"What are we doing here?" inquired a short man. The only answer he got was puzzled looks from the other technicians. A few minutes later, a man came rushing in the hangar, "Sorry I'm late." "What are we here for, Liam?" asked the short man. "To the point aren't we, Franklin?" returned Liam, "We're here because Security Inc found something they thought we'd like to get our hands on in one of their storage hangars." Liam walked to a nearby cargo container and gestured for the group to follow. "We're because Industries wants us to see if we can apply any of the advancements of this vessel to a new fighter." As he finished the sentence he pushed a button on the control panel for the cargo container which opened the container's cargo door. A aura of excitement came over the group, "Seems the Security boys had a Nephthys sitting in storage and had forgotten about it."
"Did you feel that?" Galac inquired. "Feel what?" answered the technician. "The floor, it vibrated." "It always vibrates, we're on a factory ship. You okay boss?" There was a short silence as the two neared their destination, "Look!" Galac exclaimed, pointing at the smoke filling the corridor.
Beating the door release until the laboratory doors opened. Entering the lab Galac began searching for his research partner, "James!? Are you in here?" The technician set about putting out the small fires that littered the lab. "Here." came a shaken voice. Pushing the pieces of a broken table off of him, James Glenn pulled himself to his feet and looked around. "Looks like you were right, the system couldn't discharge the energy beam quick enough" gesturing to the wreckage that was a prototype Fury 6 photon cannon.
"If we lower the amount of gas injected into the chamber we could stabilize it" James proposed, "If we do that, then we lower the potential damage of the weapon" Galac shot back.
"We're ready to commence operations sir" came the excited voice of a Koensayr technician. "Fire," came an older, calmer voice. The lab rocked as it filled with an intense light; then came the crack of weapons fire hitting its mark. "Cease fire!" bellowed the older voice. The lighting in the room quickly returned to normal as the prototype Fury 6 cannon cycled down.
"No factures. Impressive" mused the senior technician. Gesturing to the scortched hull plate bolted to the wall, "Not only did the armor not fracture; it withstood the barrage and only lost 2% of its integrity" replied the junior technician, "an Osprey outfitted with this armor would be able to take 30% more damage than one equiped with standard armor." Nodding in approval the senior technican said, "Good job, Ian" and began walking to the lab's exit. Stopping at the doors, he spun around, "but, not good enough. Reduce the weight, that armor is three times heavier than standard armor;" then he walked out.
"Reduce the weight!? Tell Aero space to improve their damned engines!"
"What did you call me down here for Liam?" Victor asked, clearly agitated. "If you will sir," Liam directed Victor to a platform. Raising the platform a few feet above the hangar deck he then inched it forward a few feet. "Here we are sir." Victor looked around and then back at Liam, "An empty hangar. Am I suppose to be impressed?" Liam chuckled to himself, "Always the pessimist sir," typing a code into the platform's controls, "please take a look down." With a hiss the hangar deck directly below the platform lowered a few feet and then vanished under another portion of the deck.
Below Victor could make out the form of an Osprey, though her silhouette seemed different. "I'd like to introduce you to the Osprey NV." "NV" Victor questioned? "Nephthys variant" replied Liam. "The Nephthys' power array and engines were superior to our own technologies. We've integrated those advancements into the NV." Lowering the platform and stepping off he ran his hand under the starboard wing, "E2 ferro fibrous armor plating all around. Same weight as our conventional armor, but far more durable."
"Cost?" Victor asked coldly. Liam smiled and laughed, "5% more than the current generation Osprey." "Send prints over to Cornucopia." ordered Victor, "and pack your bags. You've some R&R with your family on Curacao."
The technicians assigned to Project Exaclibur had just finished settling into their new offices, cabins, and labs on Corinth Research Station when they were summoned for a briefing.
As they filed into the conference room an elderly gentlemen looked them over one by one from his power chair. Once they had all taken their seats he removed his breathing mask and addressed them, "The Board has an abundance of faith in you youngsters" he said eyeing each of them, "I, on the other hand, do not. Give me one good reason to send you packing back to the Cornucopia's crappy research facilities. Just one and I'll have you on the first Drom...." after a few violent coughs he finished, "Don't give me one. Until an active speciment can be found we're working with salvage. Get to work."