' Wrote:The old balance is still there - a lone cap still dies to 2-3 competent bombers, and they make a very nice target for those of us with average to low skills. If 4-5 players put their mind to making an anti-cap vigilante squad (4 bombers, 1 gb to protect them against snubs) patrolling the lanes, those lone caps would be cleared out in no time. In a cap vs snub battle it sucks to be in the big ship and be more or less helpless against those small targets whizzing around, there's been plenty of cap pilot QQ about that in the past.
I took on 7 snubs a few weeks ago in my dread. If you know your ship, and its weaknesses, you can maul 3 bombers in a dread. Most now use Novas, and with a pair a flaks? novas are useless. Also SNAC's need to come in close now, so with turret steer, and basics i have put them down to a tick of armour, or killed them 1 pass. The only really hard think to fight IMO with a dread is now a pair a cruisers with Light mortars. As they can snipe, and keep at range till you get warn down.
' Wrote:I did not say we don't need that much of the playerbase. But I neither think we really need this much caps. I don't think every who-knows-who has to fly a cap just to have a bit bigger e-peen. Yes, this change I proposed would mean turning Scyllas as well as LDs into their value in credits. Including your Yorktown as well, I see why you are so butthurt about this idea. But it would include my Obstinate and Redemption as well.
This is where many would quit. I am sorry, but Yorktown is worth more then the sum of it's parts to me. It has years of RP, a map of nearly all of sirius, and some emotional atachment. You start taking players ships away, that they put alot into? sorry, Disco go bye bye.
' Wrote:Can we get back to where this rule change is going to screw up the server. Less about each other and more about the topic please.
haha how people wonder.
I do not think it will screw up the server. It will hit a high, and many will scream murder, but like bases it will lose it's appeal and calm down. Us old time vets will remember when we had caps shooting transports back in 4.83-4.84. It did not kill server back then, it will not kill it now.
' Wrote:Note that the transport can play again within this time limit. They need to leave the system within 10 minutes and they MUST be permitted to leave. As the rule stands they cannot return to the system but they can go elsewhere.
Ahem... not helping at all... some people have their routes, if they are killed in certain points their routes are gone..
Some people need certain goods from certain location for a player base
killing them, might cut off the supply for 4 hours? :O
Some people only have transports... and with transport u can't do that much but to... transport... stopping the route = player logging off...
The only way I can see this pass is if we have a Cap limit for certain factions...
' Wrote:You knooooow...
I leave for a while and I see this.
Soooooooo, I WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT YOU COULDN'T ISSUE DEMANDS UNLESS YOU'D SUCCESSFULLY CD'd. (at which point, target is supposed to allow time to make a demand).
It's like. shoot me to 10% hull, demand later.
(then again I haven't been on in a while, but truestory.jpg)
just want a clarification:P
Yeah, no.
RP must happen before the pirate starts shooting.
A demand must be made before the trader blows up.
You can RP, then beat them to within an inch of their life, then make a demand.