As a concerned trader in roleplay it would ruin me, if i'm on a run to Dortmund with full cargoload of "Poisened Trash" or "Scrap metal", when i will be taxed for 500K and above. The height of the demanded tax should also depend to the cargoload.
Pirates should be interested to let the traders grow and not to ruin them, because they will have bigger ships one day so they can ask for a higher tax.
a lot good answer here,and a lot different point of view but for the most of you 3-4 million seems the max a pirate can askbut i see people who tell ,be taxed 10 million or more are ok and they have no problemwhit that hummmmmmmm, maybe you have to remember they have more than 1 pirate in the discovery universe and if 10 pirate ask you 10 million in a day trading can be very unusefull except travelling in space
but for me personally now: ILL NEVER PAY MORE THAN 3 MILLION FOR A TAX PIRATE BE ADVISE:nono::nono::nono:
If you can afford more than 3 million but refuse to pay it, then I'll run you till you're dead. And if you're stupid enough to come back on the same trade route, I'd do it again. A pirate doesn't care about these opinions, a pirate cares about his loot. For the last time, we're not supposed to be settling on a sum that's comfortable. If a trader gets caught, it's life or death every time, the demands should reflect that. If you keep getting caught, you're doing it wrong. Hypothetically, a level 90 A-Train could pay 500 million and still have enough left over to come at you in a fully equipped Cruiser the next day.
Just take into account their level and charge them enough to penalise them for getting caught on that route. 3 mil max is absolute rubbish, traders are supposed to be scared of pirates. An A-Train on a good route could pay 3 mil each time going both ways and still turn a tidy profit, there's no deterrent.
Quote:On most trade runs, especially now that things have been nerfed, more than that will make things nearly or completely unprofitable.
If income is all you're worried about: I know of at least 7 legal trade runs that make around 8-12 million in twenty minutes, and I've only been back in Disco for a month or so. Even a lower paying route could net you 10 million for half an hour's work.
Quote:So, ask for 5mil if you want, but you're not going to end up with very many takers.
So start killing! They'll eventually work out it's not worth their lives to refuse to pay. And they might even think twice about trading near pirates in future. The worst case scenario for the pirate is that the trader starts employing protection on their route instead of just happily paying the tiny pirate fee and continuing on their merry way unscathed. So then what do we have? More RP! Jobs for Mercs and Bounty Hunters!
A lot of you would argue that there's too many capships on the server, yet you're too timid or stuck on your moral high ground to make a stand and do some proper pirating, the only big money-sink in the game.
My point is traders should not be treating pirates like a neighbourly toll booth. Traders should be running for their lives. If you think your life isn't worth what you'd make in one trade run then perhaps you deserve to die.
badger, keep in mind that its a game and supposed to be fun for both sides. - not to mention roleplay. what will a pirate do when he is payed 500 million - buy a system and crown himself to be king?
for a person, 500k-2million is FAR more than enough. if you want more realism, you can base charge 1million and add ( roughly ) your expenses, that is - repair costs, ammo etc. whatever you used on him - added up generously.
you do not want to penelize the player - roleplay is to penelize the character. pirating is a responsible job; much more than just charging a tax. it does involve charging just enough so the trader isn t laughing ( like charging 1 million from the UN seen in austin powers by dr. evil:D) - and it should not be so much so its a real pain to the gameplay of the trader. a decission about paying or not should be within roleplay for the trader character. if you charge 500 million ( i know it was just an example ) its not a character decission anymore, but a rational player decission.
keep in mind, pirating is a quick job - trading for X amount of money takes long, - what you are getting payed with is the traders time.
I have also recognized, we have more pirates than police or military. This is unbalanced and it will spoil the fun to play traders, if they always been taxed, especially for a trader who will stay in Roleplay and does not make the high profit routes.
Some day you will have no trders anymore to tax if you don't take care of them. Don't slaughter a cow which is giving milk very well.
Sorry Jinx but I completely disagree with setting yourself a hard limit on your demands (I also hate the word "tax" as I've stated elsewhere). Fair enough and good for you if you want to play nice, but generally a role as a pirate dictates the opposite. The topic is "what is the maximum you can tax" and my stance is there should not be a maximum. You're saying 2 million, and that is a personal preference of either you or your character.
What I'm trying to get across is if people keep stating their personal limits here, you'll end up with some mean number, and that average of X million will appear to people reading this as an agreed upon gentlemen's law. There is nothing dictating what the maximum amount you can tax is and there should not be for the reasons I have already stated.
My trader flies a mid-sized transport and runs a nice RP circuit route that nets me 20mil per hour, and I play for maybe an hour ever other night right now. If I'm saving for something big and have 80mil in my account and you ask me for 10mil i'm going to dock and go do something else.
Why is this OK for an RPer to do? Because you're basing your fee/tax on a metagamed number. You're not looking at my cargo and judging its value, you're looking at my rank and assuming i run some lame 2-system run and make 3x what i'm actually making per hour.
I don't grind cargo runs so you can take half my haul for the night; I trade so I can afford object A or item B. I trade in a way that makes RP sense, including paying pirates when they behave smart & fairly.
"To gain a hundred victories in a hundred battles is not the highest excellence;
to subjugate the enemy's army without doing battle is the highest of excellence."
Badger, you're missing the point. If you charge so much that that individual run would become unprofitable, the vast majority of traders would just try and run/choose death. RP or not, it's just like people who planetdive when their ship and equipment is heavily damaged. Death is easier than paying.
a while ago i was pirating in honshu with a couple of fellow outcasts and along came a trader who shall remain nameless. we asked him for money and he decided to do the sensible thing and payed up, however there was a little misunderstanding regarding how much money he should pay, we wanted him to pay 3mill, 1mill to each of us. and instead of that he gave us 3mill each, i thought he was paying me the 3mill then leaving so i could divide the money. I only realised his error after he had gone, and it'd be way worse rp to go chasing after him and give him some money back, but i thought that 9mill in total was way too much to ask for and i felt pretty bad that it happened.
today i was pirating in my gb,i try to pirate a trader,and his reaction?F1 in space.then when he was online again i say him if he thing that is good idea make that and his answer was try it in roleplay id*ot...other dock,then undock and when see that i am stil near,again dock and switch to destroyer char and direct way to me and open fire on me.bbut now i have enough!!
when this read any trader,this is for all of you.from now on the nice kristina on board the ship tink is gone.i ask first time,and give some time,then i open fire until second chances!becasue when pirate give you second chance and not destroy you you make something realy not good....