Recon One reporting in from New Berlin. Currently on a break in a deep recon mission through Bretonia and Rheinland, idling on the dark side of Potsdam.
Couldn't get much on the attitude toward the war in Bretonia. I did, however, encounter a Mandalorian and a Reaver. I have confirmed that the Mandalorians are only payed to attack us in Liberty, so we should not have to worry about them elsewhere. Keep an eye on them nevertheless.
I also encountered a Reaver - one "Silver". There's more to her than meets the eye. She's an unconfirmed potential leading figure.
Rheinland has been more fruitful. While the military seems largely ambivalent toward the war, the civilian populace believes they will own New London within the year, and are largely supportive of a continued war. This bodes well for us; if the war continues long-term, it will drain Rheinland's resources and leave Texas in a better position going forward.
Nothing else to report. Returning to mission before my position is compromised. Recon One out.
Time has come for another report.
Its been quite a while since last time I did paperwork.
Such a good day should be stored though.
Lets get to it straight away.
Our first prey was some sleepy navie boy , bastard thought that base will protect him.
Unfortunately for him, it didnt. With great help of my wingman.. well results here : Hostile VHF.
Shortly after, some blood thirsty boys came along one of him was in Upholder, poor bastard didnt fought too long.
Again thanks to great cooperation... Look yourself.
We didnt had to wait long for some capital ships support. With two Sabres and Falcata we started to tease the 'muchos skillos capt' of LNS Nikon.
It was their bad day, cause frankly we also had support worth of attention.
Shortly after, enemy target was vaporized, screamed like a little girl.
I think I will expand my petrographical skills, look at those tremendous close ups !
No need to clap Brothers, really, stop it *laughs*
Another spotted target was chased by Acerbitas and me, cowardly run though. Orders came and we changed cruise point, to finally dock. That would be all for now, meet me at bar, all on me.
ID: Pilot First Class, Dane Kinnaird.
Location: Ouray Base, Colorado.
PFC Kinnaird reporting in. Today the Legion launched a bold and agressive assault on Norfolk Shipyard in the New York system.
For this battle, I was under direct command of Star Colonel Markus Brass, and was paired with the Abaton, a bomber vessel. We were tasked with the initial recon of the Naval installation.
Our suprise attack caught the Navy defenders off-guard. I and my wingman were able to quickly dispatch two Naval interceptors.
When the Navy brought Capital-class vessels into play, our mighty Ven'gyr began its attack, supported by the body of the Hellfire assault group.
The Liberty Navy's defences faltered under the punishing fire of the Ven'gyr's cannons. The Incursus also scored a kill against a LNS capital ship.
When it became clear that our attack had lost momentum, our assault group withdrew. I heldback to cover my wingman and fired upon another Naval interceptor. Unfortunately, I got caught off guard and a Liberty gunboat attack squad severely damaged my fighter, forcing me to limp back to base.
At least I'm still in one piece... my ship is going to take a few days to patch back together.
Our beloved Duncan Voss decided to step down from his position as Executive Commander and he decided to make me his follower. I will accept his wish and continue as your new Executive Commander from now on.
It is now my duty to announce some things.
As I am no longer the Star Colonel, the SAD is now in need of a new leader, it took me some time to select a fitting person for that rank. I decided myself for one of my most experienced Star Captains, [color=#33CC00]Markus Brass. He was a secret jewel when I found him during my time as Star Colonel and I am sure he will do a good job as the new [color=#33CC00]Star Colonel.
Former Grand Admiral Richard Wainwright, let me thank you in the name of the Legion for you outstanding service. It was a great honor for me to fly with you and you are of course allowed to stay in the Legion ranked as Major.
Some of you deserve promotions, I will keep this one short.
Fleet Captain Marco Sera has been promoted to Fleet Commander
Major Erwyn Kapell has been promoted to Fleet Captain
PFCs Wilson Carse and Dane Kinnaird have both been promoted to Lieutenant
I want to see results, failure will not be tolerated.
This is Star Colonel Markus Brass reporting recent actions.
Yesterday was a successful day. After a report we received from our scout in California system about a small Liberty Navy armada consisting of 4 Dreadnoughts, a Battlecruiser and several gunboats, we dispatched forces to eliminate them since they were in a remote location and reinforcements would take long to arrive to assist them. Executive Commander Hunter was leading on board the Incursus while I was commanding the Ven'Gyr and Star Captain Anders was given the command of Libertine. Battle was held 30 klicks from Cortez jumpgate and the enemy lost 4 dreadnoughts while the others ran to save themselves. Incursus sustained moderate damages while the Ven'Gyr was scratched and the Libertine was left out of combat. After that we were ordered to return to base for repairs so we'd called it a day when the Libertine was ambushed by several Dreadnoughts in Ontario and was severely damaged along with the Abbadon that was escorting it. Luckily they are still repairable and crew suffered minor injuries. Other than that, it was an overall victory.
First report after my recent promotion.
Im really honoured to brief you through todays events.
As usual we got called by wide channels, and as always we hadnt got to wait long for first targets.
