The Solar Breeze rocked as it came through exited the jump hole, entering the Omega-50 system. Status report, bellowed the Captain. All systems are green, answered the XO. Looking at the Nav Officer the Captain stood up Set a course for Boa Vista, I'll let Mr Cross know we'll be arriving soon.
Mr Cross, it is our pleasure to have you on board. The accommodations you've requested have been taken care of. I'll personally escort you to your room Nathan stated.
Victor nodded and shook the man's hand.
Thank you, Mr Crom. I'd like to have my security team do a sweep of the conference room and the three state rooms I've requested.
Nathan gestured to the corridor to the right, turning and waving his security teams to take point.
Our security teams ha....I'm sure they have Mr Crom but my team will do it againOf course Mr Cross.
Victor stood at the view port in his state room, looking out at the gas giant the station orbited.
We didn't detect any bugs or explosives, sir
Do another sweep, sergeant. replied Victor.
This could be OSI's one shot at the Gallic market, one neither he nor the board wanted to leave to chance.
The Normandie arrived in Omega-50 after two days spent in FTL. This new prototype from Solar Engineering proved to work and while it was extremely slow compared to using the jumpholes and jumpgates network, the safety provided had no equal.
The soldier knocked at the door. "Oui ? What is it ?" Yelled Alice. "Princess, we have arrived in Omega-50." "Ah. Merci for telling me, I'll be on the bridge in an hour." "Understood."
Alice was in her bedroom and waited untill she wouldn't hear the footsteps of the soldier anymore. She stood up and looked at the empty bottles on the table.
"This is going to be a really bad day..."
After cleaning up this mess, she called in her maid, and wondered if she would have to go for a simple summer dress or the really annoying to wear royal dress. Alice was pretty sure that sirians would not see much of a difference between the two, but at the same time, they were men. And men can be manipulated.
"Shall I proceed with the bombardment Your Highness?""No Syn, we're not going to blow them up.""Why?""Because we don't blow up every Zoner we see.""Yes we do.""Well now we don't.""I do not like this new policy."
Aurelia DeFrance sighed, cursing once again the day she activated this AI. It made operating this ship outside of Gallia with no crew possible and easy. And ensured that the ship followed orders to the letter... Too much to the letter. But the personality they implanted in it was very annoying.
"The Normandie has arrived Your Highness.""Let them know we've arrived." Aurelia, using the Lamelle's ability to masquerade as a Zoner ship, was able to use the jumphole network to arrive far earlier than the Normandie, that was using a modernized version of the engines used on the sleeper ships to get here slowly, but without witnesses. "After that, move into mooring position and signal Boa Vista to connect the docking collar."
She turned to address the Royal Navy officer at the ship's captain station. "Commandant Deniel, once the docking color is attached, take half of your men to scan the conference rooms." Deniel was a marine combat officer, specialized in boarding parties of enemy ships and stations. "Oui, Your Highness."
She turned her attention back to Syn's optical sensor attached to the ceiling of the bridge at the front of the room. "Syn, contact Cross and announce our arrival."
Her arriving on this ship specifically would probably irritate the man. It'd also serve as a warning.
She did one final check of her appearance, making sure her Royal Navy Marechal uniform looked proper, and that the royal family's seal was clearly visible.
Nathan walked into the Windstar restaurant in search of Victor; finding him at the bar, "Mr Cross, you've a message from the Lamelle" Turning to face the administrator, "The Lamelle?" Victor questioned. "Yes, someone named Syn asked that you be notified that they have arrived. everything okay, Mr Cross?" Nathan questioned, noticing Victor's reaction to the name of the ship. "Yes, yes. Have any other ships arrived?""Yes, a very unusual ship. One I've never seen. It is called the Normandie.""Good, it seems both of our guests have arrived. If they haven't I'm sure their security teams will be making a sweep of the conference rooms and the state rooms they will be staying in." looking at the waiter as he stood to leave, "put this on my account."
Nathan following him out of the restaurant, "Where are they moored, Mr Crom?""This way.""I'd advise you to do your utmost to keep things around the station civil and calm while that carrier is present.""Why is that Mr Cross?" Stopping without warning Victor replied, "That is the vessel that nearly destroyed Freeport 10." Nathan's face turned to one of horror and he grabbed Victor by the arm, "And you brought the damn thing to my station? What the hell are you doing here?" Shaking the other man's grip, "That is none of your concern, Mr Crom. Just make sure your security forces don't instigate anything with that ship.""With the ship? You act like its alive or something." "You know the person you called Syn?""Yes.""That was the ship."
Approaching the corridor where those aboard the Normandie would enter the station, Victor stops to ensure his tie is straight and he looked presentable before approaching the hatch he waited for his guests to come aboard.
