] 2023-05-09 17:27:01 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:26:59] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Take screens boys
[09.05.2023 17:27:00] 2023-05-09 17:27:02 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:27:00] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: :D
[09.05.2023 17:27:04] 2023-05-09 17:27:06 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:27:04] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: need themfor RP
[09.05.2023 17:27:08] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: //What kind of magic was that? xD
[09.05.2023 17:27:13] 2023-05-09 17:27:15 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:27:13] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: he cded all of us lolol
[09.05.2023 17:27:19] 2023-05-09 17:27:21 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:27:19] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: reinforced I guess
[09.05.2023 17:27:22] If you are killed in a PvP fight, you are not allowed to re-engage the player or group of players that you were fighting any of your characters for 1 hour. Self-destruction during such fights also counts as a PvP death.
[09.05.2023 17:27:22] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 1 hour. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
[09.05.2023 17:27:25] 2023-05-09 17:27:27 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:27:25] 1st|Upholder: XD GG
[09.05.2023 17:27:29] 2023-05-09 17:27:31 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:27:29] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: nice one boys
[09.05.2023 17:27:37] Cloaking device off
[09.05.2023 17:27:42] 2023-05-09 17:27:44 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:27:42] 1st|Upholder: cya
[09.05.2023 17:27:51] 2023-05-09 17:27:53 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:27:51] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: kill em all odgar
[09.05.2023 17:27:56] 2023-05-09 17:27:58 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:27:56] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: that's an Order:D
[09.05.2023 17:28:14] 2023-05-09 17:28:16 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:28:14] 1st|Fury-27: is he fighting? nah
[09.05.2023 17:28:17] 2023-05-09 17:28:19 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:28:17] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Well that was very productive!
[09.05.2023 17:28:26] 2023-05-09 17:28:29 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:28:26] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Glad we got out of there alive!
[09.05.2023 17:28:31] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: He says after losing one haha
[09.05.2023 17:28:38] 2023-05-09 17:28:41 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:28:38] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Well, most of us
[09.05.2023 17:28:48] 2023-05-09 17:28:50 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:28:48] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Anybody grabbed his escape pod?
[09.05.2023 17:28:53] 2023-05-09 17:28:55 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:28:53] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Yes sir!
[09.05.2023 17:29:00] 2023-05-09 17:29:02 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:00] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: Excellent!
[09.05.2023 17:29:04] Death: 1st|Jonathan.Odgar was put out of action by Kaster.Peralez (Gun).
[09.05.2023 17:29:08] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: oof
[09.05.2023 17:29:08] 2023-05-09 17:29:10 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:08] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: aww
[09.05.2023 17:29:10] 2023-05-09 17:29:12 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:10] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: nice
[09.05.2023 17:29:13] 2023-05-09 17:29:15 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:13] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: you let us get out
[09.05.2023 17:29:15] 2023-05-09 17:29:17 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:15] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: excellend job!
[09.05.2023 17:29:18] 2023-05-09 17:29:20 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:18] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: bruh
[09.05.2023 17:29:19] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: Thanks!
[09.05.2023 17:29:23] 2023-05-09 17:29:25 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:23] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: wp
[09.05.2023 17:29:27] 2023-05-09 17:29:29 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:27] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Bastards xDDD
[09.05.2023 17:29:28] 2023-05-09 17:29:30 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:28] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: died for the team boys
[09.05.2023 17:29:30] 2023-05-09 17:29:32 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:30] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: :D
[09.05.2023 17:29:30] Ingrid:Lotter: Send more! Where are they? They just left two pilots to die?
