=SRC: Adrianna the Exile=
=SRCID: ZSS-Leaves.of.Green=
=displaying plain text= I know of something that can destroy these organisms, and repair any damage done to base cell tissue....
but there is such a thing as the cure being worse than the disease.
The procedure will be irreversible, and will permanently alter the subject's mental, emotional, and physiological state; if the subjects are not mentally and emotionally prepared beforehand, it could very well drive them insane.
That being said, if the subjects themselves, or their families if they cannot be revived prior to treatment, agree to the measures, I can all but guarantee complete restoration of the patients.
Except of course for any brain tissue damaged. The individual neurons will be regenerated, but the patterns disrupted by any changes will be lost. If the 'virus' has penetrated the blood brain barrier and done significant damage to any vital functions in the medulla.........
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
::::Incoming Transmission::::
::::Encrypting level: ultimate::::
::::Receiver: Channel user::::
::::Identification: Carlo Sombrero::::
::::Location: Eclipse::::
::::Subject: Ancient 'virus'::::
Hmm...guess we cannot deny you to take part of analyzing the matter and to find possible solutions. For me it's good to hear another one is up to help us.
I think at the moment we can't do much more than just wait for the results of the translation of the stone tablets. We are still searching for a way to slow down the movement of the ancient virus to prevent the crew from being killed by it.
Sadly that's all I can send at the moment.
::::Incoming Transmission::::
::::Encrypting level: ultimate::::
::::Receiver: Channel user::::
::::Identification: Carlo Sombrero::::
::::Location: Eclipse::::
::::Subject: Ancient 'virus'::::
Time seems to run out. We haven't heard anything for too long from the Blood Dragon cruiser. I am getting worried and maybe we should have a look on that ship, if it is possible, in case the virus has spreaded out more. Count me in as voluntary to do that in case we are going to do that...
"Sorry for the delay, we've been working as fast as we can, and we have finally come up with something... good news and bad news. The good news is that the virus begins in a proto state that genetically adapts to the lifeform it encounters, and once adapted it cannot spread outside the host body. This means that it is not contagious outside of initial contact with the containment vessel itself. The Hatsuzakura should be free to dock back at Blood Dragon facilities without worry of spreading the plague."
"The bad news is that we can find no cure, nothing we do seems to have any effect on the infected cells. For now, there are only two courses of action we can take for the infected crew of the Hatsuzakura... kill them, or leave them in stasis until a cure can be found, and there's no telling how long that might take."
"Further deciphering of the tablet we found has indicated that this plague was artificially created by the K'vosh, though we are still unaware of its true purpose. There are marked similarities between the infected cell samples we've been studying, and the cells of Nomad forms, indicating that the virus could actually be what originally created the Nomads themselves."