I apologise for the time it has taken to reply to you, suffice to say I am very impressed with your application.
Therefore we would like to offer you the position of Trainee Transport Captain with the Shipping Division.
Please report Scarborough Station to receive your ID card and employment contract. Once you have you have been assigned a ship, contact Kings Cross Control for the latest shipping news.
I would also like to say how sorry I am to hear about the badger in you engine room, you haven't been to Glasgow Station recently have you?
I look forward to meeting you in person.
Kind regards,
- What is your full name?
Heather Victoria Houghton
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
For the past three years until now, I've been working for Heavyweight Haulage. A tiny shipping company, that for as long as I can remember has been contracted by Interspace Commerce to run high-risk shipping routes through Liberty, Kusari, Bretonia and primarily: the borderworlds. For the last year I've been the captain of an Stork - CT-73 Advanced Train, mostly flying it through high-risk areas, such as the Gallic Navy controlled Taus amongst other routes. I've had some rough encounters in the past, but the fact I'm still here recording this application, should indicate I've managed to get through without too much trouble on my part. Can't say the same for the others in some of my previous convoys, though.
- To what division are you applying?
The Trade Combine. I've got experience in shipping, so why not stick to what I know.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Multiple reasons. As far as jobs go, you offer a lot of perks and bonuses that I wouldn't otherwise get, if I continued working as a contractor for Interspace. Not to mention that your salaries are significantly higher, for routes that are less hazardous, whether that be down to the increased security of your convoys or the locations themselves. Also, after speaking with one of your Managers. A Mr Andrew Peterson (who also said I should reference him, so here it is). He mentioned that should I work with Bowex for a suitable length of time, I would be able to apply for Bretonian Citizenship. This opportunity does interest me greatly, as whilst my parents were Bretonian, I was born, raised and primarily worked in Liberty and as such, I have Libetonian Citizenship. I've never really had the chance to call Bretonia my home, and that is something I'd very much like the chance to do.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
Well. That is quite a broad question, I mean. How big is the convoy, do they have escorts, how large is the attacking force... Lets just assume the two sides are fairly evenly matched. I'd assist however I could. I'm not a combat pilot, nor would I assume my transport could handle much of a prolonged firefight. However, I'd request additional support from the local authorities and if I could, I'd order my ship and escorts to assist, so long as that didn't jeopardise my own ship and cargo's safety. As traders we have to stand up to pirates and criminals and we have to stand together! So long as it doesn't get us all killed, that is...
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
Throw a witty retort at it's vocal crewmember and continue on my assigned trade route. My job is to get cargo safely from one location to the next. Why should I risk the safety of myself, my crew and my cargo for the sake of some moron's petty insults? If they actually chose to escalate the situation on their own accord, however... Thats a different matter.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?
A Glaswegian what-now? Is that some kind of pest? Sounds like some kind of pest. Is this something I should be aware of...
We are most impressed with your application, you are obviously a hardworker and that's what we want around here.
Therefore we would like to offer you the position of Trainee Transport Captain with the Shipping Division.
Please report to Scarborough Station to receive your ID card and employment contract. Once you have you have been assigned a ship, contact Kings Cross Control for the latest shipping news.
Also on a more personal note; is it Miss Houghton? I ask as most of our transport captains are male and they can be a bit 'curt' sometimes. I would especially like to advise that you stay well clear of Mat Bellock until he feels comfortable around you. Please don't let this put you off, I just thought I should warn you before you started off for Scarborough.
I look forward to meeting you in person.
Kind regards,
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
I am a Freelancer escort pilot but not a Mercenary I will only kill in self defence.
- To what division are you applying?
ExecSec / Clydesdale Brigade
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
I heard that the Clydesdale Brigade is being reformed and although I said I only kill in self defence I believe the Garlic Frogs invasion needs to be stopped by any and all means.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
I would defend the Gateway ships, I know he's the competition, but he's still a Bretonian and he's the one that needs defending.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
I tell him he's a long way from home and it can be very lonely in space !
I have reviewed your application, short and sweet, but that doesn't matter as I think we have hired you before to escort our convoy's.
Therefore I would like to offer you the position of Trainee ExSec Pilot.
After you have completed orientation and done a few convoys as an 'Escort' we can see about your application to the Clydesdale Brigade; if however you would prefer to just fly a Clydesdale as a Frieghter/Escort we can discuss this too.
Please report to Scarborough Station to receive your ID card and employment contract. Once you have you have been assigned a ship, contact Kings Cross Control for the latest shipping news.
Welcome to Bowex, I am sure you will do well and fit in nicely with our 'family'.
I look forward to meeting you in person.
Kind regards,
You think you got rid of me on Gran Canaria, did you?! You slanderous hedgepig! You left me there with... ZONERS!
You stole my Clyde? Where is she? Do you know how long it took me to repay all my debts and actually get off the planet?!
Ooooooohohohohohohoohhohohohhoho, Ho!
It wasn't all that horrible however, I have caused more than a few brawls in the Empress' Legs!
Gwuh, now for the polite part. Can the Bowex Administration board please unfreeze my accounts, and return me to active duty? I promise I won't kill ,him. Promise. I may even be able to revive the Brigade. I've heard it's been neglected by him
- What is your full name?
Robert Raynolds
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
I worked as an independent trader for 2 years, discovering new and exotic trade routes.
- To what division are you applying?
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
To aid my country with the war effort by working for a Bretonian corporation.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
I aid them in escaping. They're human, after all.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
Close my transponder. I wouldn't want to listen to his bragging.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?
Is that Bretonian wildlife? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with them. I find the regular badgers cute though.
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Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727
- What is your full name?
Ferrett Orson Westbrookings
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
I was formerly a freelance escort pilot. I have flown approximately one year in a Renzu light fighter; the thing's controls were confounding. I have since proudly switched to a Bretonian-manufactured Griffin, which I have had in my possession for roughly five months.
- To what division are you applying?
Shipping Combine
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Life as a freelancer, though exciting, is unfulfilling. I see my nation surrounded on all sides by dogs that would threaten the Bretonian people, and I feel I am best able to do my duty to my God, Queen, and Country by joining Bowex.
- You happen across a Gateway convoy that is under attack by Red Hessians. What do you do and why?
I call the authorities to the scene and hurriedly make an escape. Although a fellow countryman, my cargo is just as precious as his or her own, and Bretonia's stance regarding the Hessians makes this an altogether sticky situation.
- You encounter a corporate trader of Gallic origin. It croaks mockingly at you. What do you do and why?
If the odds appear in my favor, I ram my ship into the weakest point of his repeatedly. When the vile menace is destroyed, I sing "Rule Britannia" as celebration. I feel this is an excellent way to improve general morale. If the odds appear generally stacked against myself, I simply beat him at his own game by taunting him, and then threaten to perform the ramming procedure if he taunts me a second time.
- How do you feel about Glaswegian badgers?