[09.05.2023 17:29:33] 1st|Felix-Gustafson: You saved the scientists :D
[09.05.2023 17:29:36] 2023-05-09 17:29:38 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:36] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: xDDD
[09.05.2023 17:29:38] 2023-05-09 17:29:40 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:38] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: and azurite
[09.05.2023 17:29:40] 2023-05-09 17:29:42 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:40] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: Report about it
[09.05.2023 17:29:40] 2023-05-09 17:29:42 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:40] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: and nomad stuffs
[09.05.2023 17:29:42] 2023-05-09 17:29:44 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:42] 1st|Jonathan.Odgar: xDD
[09.05.2023 17:29:50] 2023-05-09 17:29:52 SMT
[09.05.2023 17:29:50] 1st|ONI-RV-Aurora: yeah I'll think of something
20,000 Bio Neural Processors from Prudhoe Skunk Works, Alaska
8, 000 Energy Field Equipment from Austin Depot, Texas
8,000 Superconductors from Pueblo Station, Colorado
8,000 Heat Sinks from Nago Station, Tau-29
I am sending this message directly from the main lab aboard the Grannus even as my research team continues to process the data we have garnered from our efforts in surveying the sites as requested by ONI. Though a full analysis of our findings is still in the works, myself and my team agree that enough has been done that we can submit an interim report in the confidence that its information is correct and relevant, especially given the time constraints that are in place.
1.0 Mission Summary
30/05: Level four survey and scan of the South Dallas debris field
31/05: Level four survey and scan of the West Dallas debris field
01/06: Level four survey and scan of the Grande Negra and the Pequena Negra, accompanied by the SEO|M-Josef for sample recovery
02/06: Level four survey and scan of the Bikini debris field
2.0 South Dallas Debris Field Report
Environment: Debris field of medium density. Pockets of moderate radiation occupy the interior of the field. Stable jump hole to the Hudson system detected and readings taken close to the centre of sector D7.
Notable objects: Two large, unidentified pieces of wreckage located with broadly identical profiles, dated and theorised to be surviving parts of the Dallas Research Complex as with most of the debris in the field. Image capture of one such object included:
Other notes: Though the field is mostly intact, a major salvage operation has since removed much of the still functional equipment for resale. Thankfully most legal enterprises perform a basic cataloguing of item and position, though even with this information, painting a complete picture is difficult.
2.1 West Dallas Debris Field Report
Environment: Debris field of medium density. Large radiation zone centred around the remains of the Dallas gate. The gate itself and the former support facility are largely structurally intact, though large pieces of wreckage can be found throughout the field. Stable jump hole to the California system detected and readings taken close to the centre of sector C4.
Notable Objects: The epicentre of the Texas incident is still active and emitting both radiation and severe gravimetric distortions. Repeated attempts to scan the anomaly resulted in damage to the Grannus' sensor suites. Image capture included below:
Also present was the wreck of the research vessel Hubble, a ship on record as being lost in the incident. As will be typical with most of the wrecks in Texas in this report, she is structurally intact, but prolonged exposure to radiation has eaten away at her electronics, leaving data extraction. Again, as with many unfortunate vessels out here, organic remains are confirmed by external scan.
Two sets of trade lane rings were observed; one numbering five rings heading into the Grande Negra toward the remains of the station there, and a set of two that must once have lead toward Planet Houston.
Finally, an unregistered station was detected within the debris field sector C5. As we were operating with relatively light security we did not approach or make contact, as the response from such places are known to be unpredictable. Transponder identified it as Galveston Outpost.
Other notes: Much of what we learned in West Dallas would come to apply to subsequent investigations of the Grande and Pequena Negras. It appears that, though there was a definite and catastrophic explosive element to the incident 300 years ago, it was not so great as to move many of the larger pieces of equipment out of alignment. Indeed, we hypothesise that it was the wave of dark matter that was responsible for most of the actual destruction and tragic loss of life.
2.2 Grande Negra Report
Environment: Debris field of medium density, enveloped by a dark matter cloud. Medium level radiation abundant throughout.
Notable Objects: Of immediate interest were the remains of Dallas Research Station and the unfortunate vessels that were caught nearby on the unfortunate day, ranging from large trains to small transports, heavy lifters and fighter patrols, still in place. As with the Hubble both they and their cargos are now mostly too degraded to be anything but pieces of floating metal, and once again, organic remains were detected.
