' Wrote:Not to be rude, but the IMG ships are just so hideous. No one are going to use them (except the Light Figher).
Could you please make the IMG ships look alike the current IMG ships (nyx, pytho and atlas)? But making a LF/HF, mining ship and a new transport ship is a good idea. Replacing the nyx and pytho would really just make players Q_Q .
I think it's awesome. Finally a ship that doesn't look like a flying dildo. And It's kept simple: no horns, no spikes, no fancy stuff.
sexy?! phahahahaha!
new fighter line is awesome freelancerish styled, so dont cry guys.
and really...how can you find current img ships sexy?
well I understand if its all about fighters, they are pretty..but gb and bs....
I know its not likely, but it think they should make a new liberty carrier replacement. i mean the current one is like a slow flying brick and fighters are like mosquitos to it and is usless. if it can't be remodled then at least make it more powerful and meneuverable. cause next to a rm battleship its finished. i mean even the rm carrier is more slim and I am assuming more powerful. so its not realy a fair fight.
You can go right ahead and remove the Spyglass by the way, courtesy of Mjolnir. Too late to balance before caps were even balance tested and all + broken promises on Gurjiv's part.