**Wieth a cease fire, comes new opprotunities...Today was proof of such**
**Upon Lord Enzo's granting moi of the Legione's Flagshiep, The Grande Guillotine, I took iet as a blessing of such to go forth and prove the might of the Legione...Today a foolish Royalist vessel, a Valor no less, was spotted by IMG and Colonial forces in Tau 23...Wieth no haste taken, I ordered the Guillotine to disembark from Reunion in Orkney where we spotted the RNS-Enfer...We showed no mercy upon our foe, nor shall we ever so**
**We recovered a great many prisoners from the Enfer, and they have been taken into the great many holding cells onboard...Their fates, shall be decided upon Lord Enzo's return**
**Vrai pour Sable! Vive la Legione!**
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
**Wieth our pockets so full I decided iet was time to use our contacts wiethin the black market to procure several new armaments for the Grande Guillotine...I am proud to report that the Guillotine has now a new Heavy Trebuchet, along wieth new Pulse Cannons and Missile support**
**And such new armaments were used well today..When a Blood Dragone attack ground came into Alpha..Wieth our support, we were able to push them out, however alas, no spoils or captives were claimed**
**Vrai pour Sable! Vive la Legione!**
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
Je suis glad to announce that I could get hold of some Prometheum and deliver them to the AMES| Zoner organisation in Orkney. It's been a dangerous journey, especially regarding the recent activity of the CCCP| Royalists. They're big on numbers, however, not very skilled pilots. They didn't manage to stop me as I sneaked through Burgundy, together with Thierry and a certain Monsieur Trochu. The entire transaction took place near Reunion in Orkney, 3000 units of finest Prometheum have been sold for a sum of 8,5 millions francs. Without major trouble or loop ways I reached Epernay a while after. A full cargo hold of Sirian diamonds are now being stored in the frighteningly empty depots of Epernay. Maybe you should establish a jewellery on Epernay, Christine?
**I 'ave also been looking into these new faces, and I personally talked to one of them near Nevers..Iet was an enlighteneing conversation, and I believe I can attempt to, turn, their allegience into our favor by showing the dirty truths the Royalist keep from them**
**Well done in your work wieth the Prometheum shipment and continue as such**
**Vrai pour Sable! Vive la Legione!**
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
Subject: Rapport [font=Agency FB]Bonsoir, mes chers amis,
Today was a lot of action indeed. It started right off Chalons-en-Champagne where a Valor, deux Obstinate cruisers and a fighter craft of the CCCP, sitting a few klicks away from Marne, seemingly waiting just for me to undock, soon opened fire upon my newly refitted Asco. After a long, enduring dodgework flight towards Reims station, I received an offer of help from a member of the Foreign Legion. The pilot soon arrived to assist, yet we couldn't remarkably damage the trigger-happy bunch of Royalists. As they proceeded to Burgundy and farther towards Languedoc and Orkney, the said Foreign Legionnaire and me gathered forces on our way down to Orkney. Damien Laurent of the RMQ| Maquis Resistance joined us in Languedoc, Mathieu was tossed to the group channels soon as well. Using the "Annoying-Mosquito" tactic we managed to hurt the CCCP, who were sticking closely to each other. Upon emergency request, the splendid and glorious Grande Guillotine, commanded by Lord Vulpe, arrived at the frey, along with a few friends of les Malteses. With united endeavours we managed to annihilate the entire enemy forces right next to Reunion. A great day for the Legion and its allies, and a victory par exellence. This shall be solemnized condignly.
ID: Damien Loken
Source: Valence Base, Dauphine
Subject: First Rapport
Bonjour mon amis,
While on patrol ien Champagne I wus contacted by un pilot of the AGS, a group of poeple she claims are dediecated to the freedeum of Rheinland, madame Karen Blume. Appereuntly stuck ien Burgundy.
She claimed to have bien chased here by.. "the Buro der Marineintelligenz" from the Omegas and Taus in Sirius. While I do nut understand, or care, why one would flee iento Gallia, she diid.
