Encounters: The_Raven's_D'light (Just within scanners)
He just came into scanner range.
Casualties: N/A
CEO Notes: "Relatively simple, supplies needed to get to Houston. The Raven was sighted, Baffin and Coronado should be tread more lightly then before."
Convoy CEO - [*USI*]Mays.Landing[P], over and out.
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Your.Name.Here, Rank, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 00XX---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
<Alright ladies lets go.>
Participating Vessels: [*USI*]YorkTown[E]
[*USI*]Arcata[E] [*USI*]K.Christoph
[*USI*]E.Mike Henri
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Your.Name.Here, Rank, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 00XX---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
Encounters: 6 or 7 Hogosha (All Call-Signs were lost) 1 Pirate Transport (Call-Sign was lost)
CEO Notes:
"This route took longer than expected, but at least we completed it safely. We managed to arrange a joint operation in Dublin with a mining crew from the BMM. Although throughout most of the operation we were constantly under attack by the Hogosha. I took control and made sure that only one of our transports were in the field and I instructed our escort to patrol the area."
"On our way back to Liberty, Mr. Washburne had docking problems with Ageira's lanes in Cortez and he was ambushed by a Pirate Transport. The pirate let us go once we paid one million credits, so there was no damage taken to any of our ships."
"I really am proud of those who participated in this convoy with me and I'm glad our Department of Security managed to assist the BMM with the attack from Hogosha after we completed the route."
Convoy CEO - Captain Haley Williams, over and out.
---Incoming Transmission---
---Comm ID: Kurt Gruzlund, Supervisor, Department of Trading---
---Subject: Convoy Report 0085---
---Location: Trenton Outpost, New York System---
This happened in New York, near Planet Manhattan. After 3 of our transports got through the lane to Fort Bush, the Santa Fe was snared by these Corsair Gunboats. He was forced to pay for his life. His pirate payment was refunded by the convoy CEO. The Santa Fe then caught up with the rest of the group.
CEO Notes: "The original CEO, Mr. Richard Price, had mechanical problems on his ship early on in New York, so he docked on Baltimore Shipyard for repairs. So I continued the route as CEO. The scouting and shielding by the escorts was very professional, and there were no problems for the rest of the route. The CEO fees were forwarded to the Bank."
CEO Notes:
"Kate was acting strange throughout the whole route. I think she's on Cardimine or maybe even some other kind of drug. She was saying things like "Oh Nose" and other ridiculous phrases for no apparent reason. She even told me to shut up! Ugh, I can't believe this, I really hope someone does something about her."
"With the exception of Kate, everything else ran smoothly and we completed the route."
Convoy CEO - Captain Haley Williams, over and out.