My name is Scott Koutras,I am Freelancer, who speak from Leeds.I contact you because I want to request your permission to buy and fly a Avenger - BDR-845 Liberty Very Heavy Fighter. The second reason is I want to participate in your training sessions. For the ship I will pay 20.000.00$ to LSF and another 30.000.000$/week for participation at training seesions.
The ship and "skill" I will gain will not be used agains Liberty lawful factions or its allies or in wars.
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Scott Koutras,
First of all, every messages pointed to Director Copperfield is being reviewed by me and your request is rejected. Our ship isn't on sale and it is designed for LSF agents only, all informations regarding this ship will remain classified.
I never heard of training? Our agents are trained before signing the contract, we are not school and we are not giving flying lessons.
Anna Brown
Associate Director
Liberty Security Force
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