Strangely, a trio of storage depots were detected in the vicinity of the station which appeared to still be powered with their hazard lights still operational. Scans were inconclusive as to their contents.
Another mysterious discovery was made in sector B8 of the field. The Grannus surveyed an unknown station. Once again we did not attempt to make contact, but we noted that within proximity to the facility our sensors and communications were being actively jammed.
Environment: Debris field of medium density, enveloped by a dark matter cloud. Highest levels of radiation between all survey sites detected within. Stable jump hole to the Kansas system detected and readings taken close to the centre of sector C2.
Notes: Debris (as with the other three Texas sites) is consistent with what we expected to find, the samples showing that it is more than likely left over from the Texas incident. Notably, the Pequena Negra is mostly bare of any notable objects. A handful of smaller shipwrecks were catalogued, but these are almost certainly later additions; vessels that, for whatever reason, entered the cloud and never left. It is curious, however, that the radiation appeared to be stronger here than anywhere else. The reason for this cannot be discerned with the data available.
2.4 Bikini Debris Field Report
Environment: Low Density debris field orbiting a single body, Planet Marshall. No radiation or dark matter sources detected. Having taken on samples of debris, we can confirm that the sulphur deposits found are very much identical to those found on similar pieces found in the Texas system. The similarities do not end there; many parts are of Libertonian manufacture and once again, date to the time of the Texas incident.
Notable Objects: It was difficult not to miss the sheer number of Liberty capital ships that were found floating derelict in the field, though it must be pointed out that almost all of these ships are of much more recent construction than the surrounding wreckage (the six Liberty Assault Battlecruisers are an at-a-glance testament to this). We observed:
1 Liberty Gunboat
7 Liberty Siege Cruisers
6 Liberty Assault Battlecruisers
(All currently unidentified, list may not be complete)
The one exception to this was the single, battleship that lay close in to Marshall. Scans of the layout and comparison to historical records indicate that this is most likely to be the Tennessee, a vessel that was on record as having been lost in Texas in 500AS. The ship itself appears to have had some critical components salvaged from it, and curiously though organic matter is present, it is not nearly in quantities enough to account for any number of crew. As we were on a time limit we were unable to delve deeper into the ship's secrets, but have earmarked it as a point of interest for further study.
The final remaining place of interest is Planet Marshall itself. We were unable to perform an atmospheric flyby, but scans confirm what is already known about the planet; it has a thin atmosphere that is theoretically capable of supporting life, but little else. Reports of signals coming from the surface were unable to be verified by the Grannus as none were detected.
3.0 Concluding Notes
Though it is very early days for us, we are able to cautiously put forward a startling hypothesis. The consistency of three hundred year old Libertonian wreckage between the Texas and Nu sites is a phenomenon with very few reasonable explanations, save perhaps one; that the Dallas gate, maybe even only for a split second, was able to function before its spectacular failure, and transported these fragments out into what was then a completely undiscovered system. Though not a definite indicator, the lack of organic remains onboard the Tennessee potentially hints to the possibility of there even being survivors, though the confirmation of that is not the purpose of this interim report, nor can anything be said of what their ultimate fates were.
It has been an intense week for everyone aboard the Grannus and, even if it is a little premature and self-congratulatory, I would like to commend them for their hard work thus far. We will continue to process the data we have. Currently we are relocating back to our SEO facility in Texas, but if the ONI happens to have any follow up requests for a specific point of focus, the Grannus is still more than able to assist.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Vanessa Kauffmann
Sirius Entsorgung Vorstandsbüro
//Apologies for the rush, IRL was not being cooperative this week
Death charname=1st|Libby'Harrison killername=OCV-Meroe system=a3839a40
Death charname=46th|LNS-Gibraltar killername=OCV-Meroe
Death charname=1st|LNS-Memphis killername=OCV-Meroe system=a3839a40
Death charname=1st|LNS-Westfield killername=OCV-Meroe
Death charname=1st|LNS-Radiance killername=OCV-Meroe
Death charname=1st|LNS-Barbara.Jacobi killername=OCV-Meroe
Death charname=1st|LNS-Hawkeye killername=OCV-Meroe
Then the Order|Darkface.F with nomad weapons infiltrates Kansas and gets taken down after a long fight
And then Order warships not only invade Omicron Nu, but the Order| makes fantastical accusations against Liberty's Primary Fleets, alluring to their treachery and collusion with the Order
[07.06.2023 19:43:12] Order|Lightbane: Primary Fleets of the Liberty have never engaged Order vessels in this area.
