Ares Zorrack after reviewing your application, we have decided to accept you into Interspace Commerce.
You may now display IC| and will be contacted on a secure channel with all the information you need to know.
Welcome to Interspace Commerce.
Last Name - Gaards First Names - Alexander Birth Place - Planet Hamburg Age - 27
Employment History and Previous Occupations[color=#000000] -
Was an engineer onboard the ALG Vessel Strahland the vessel however was destroyed during a Toxin cleanup in Frankfurt.
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
Worked on a ship all my life, i know what makes them tick and ive always wanted to runn my own Cargo Hauler, Interspace represents the best way to do so. I can deliver results and i have a Class A Commercial Pilots license.
Biography -
There really isnt much to tell about my background, I graduated from the Mechanical and Aeronautics Academy on planet Hamburg, Spent a couple of years as an intern for Daumann until my Apprenticeship ended. Then i got Hired as a Ship Engineer from ALG back when the economy more or less still were somewhat stabil. Then everything just went downhill and i was out of the job, and with my familey either being in prison or having joined the Hessians i decided it was time i made myself scarce in Rheinland. So i used what little money i had left to book a flight to liberty to start over.
My Familey were outspoken opponents of the Chancellors policies and some of them were miners who simply had enough with how Daumann ran things, id appreciuate if we dont get into any further details but suffice to say i have not kept up contact with that part of my familey and i have no relation with the hessians what so ever.
Do you require starting funds?
[♠] Yes
[] No
Do you already have an IC ship
[] Yes
[♠] No
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them?
[♠] Yes
[] No
Due to our current situation with the Rheinland government, I would like you to expand upon your background so we can be clear that you will be employed with the best interests of Interspace Commerce at heart.
Last Name - Nic First Names - Fury Birth Place - Invergordon Space Port, Inverness system Age - 32
Employment History and Previous Occupations[color=#000000] -
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
To work legally in a trading company.
Biography -
Born into the junker family, Nic grew tired of the politics of the junkers and decided by the age of 21 to take the world head on, young and adventurous, Nic became a freelancer, so he started from the bottom of the barrel with a small transport ship, everywhere he would go Nic brought with him supplies leaving them at the station he visited. As repayment Nic received small amount of credits for his goodwill to travel in harsh and dangerous corners of sirius.
After gathering a small fortune Nic purchased a Shukensha - Renzu Luxury Liner, with its cargo space armor and firepower Nic could travel farer and be safe. When tired of traveling far into the dark systems of sirius Nic retired to fly a common trade route betwin Bretonia and Kusari doing so with his liner even this very day.
Do you require starting funds?
[] Yes
[♠] No
Do you already have an IC ship
[♠] Yes
[] No
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them?
[♠] Yes
[] No
Last Name - Thompson First Names - Mark Birth Place - Fort Bush, New York. Age - 48
Employment History and Previous Occupations[color=#000000] -
Liberty Navy
Liberty Air Force
Why do you want to work for Interspace Commerce?
So I can finally have a steady job, and make some money that might afford me more then an apartment on Denver.
Biography -
Henderson was born on Fort Bush, 3 weeks earlier then expected, on 770 A.S, May 31st. However, he grew up on Manhattan in a secluded portion of a smaller city. His parents were both in the Police Force, which meant he didn't see either much. When the opportunity presented itself, he signed up to the Navy when a recruiting officer came around his school district. He went through the regular training courses.
At age 21, he was thrown into the Navy regular's, set to patrol the core systems. However, about 9 years later, the Nomad War broke out, and he received new gunner training aboard West Point. During the majority of the war, Henderson spent his time on the Missouri, as a Tertiary gunner. When peace resumed among the houses, he was sent back into a fighter wing, and remained at a relatively low rank of Ensign.
However, after a brush with his commanding officer that resulted in a fist fight, 3 broken chairs and a broken table, he was sent to the 63.5| at 817 A.S. The 63.5 was a new squad formed by the Secondary Fleet to rake together misfits and the like that should be discharged, but are sent into a squad that is deemed 'expendable' by the Fleet. Its similar to the 222nd of the Liberty Marine Core, just a space-born equivalent. However, after saving a civilian transport from a Rogue Werewolf in California, he was released from the 63.5th and slotted into the regular secondary fleet once again.
Unfortunately, the Air Force broke down into pieces, and Mark was left without a job and without a payroll. Through bartering, some under the table deals and sheer luck, Henderson managed to get himself at the controls of an Interspace Kujira whale.
Do you require starting funds?
[♠] No
Do you already have an IC ship
[♠] Yes
Have you read the Interspace Commerce Employee Code of Conduct and understand them?
[♠] Yes
Mark Thompson after reviewing your application, we have decided to accept you into Interspace Commerce.
You may now display IC| and will be contacted on a secure channel with all the information you need to know.
Welcome to Interspace Commerce.