What is suprising, today we fought with Fighter class vessels in most,
though some Dreadnought lost his way in New York.
That way or another, after short chatting, we got the party started. First target down.
It was a brawl fight, we had to avoid Solaris guns fire, but nevertheless another one went down in bad style Gunboat vessel down.
After that some desperate merc came to help navie boys. It was bad day for him and his puppet.
Both died from their own mines. Pathethic to look at, still amusing
Of course we helped them 'a little' *laughs*Mercenary death. Mercie puppet.
Rest hostile targets just flew, while numbers got even. Not very surprising tactic by 'mighty Navies' *spits*.
After that HF forces were ordered to break off the attack, it just started to be too much uncontrolled crowd.
As our forces have grown over the last few months, it has come to my attention that a slight reorganization of the ranks is in order. There has been a noticeable degradation of command on a tactical level, as the higher echelons of command, including myself, have been focusing on command at a strategic level.
Therefore, I hereby promote former Executive Commanders Adam Daniels and Duncan Voss to the new rank of Fleet Marshal.
The duties of these new Fleet Marshals will be small-scale battlegroup management and localized fleet command on a tactical level.
That is all.
Characters Alan Markson: The Hellfire Legion's Lord Commander The Perihelion: Freeport Four's guardian, and yet much more. Missing and assumed Lost with all hands. Eric Dresmund: Junker, smuggler, thief. Last seen drunk on Beaumont Vayrn Wyard: IMG Recon pilot turned Neo-Terran Captain. Last location unknown
This report will take a while, cause I see no one reported previous actions in New Yorkie.
Lets make it nice and easy then.
We encountered quite bunch of libbies near Texas JG.
Words werent much in need in this situation.
What was odd in here... Well, I never though that ghosts can speak so loud..
It took a while to separate one libbie out of whole 'wolf pack', and teach him painfull lesson It hurts a lot.
With second target we dealt almost instantly. Side note here, this pilot should be considered KoS without any further talks.
He is backstabber, not worth of chatting at all. Flying Gunboat
Another patrol, and another practice session with secondaries made by yorkiees TM.
Did I mentioned about this Gunboat pilot. ? Yeah, I did.
Two of them tried to destroy my ship.. Well, didnt end up good for one who stayed. Gunboat down.
Moreover even another dreadie couldnt help them. Or after a while, yeah he did.
Second gunboat flew with tail under his ass *laughs* Destroy sequence.
That would be all for now. We will keep Fire burning. You can be sure of that.
PS. feel free to comment my photographic skills, cause Im starting to think I cant be better.
Right, this is a report about today's interdiction. Star Captain Kogomi and Lieutenant Carse were on patrol when they found a couple Dreadnoughts, at which point an alert drew Executive Commander Hunter's attention. She grabbed the Incursus, and threw me, almost literally, onto the deck of the Ven'Gyr. After a while of trying to trap the two Dreadnoughts, the Incursus and Ven'Gyr moved out of range for roughly five minutes. On the fifth minute, the Incursus and Ven'Gyr, which had moved roughly twenty kilometers above Manhattan, rained down and caught the Dreadnoughts with their pants down. The LNS-Stalingrad managed to get away, but the LNS-Avar took enough damage to be destroyed. After which, the Incursus and Ven'Gyr returned to home base. While this was happening, Star Captain Darrell Sears had joined us, and had picked a fight with an Outcast. I grabbed my fighter off of Ouray, and came to make sure Kogomi and Sears got out okay. After a bit of fighting, Sears withdrew and Kogomi took over. And after longer still, Kogomi was forced to withdraw as well. With the Outcast likely battle weary, I took over and finished her off.
Enemy Casualties;
Liberty Dreadnought
Outcast Sabre
Legion Casualties;
This time we went in small group for a quick NY recon.
I wont say I was surprised to meet so quickly some nice flesh of target practice . Not very talkative... Libery Upholder - flying
I would also lie, if I would say he was difficult opponent. Oh well, you cant have everything in your life. Libery Upholder - unable to fly anymore
Next ones seemed a little bit more demanding. Yes, seemed is very good word describing those two. 2x Liberty Dreds.
First of all Im starting investigation about communication abilities of Dreadnought captains.
Seems they forgot words when they see [HF] pilots. Oh well, bad luck. Their bad luck.
Here we tried brilliant manoeuvre, to lure both of them near base, and force to surrender.
Well I wont reveal tactic that were taken, look at its results. One of them cowardly run just after we launched the attack.
Base had to suffer some damages for sure. Im quite curious, will they have any consequences for such bad piloting.
Well, we will surely find out soon.
Today we moved our little squadron to California.
I took command over this operation.
Along the way we met another 'no tongue in his mouth' guy. LABC
Didnt took long when he had to search for ER button. But before all that, look at those fireworks one more time. Astonishing
Later on some well known backup came LNS-Stalingrad. BUt this time under lack of will, we spare his life and went for a bar.
More details on this should be brought to you by other squad members.
Treat that as fill up to my report.