[07.06.2023 19:43:13] Death: DTR-CNS>Santana_Cruz was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[07.06.2023 19:43:19] OCV-Dunov: Mason: Till recently.
[07.06.2023 19:43:21] 1st|Blake,W.: Areyou saying
[07.06.2023 19:43:33] 1st|Blake,W.: Primary Fleets are colluding with stolen warships and terrorists?
[07.06.2023 19:43:39] 1st|Blake,W.: Most interesting information
[07.06.2023 19:43:40] 1st|Blake,W.: do go on
[07.06.2023 19:43:42] Order|Lightbane: Your incompetence, that is, your secondary, fleet, "Admiral," has no authority to command Order units in the Omicrons.
[07.06.2023 19:43:49] Changing screen mode=windowed
[07.06.2023 19:44:07] Changing screen mode=full
[07.06.2023 19:44:10] Order|Lightbane: Primary Fleet has common sense unlike you, "Admiral."
[07.06.2023 19:44:32] 1st|Blake,W.: If they openly welcome stolen hostile Warships to Omicron Nu
[07.06.2023 19:44:35] Order|Lightbane: This space is heavily under Nomad influence, and you're enforcing your personal ill-made laws on Order units
[07.06.2023 19:44:36] 1st|Blake,W.: then they are the traitors
[07.06.2023 19:44:37] Order|Lightbane: safeguarding the space.
[07.06.2023 19:44:46] Order|Lightbane: What stolen warships?
[07.06.2023 19:45:01] Order|Lightbane: I suggest you to leave our units alone, or we will be forced to defend ourself against your aggression.
[07.06.2023 19:45:01] 1st|Blake,W.: The Osiris is of stolen Liberty Design
[07.06.2023 19:45:19] OCV-Dunov: Mason: Yes, but we stole "one" ship, not these two as well, they were built in our shipyards.
[07.06.2023 19:45:28] Order|Lightbane: You are not LSF, "Admiral," once again, leave our units alone.
[07.06.2023 19:45:33] Core|AV-Yaren: Tree Order in Nu!! Are you good?
[07.06.2023 19:45:35] Order|Lightbane: Osirises, you are clear to proceed.
[07.06.2023 19:45:44] Order|Lightbane: If the suspect disrupts you again, I will defend you.
[07.06.2023 19:45:49] 1st|Blake,W.: no call your people
[07.06.2023 19:45:50] 1st|Blake,W.: x2 osiris
[07.06.2023 19:45:51] OCV-Dunov: Mason: Aff, moving to sector D3.
[07.06.2023 19:46:00] Order|Lightbane: Wait.
[07.06.2023 19:46:01] 1st|Blake,W.: You are ordered to stop
[07.06.2023 19:46:04] 1st|Blake,W.: and turn around at once
[07.06.2023 19:46:16] Order|Lightbane: We'll relocate to a more, high-alert sector, due to Nomad infestation.
[07.06.2023 19:46:17] 1st|Blake,W.: We will protect our civilians from your warships
[07.06.2023 19:46:21] Order|Lightbane: Follow me.
[07.06.2023 19:46:29] Order|Lightbane: There are no civilians here, "Admiral."
[07.06.2023 19:46:29] OCV-Dunov: Mason: Roger, on your tail.
[07.06.2023 19:46:40] Order|Lightbane: Leave our units alone, "Admiral."
[07.06.2023 19:46:45] 1st|Blake,W.: shf
[07.06.2023 19:46:46] Order|Lightbane: Alright, you've chosen to engage us.
