I generally don't ask for much, unless I find it necessary.
Due to the recent conflicts in Omega-3, I've deployed myself in that area to research more indepth in the cause of the war, while I haven't found anything useful or anything that confirms my suspicions as to Nomadic or Wilde activity, I did come across something as serious as the war itself.
We all know that the Outcasts worship those bloody creatures, and a former friend of mine was killed researching into the effects of Cardamine. This is something I feel we need to get involved in. I'm asking kindly, which generally goes against what I normally do, that someone, anyone, can help me provide aid for this.
[:: Incoming Transmission ::]
[:: From : Kate Miller ::]
[:: Location : UNAVAILABLE ::]
[:: To : Terrance Chamberlain ::] [:: WARNING : ROGUE OPERATIVE ::]
This is quite interesting, and I can assure you the nomads have nothing to do with this. They don't use such tactics. Although that... callsign Voices is quite creepy, but I know nothing about it.
But I have possibilities that nor you, nor the Order have access to and I feel concerned. It won't be hard for us to recover the missing little sister on Malta, but I think you already know that the difficult part will be what will happen next. When you are exposed to Malta's atmosphere, which is full of cardamine, you become an addict. To sum up, she's a slave now. The only way to survive outside of Malta is to use a cardamine rebreather, and you'll still need to find cardamine.
I'm well aware of the Maltese atmosphere being filled with Cardamine, and it's one of the few reasons why I find this risky, as you said. I know there isn't any cure for Cardamine, but getting her off that planet is the best thing we can do right now.
[:: Incoming Transmission ::]
[:: From : Kate Miller ::]
[:: Location : UNAVAILABLE ::]
[:: To : Terrance Chamberlain ::] [:: WARNING : ROGUE OPERATIVE ::]
Alright. I need every single bit of information about this girl. Her full name, who/what took her, if possible the name of a don. I can work out everything else.
Terrance,i know me and you have our diffrences but given the circumstances mabye i can extend the preverbial olive branch between us,im in MC'Cools Tavern on the freeport feel free to aproch me im kinda hard to miss,im probasbly the only guy with a vest on but if you need more im in grey fatigues and a tanktop
Kate, I'm currently in the process of getting that information for you, though don't expect to act without my help. I got myself into this, I want to make sure nothing else happens to the girl, I'm only allowing your help because you came to me first on this, and I probably should have encrypted this better. But whatever, what's done is done.
Patterson, trust me when I say I don't care if you want to put our differences aside, my views of the Primary Fleet won't change until I see that change from within the Primary Fleet itself. You won't have to worry about me showing up on Freeport One, I'll be heading out to Tau space here shortly, feel free to catch up if you want.
[font=Agency FB]>>: Comm. ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Vasco Da Gama - OCV-Interrogator >>: Subject: Need Help?
Mister Chamberlain, Miss Miller.
I am Vasco Da Gama, captain of the Resheph-class cruiser Interrogator.
The Outcasts' home system Omicron Alpha is a dangerous place, and I doubt you'll survive for long without a base of operations. If you want us, we can take care of that. The Interrogator has a small hangar and can easily house three freighters, so your fighters shouldn't be a problem.
If you want the help, reply as soon as possible. The Primary Fleet won't be happy with a Resheph flying around without permission.
ok, where exactly in the taus i can bring my gunboat and ill bring extra supplys,we can stage from her if needed,the Vanguard is not the most glamorous but shes solid,and i recently broke thirty-five thousand creditss to top off her fuel stores and swap the spent fuel rods. ive got enough supplys for a 4 man crew for a year at least but can get more if needed and shes got a full medical bay,the catch is shes a kusari explorer and i havent translated 70 precent of her pannels and such so id brush up on your kusarian.
oh also should we need guns i can get them too,hopefully it wont cometo that but my armorys stocked just incase
transmit me an RV point and ill set out A-SAP shes freelancer ided and iffed for easy cover
-james out
Any order agent found in Omicron Alpha will fail this operation and get us killed, think twice. The best option is to bring you back the girl at Freeport 10 once I got her out of Alpha. It's still your operation, but I'm giving you the best plan here. An assault against the core system of the Maltese Nation -will- fail.
I do not care who does it as long as it will be done, still you got green light on it agent even if you have to co-operate with more or less... hostile entities. And burn few nomads on your way back home when you are done Chamberlain.