Iet would seem we have un reputation to be, how did she put iet? Friendlieur then the rest of Gallia, I thienk she said.
Bon, she wanted the coordinates to exiet holes from Burgundy and to Sirius, and even my servieces as a guide. Additionaly iet would seem her comrades back in Rheinland requested 'er to brieng back wine et madames of entertainment. Ofcourse, I could provide all of thies, for the right price.. whiech is where we encountered a petit problem. Thies fool had no money, a Rheinlander lost in Gallia space, alone and without money.. mon dieu.
Well, she offered us diamond trade ief I helped her, red diamonds. Iet was temptieng.. but I diid not trust she would hold up her end of the bargin. So I offered 'er thies; I would provide the location of our base in Burgundy where she could enjoy our 'ospitalitie and sample our goods. Ien return she would work for us untiell she was able to pay us deux million crediets for said 'ospitalitie and my assistance. When she had dun so, I would provide the co-eurdinates of the exit iento Sirian space and escort her myself, along wieth a complimenteury shipment of our goods her comrades wanted. To.. convience them of the quality of the goods we can gief them access too.
Ofceurse I ienformed 'er that ief she would fail to complete our agreement, we would terminate iet and 'er.
As for that mateur, her shieps ID ies AGS-U|Bodenreform. Conceurning the red diamonds, I am no experr on juwels. I informed her that she should contact the Legion Command over the neural net for any formal offeurs.
The rest of the patrol is unworhty of mentionieng, just the usual.
**In the past few days of talking to our new guest, we are currently striking up a business proposal in which we shall be gaining the knowledge of sirian munitions and these new jewels in which to say 'ave a propeur name.."Blood Diamonds"**
**For allowing a twist of fate by madamouiselle Blume and the foolishness of Monsieur Loken..I am pleased to announce the following**
Damien Loken Promoted to Bandit
**You 'ave done quite well in such a short time...See to it your luck doesn't turn for the worse**
**In other news...Our shipment from the Zoneurs of Ames has delivered well onto their agreement...We shall begin bringing them up to speed and allow them to begin their plans**
**Vrai pour Sable! Vive la Legione!**
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
Thierry Truchon, reporting to the Communication Hub
After the battle, Damien and I went on patrol. Passing through Orkney on our way to Outcast space, we detected a carrier from the mineurs. He told us he was waiting for an armour shipment, so we made le capitaine pay for the… security of his goods, and seeing the potential to use them to further improve our relations, we demanded the Outcast life-pods he was carrying.
Ien Omicron Alpha, we handed them over to the 101st capitaine Stefan and discussed shipments for Meteora. However, he was not very talkative. I believe he’s using us, he’s just like the rest of the Cardamine chiens.
On our return journey something immense happened. We picked up an unknown contact orbiting the Orkney jump hole ien Tau-23. It was a bio-mechanical reconnaissance drone of the alien race the Sirians talked about… I believe they call them Nomads. I ran some basic scans and took guncam shots, but no matches were found in the database - we’ve never encountered such a creature before.
It seemed particularly interested in Damien: several times scanners picked up a barely noticeable beam of light emanating from its beak towards Damien’s ship, after which it showed us visions of our memories, of Royalists battling the Council, et cetera. I thought it was a risk to us, so I ordered its incapacitation, but the vessel proved to be far too powerful. It seemed to have predicted our flight paths, it even showed us our trails and the alternate routes we considered.
Following the short exchange of firepower I advised Damien to retreat, while I would buy him time by speaking with the creature, but he didn't feel content with leaving me with a hostile alien so he returned after a few moments. The creature acknowledged my actions and showed that it has the ability to think, but it did not say much. I convinced it to part ways in peace, after which we flew to Reunion, where both Damien and I rested and had full medical scans performed on us.
Mes Frerres, we need to prepare for other contacts. This encounter was mostly peaceful, but there is nothing indicating that other encounters with these creatures will be the same.