How about you stop bashing Order| and praising only 63rd, you are definately not the only ones.
Not entire OHC is against your way of doing things, and instead using every oportunity to flame Order| you could think about some alternative which would suit everyone, but seems forum bashing is more cooler then actually trying to find compromise.
' Wrote:How about you stop bashing Order| and praising only 63rd, you are definately not the only ones.
Not entire OHC is against your way of doing things, and instead using every oportunity to flame Order| you could think about some alternative which would suit everyone, but seems forum bashing is more cooler then actually trying to find compromise.
Name one unofficial factionleader that doesnt bash official faction and praises their own faction? Didnt think so. Lets see now about the "entire OHC:"
Mario: (cool) U do gut 63rd.
Golanski: (rage rage rage rage rage)
now its:
golanski: (rage rage rage rage rage)
Mario: u do good 63rd.
Probably some other admiral that likes to flambe indies for their own amusement
Odds don't look very good eh?
' Wrote:can i just ask who is the OHC cant fiand them?
Check the official order databasethingy.
as of right now I know its:
Golanski -Superadmiralheadoforderp
Mario- Caja Collister - Great person, most win of anyone in order hands down:)
No bloody idea whos 3rd in command now.
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.
' Wrote:Chill out, Andrew. Still around if you need me.
Meh, Im pretty much done with the political bullcrap of FP1. The administration seems like they don't want us there, so we are just going to oblige and leave.
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.