Incoming Transmission
Communications ID: Public Extranet Terminal, Gran Canaria Spaceport
Communications Subject: We need your help
Good sir, I'm Reggie Lawson and I come from an outlying farm on Gran Canaria. I'll be damned if I know how to approach a personality like you...
*he is seen scratching his head*
Let's get this over with..I dunno if you'll even listen to this, but I feel it's my duty. So, a couple of days back, me and Martha, that's my wife were relaxing in the evening sunlight, when we saw this meteorite come down from the sky. we saw it's descent and it crashed in a little wood a few kilometres from our place. we got pretty curious to see it, it's kind of rare on Canaria as you know.
So we found it, turns out it was no Meteorite. It was some kind of...pod. looked pretty bashed up, from it's descent. We thought maybe someone could be inside, so we fiddled with it's controls a bit, and the doors opened. A guy in some sort of black uniform was inside, and he was bloody bashed up. Blood all over the little pod. We dragged him back to our home to see if we could do anything about the lad.
We did all first aid we could, but he's probably got a lot of internal injuries, and hasn't woken up even once.
We don't know who he is, except that the pod had this weird mark I don't recognize... maybe you do.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
Location: Tombstone Estate, Planet Gran Canaria
To: Mr. Reggie Lawson
Encryption: Unbreakable
Kallisti, Mr. Lawson,
That marking is one of the Order. As to what division I don't know.
Gather what information you can on him and let me know on this channel. It is secure. I will send a team to examine him and if possible, transport him to Canaria medical.