And as far as this thread goes, this cycle will always continue to happen. I haven't been able to play for a while due to the ports being closed at my university. When this happens you realise how much you enjoy the game and the server. As Cay said, it's the admins that keep this place together, no-one else. With that in mind you should all take a step back and think about what you're saying about them. Without them you wouldn't be here, on Disco. Disco wouldn't exist.
The admins do the best they can. They're here for the server, not you. They aren't your personal slaves, so if they do something that isn't to your liking, you do NOT have the right the bitch about it. I repeat, they're doing it for the server and the community, not you personally.
This is the part of my post where I try to tell people to chill out, maybe throw in a few subtle insults along the way, but I can't be arsed. The community doesn't actually listen. You'll all find another reason to throw flames else where, hence the cycle (and I am including myself). Therefore I shall speak to the people who will.
I'd like to say to the admin team that, in my eyes, you're doing an excellent job. There are those of us out there that appreciate the job you do, and I promise you it is not all wasted effort. All I ask is that you keep the server alive until I can play again. Thanks.
Not liking disco? You might just be burned out. Thats sometimes common when you LIVE on the Discovery 24/7 RP server 24/7. (I'm not that bad but I come kinda close) Stuff just gets old after a while. People get tired of seemingly endless questions that have already been answered. People take a break. Some come back, some move on. ITS THE CIRCLE OF LIFE!
*Cue dramatic song from that show I watched when I was a noob at life.*
While being quite funny, your sig was the biggest one i've ever seen so far. No more than 700x250 please. ~utrack
I have see about six of these threads since i joined Disco two years ago. Don't worry, disco is in no danger of falling apart. People will come and go as they please and the state of RP usually gets better not worse. I do agree that the admins need to look at how they enforce the rules and that some rules should be reviewed, but overall, I have seen the disco community make it though much worse than this puny excuse of a thread. I have faith that people can still have fun on this server, you just have to know how to treat other players. I personally have almost never looked carefully at the server rules and I have made mistakes that would have gotten me banned throughout the time I have been here. But you know what, I'm still here, sanction free. Why? Because being nice and respecting fellow players is 100 times more useful than any rulebook. If people used their used their common sense rather than a bunch of abstract rules, most disputes would not come up nearly as often as they do.
I left disco without saying anything at one stage...I left Freelancer in the dust for battlefield 2. But after about a month or three, I got back on and saw a lot more Kiwi players on then there was last. So I decided to join a Kiwi led clan UOG. I shot someone down, and remembered why I liked this game so much. The dopamine/adrenalin rush hit me again.
And I knew that Battlefield 2 would be long forgotten.
"Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do."
Discovery is growing. What we experience is the result of this growth. Any large community related to an online game can experience things like that. You take any online game server, private or even commercial, and you'll encounter similar problems. Mostly, far worse than Discovery has, just because our admin team (myself included) is listening to what players have to say.
We have issues with violation reports and sanctions. And there also are certain hardly understandable rules. Both issues will be addressed soon enough. True that rules can't cover all situations, but also true that the situations that rules have to cover need to be defined as clear as possible.
Regarding the sanctions: I believe that punishing for RP violations have indeed gone much farther than it should be. A guide on how sanctions should be used was already drafted for the admins. It's not part of the rules, since admins should be free to decide in specific situations. However, it's true that RP violations that pass on without harming anybody, like occasional OOC phrase, or attacking friendly player for training purposes (when both agree to fight), or having a slight ID/tag/ship/equipment mismatch, should not be sanctioned straightaway. Same applies to violations committed by new players for the 1st time, and generally minor unintentional violations that can happen to anyone.
However, this also means that players who intentionally abuse the freedoms provided and continue to violate rules after warnings (and after being sanctioned) will not go unpunished. Same about swearing in chat, and of course cheating.
This reminds me about Keepers issue... I believe that many players have certain feedback about how the faction's being played, and it needs to be posted somewhere.
Also, it should be clear that players are allowed to report if one of the admins made a mistake (via PM or e-mail) - without being afraid that the report by itself will cause negative consequences. I can assure you that we all wish the best for the server and its players, but admins are humans not robots, and different things happen. Of course, if such report proves to be deliberately false (like any violation report)... the consequences will be negative.
And one last thing.
Of course it's sad to see people leaving. However, if admins are asked to solve any problems that happened in-game, they help if they can. Even if you believe that you have personal issues with one of the admins, you can always ask someone else. In such cases, if players quit before they try all options to resolve what was wrong, then they obviously didn't want to try. Blaming admins or all players in general hardly works.
"All this has happened before... And will happen again"
My method of handling such situations is quite simple: Don't get depressed no matter what they throw at you. You play here? You give others some fun? Great - That's this game's purpose. Been in a couple of nasty RP-sanctiony situations already, did I leave? (thought to, but would leave too much behind)
Nope, the stubborn BSG(or should I say CR) Oddball is still pestering the community.
It's all been said. This is a great community, and like any thriving entity it goes through its growing pains. It's just that the growing pains never end as the community keeps on evolving.
Admins - You are all great. Thanks for providing me with such a fun place to escape the pains of RL.
Quote:We have issues with violation reports and sanctions. And there also are certain hardly understandable rules. Both issues will be addressed soon enough. True that rules can't cover all situations, but also true that the situations that rules have to cover need to be defined as clear as possible.
See! Igiss agrees with me. :P
Quote:Regarding the sanctions: I believe that punishing for RP violations have indeed gone much farther than it should be. A guide on how sanctions should be used was already drafted for the admins. It's not part of the rules, since admins should be free to decide in specific situations. However, it's true that RP violations that pass on without harming anybody, like occasional OOC phrase, or attacking friendly player for training purposes (when both agree to fight), or having a slight ID/tag/ship/equipment mismatch, should not be sanctioned straightaway. Same applies to violations committed by new players for the 1st time, and generally minor unintentional violations that can happen to anyone.
Swearing is a different matter. But hopefully with the new Prison system, the admins will be fining them, and sending them there, rather then striping the pilot of all his guns weapons, cargo, credits...ect...ect. After a few warning of course.:P
"Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do."
Basicly, Discovery is suffering from success:)As always, Igiss is the voice of stability and this "chaos" is just one among many observed over time. It shall pass, dawn again,........