I would like to get a weekly or bi weekly Gallic vs BAF and Exiles event together. I think this will take a fair amount of coordination. I would ask that each faction put forward a coordinator for the event, to serve as the oorp point person for each faction. I would like this event to be open to indies of all the included factions, but organization will be up to the player factions involved.
We could use a few different locations as the war front is quite extensive.
I like the idea of this, and baring in mind I recognise this is clearly in the pre-planning stage, so no definitive answers yet, I just have a quick question - you say keeping it to Military factions, but in RP-terms and numbers permitted obviously), would (as an example) a Bretonian-Born civilian Freelancer be able to join in for the defence of his home?
I only ask, because once I finally get back in-game, that'll likely be my main character again...
Well, Zelot. I don't see any probs having myself or my guys being in here. Still depending on our fleet admiral, though. Who will also be the responsible one for Gallia, maybe...
' Wrote:Well, Zelot. I don't see any probs having myself or my guys being in here. Still depending on our fleet admiral, though. Who will also be the responsible one for Gallia, maybe...