A week or two ago I wanted to have some experience with the new player base features, so I built myself a nice Zoner base in the Omicron Lost system, approximately 5-6K outside the orbit of Planet Moros, called "Tapte Outpost."
I've been keeping it well supplied since then and had almost finished the construction of the first module, a Docking Module Factory, with the only remaining required materials being ~35K Ship Hull Panels. I knew this morning that it would run out of Basic Alloy for repairs some time today, but that, given no players were shooting at it, it would certainly last until this afternoon when I could deliver more repair commodities.
On my way home, I spam refreshed the base_status.html page on my phone browser and saw my base get as low as 86% health. Upon arriving home, I logged my Zoner Whale in the Taus and worked my way back to the Omicrons. When in Delta, just one system away, the server message appeared that my base had been destroyed.
Took a little screencap with a time stamp on the destruction and evidence that there weren't any players floating in Lost at the time of destruction. I guess it's pretty crazy lucky I was on when it happened.
So what it looks like to me is that my base went from 86% to 0 in about 15 minutes, without player influence.
Should this be some new bug, I'd like to know whether I can assist at all in fixing it by providing any further information.
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
So, did it take you 50 hours to get from the Taus to Delta?
Thoughts: with no shield and no regen, it would have taken a battleship maybe 5 minutes to destroy it. Is it possible someone F1'd in the time it took you to get the message and take the SS?
It'd have to be some darn quick F1 work, but I suppose it's a remote possibility. While the screencap was taken about 30-45 seconds after the base death, the first thing I did was to look at who was in the system and there was no one. So unless there's some latency on base death messages...
I feel your pain, Doctor. Similarly, I've built three stations in the absolute middle of nowhere - quite literally - which have taken me as much as twenty minutes to find on another character.
They have all disappeared overnight. I am 90% confident that there was no player intervention. Can NPCs shoot at bases, or do they vaporize without a shield (or reason, I guess)?
Edit: Most recently, my base was at roughly 70% repairs from having just spawned. I stocked it up with food, water, oxygen, crew, and repair supplies and left it overnight because, well, it was 3am. It was gone without a trace the next morning. Just 100K under the sun respawn.
NPCs do not shoot bases, ever. Bases really chew through repair supplies quickly, though. I wouldn't leave a base without a mountain of Basic Alloy. Shield fuel won't save you from self-destruction.