I alway try to set-up my Cap-ships to do want they were built for,......
Killing other Cap-ships, not player one but NPC's because unless there's an Event there are hardly any PvP fights on the server, especially between Cap-ships.
Im guessing Igiss or Wolfpack know the most about this stuff. Im simply a system designer and coder :crazy: .
But I agree with Marauder. Keep the ships how they were supposed to be. Everything I do is in the limits of RP. A giant RH BS with 21-24 whatever marsflyer turrets just wouldn't happen. I keep BS weaps on a BS. The only non-cap-ship turrets ill ever use on my BS are the chaingun solaris turrets and the upcoming Tizona turrets as well as the new battleship turrets taht are coming out. Though all of those were made for BS and other cap-ships anyway. I try to stick to a balanced game. You all talk about balance but the marsflyer turrets all over makes you BS UNBALANCED. Even if I would lose every single match i would have with another BS I still wouldn't do that as I keep the ships how they are supposed to be. Now I was okay when Korrd put all of those Osiris turrets on his RH BS because they are BS turrets. But fighter turrets? Comon keep the game balanced people.
Wasn't really offtopic... :unsure: . It was still about BSs right?
People have the right to be stupid but some people abuse their rights
I don't suffer from crazynes, I enjoy it every moment.
Artifical intelligence does not compare with natural stupidity.
Nobody's perfect, i am nobody.
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