"I'll take that one." said Alice. "Seems to be a very unusual choice, mademoiselle." replied Catherine, her maid. "It's psychological. I know Aurelia to appear like an iron man, and I need to look more accessible to them." she replied as she was trying out her summer dresses in front of the mirror. "I don't understand what this will give you." "Control Catherine, Control. They'll likely see Aurelia as much more difficult to negociate with than me. With simple clothing, they'll think I'm easier to reach. Well atleast it's what I think. So they might think that Aurelia's demands will be worse than mine, which is untrue, but it will be a solid ground to test their loyalty. I'm quite sure Aurelia will understand what I'm doing." "That's... Uh well. Complicated." said Catherine with a cornered smile. "Don't worry. It's going to be fine. Now... What do you think about this flower dress with heeled sandals ?" questioned Alice. "You don't plan to make the whole station fall in love, do you mademoiselle ?" "I'll take it as a oui." said Alice as she laughed. "Right right... I guess it's time. Merci Catherine."
Alice left her bedroom and made her way to the docking bay while a few envious soldiers looked at her discretely. Once in the docking bay, she walked to the small corridor that was connected to the station and stopped in front of a soldier.
"You know how we planned it. Give it to me." she said, as the soldier handed the strapped holster with a pistol that she attached to her leg secretly under her dress. "It will be fine." she continued, walking to the door where Victor Cross was waiting on the other side.
"Your Highness, we've completed our sweep of the conference room. It's clear." Aurelia nodded. "Syn, keep anyone from entering the ship.""Of course Your Highness.
Aurelia went through the docking collar and set foot on a Zoner station for the first time since she had returned to Gallia. Following one of her security team's soldiers, she arrived at docking collar which was attached to the Normandie. Just as she got there, she saw Alice enter the station, and Victor Cross greeted her as Aurelia approached them.
Bowing as Alice entered the station, "Its an honor to meet you, Princess." Motioning for Nathan, "This is Nathan Crom, the station administrator. If there is anything you need let him know and he'll make it happen." Nathan bowed as Victor spoke and stepped back.
Hearing foot steps coming down the corridor, everyone turned just as Aurelia approached them, bowing again Victor greeted her, "Aurelia, it has been awhile hasn't it?""Indeed it has Victor. Quite a lot has happened since we last met in person.""Indeed, some I could have done without myself. If you'll both follow me, I'll show you to your rooms."
After showing both of the princesses to their rooms, Victor returned to his room. Taking a seat on the couch, he opens a datapad and opens a message received while he was away. Replying he calmly dropped the pad on the couch and made his way to the bar, fixing himself a drink. Calling his head of security over, "Steven, send a message to back home, I want my Sabre taken out of storage and operational before we get back to Fourteen.""I assume you'll be needing your flight suit taken out of storage too, Sev?" Victor gulped down his drink, "You read my mind."
The conference room wasn't set up in a typical fashion, Victor had the large table and chairs removed and replaced with three large luxury chairs. Two of the chairs were positioned so that they sat higher than the third, this of course was done on purpose. A custom bar had been built in one corner of the room and was fully stocked with the finest alcohols. A table near the large view port that over looked Sal held various dishes full of delicious looking foods.
Walking into the room alone, Victor fixed himself a drink then found himself staring at the planet. Clicking his comm link, "See if our guests are ready."
"80." said Alice. "100." firmly replied the Corsair trader. "90." quickly replied Alice. "Deal." finished the Corsair as he handed the artifact to Alice.
She examinated the object, it seemed to be a jewel worked by a man with an amazing sense of detailing. "I've never seen something like this before." said Alice. "I mean, we have similar things in Gallia but none with an... orange crystal shape like this. Where is this from ?" she continued. "I know where all my merchandise come from. It's from my home, the planet known as Crete. The heart of the Corsair Nation." he shouted with pride. "That's very nice. Can you give me your number so we can establish a business ?" questioned Alice. "Sure. I'm transfering everything right now to your neuralnet acco-" he was saying as he interrupted himself. "I don't find you, hold on, must be a bug." he said in haste, worried to lose a customer as Alice suddently started laughing. "Don't search, I don't have one like many gallics. But I can give you an adress to use that will redirect your messages to my inbox" said Alice, amused as the corsair sighed and took a sheet of paper with a pen. "Alice DeFrance, 7 Place Royale, 19220 Nouveau Paris, Système Ile-de-France CEDEX 2." she said with a smile.
The Corsair looked at her with widely open eyes. "Well okay." he said, stlll unsure of what just happened. "Princesse DeFrance ?" interrupted a man. Alice turned to him. "Mr. Cross is looking for you."
Alice nodded at the man and waved at the Corsair trader.
A few minutes later, they entered the conference room.
Aurelia strode down the corridor towards the conference room. Unlike Alice, she didn't require a guide to show her through the station. She had, in fact, been here several times before. Upon entering the room, she procured herself a drink from the bar, a hard Kusarian liqueur she had grown fond of before she returned to Gallia. She did not get drunk easily, so having a drink was a move she hoped would make Cross feel more confident and secure. Cross and Alice would handle most of the discussions.
Aurelia was there simply to ensure the present status quo remained unchanged, and that Alice didn't enter into a foolhardy deal. Many of the veteran Zoners were competent politicians, versed in the trickery used to get as much as possible from a deal without their opposite realizing just how much they were giving away. Aurelia had grown up being tutored for this kind of duty, and had substantial experience in it after beginning her "right of power", as required of an heir to a Gallic throne.
She seated herself and waited for the two others to begin their discussions.