[07.06.2023 19:46:49] OCV-Dunov: Mason: Again we are being cruise disrupted.
[07.06.2023 19:47:00] Core|AV-Yaren: no chance then
[07.06.2023 19:47:01] Order|Lightbane: Warships, relocate to Omicron Minor.
[07.06.2023 19:47:03] Death: Vremarh_g was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[07.06.2023 19:47:07] Core|AV-Yaren: right?
[07.06.2023 19:47:12] OCV-Cognito: aff,
[07.06.2023 19:47:14] OCV-Dunov: Mason: Roger, all power full engines, take us back.
[07.06.2023 19:47:14] 1st|Blake,W.: no we need a lot of stuff
[07.06.2023 19:47:15] Order|Lightbane: I'll deal with the falsely self-given title "Admiral."
[07.06.2023 19:47:28] 1st|Blake,W.: Good, glad you can follow orders
[07.06.2023 19:47:43] OCV-Dunov: Mason: Yes, but not 'your' orders/
[07.06.2023 19:47:47] Order|Lightbane: And what, you won't disrupt me?
[07.06.2023 19:48:10] 1st|Blake,W.: You are to leave the area as well
[07.06.2023 19:48:14] Order|Lightbane: Navy Unit, release that Order pilot.
[07.06.2023 19:48:27] 1st|Blake,W.: If you leave at once once you get it
[07.06.2023 19:48:28] Death: 1st|Libby,Harrison was put out of action by Marcus.Decker (Wasp/Hornet).
[07.06.2023 19:48:34] 1st|Blake,W.: We have a deal?
[07.06.2023 19:48:37] Core|AV-Yaren: and we don't have help that time
[07.06.2023 19:48:38] Order|Lightbane: This is not Liberty space.
[07.06.2023 19:48:44] 1st|Blake,W.: nvm
[07.06.2023 19:48:46] 1st|Blake,W.: wont be fight
[07.06.2023 19:48:47] Order|Lightbane: I won't leave.
[07.06.2023 19:48:54] Order|Lightbane: These are Omicrons.
[07.06.2023 19:48:58] 1st|Blake,W.: Very well, taking the prisoner to
[07.06.2023 19:49:01] 1st|Blake,W.: Texas
[07.06.2023 19:49:12] Order|Lightbane: Your superior Primary Fleet will bonk you for that. Beware.
[07.06.2023 19:49:17] Order|Lightbane: "Admiral."
[07.06.2023 19:49:50] 1st|Blake,W.: Order prisoner apprehended, moving him in for interrogation
We must monitor the situation closely, the Order are starting to cause issues.
Encryption:ONI-OMEGA78-A Origin: The Office of NavalIntelligence Handler 36 Subject:Operation Dropping the hammer Message bulk:
We have begun preparation for the Pueblo attack follow-up - The ONI has followed the trail to Kepler. These suspicions were confirmed, when Auxesians and their thralls appeared, with nomad materials on board, in a place they couldn't have possibly known about besides being part of the trail we followed.
Our research vessel battled FOUR possible infected, their gunboat went to replenish its regeneration and repair only to return into battle later - only Aliens could have a complete lack of morals to engage in such dismal honorless behaviour. They even attempted to kidnap our research vessel!
Operation Dropping the hammer might prove very difficult, we will need everyone on board to assure it's success! We might even have to - I don't even want to say it - openly ask The Order for assistance.
SOURCE: Alaska, First Armada HQ
RECIPIENT: Office of NavalIntelligence
SUBJECT: Novi Plant
I have been instructed to attach evidence of Novi Plant from the conventional First Armada databases for your investigation - and request further evidence to be collected.
25,486/20,000 Bio Neural Processors from Prudhoe Skunk Works, Alaska
8,253/8, 000 Energy Field Equipment from Austin Depot, Texas
8,600/8,000 Superconductors from Pueblo Station, Colorado
12,775/8,000 Heat Sinks from Nago Station, Tau-29