I'm trying now for a couple of hours to get my molly guard tag. With my first ship i had it in 30 min (int the last beta). Now i'm trying to get it for my gb to, but it is impossible. the guards are #2. on the list, and no matter how many missions i cancel, my tag will change randomly (from the max greens). In the last hour i was baf, bret police, Rh military-police, red hessian, gmg, and now ALG waste disposal........ and the guards remain #2.
And yes, i had all these factions on my list, because this was my "explorer"char, and i visited every system.
Maybe in this new version we cannot get guard tags? or this is a bug or something?
pls help
i have been canceling missions to lose the affiliations, but my new one is always the wrong.
Today when i started this mollys have been the 1. , red hessians the 2. , molly guards the 3. . I have canceld 10 missions for the hessians, so the guards have become the 2., than i canceled missions for the mollys, but next i got the baf tag.... cancel for them too, than police, military, etc etc etc etc and now ALG.
Bribeing-i cannot bribe the guards...:(
shooting npc-- i tryd, i shooted baf, corsairs loved me, i shooted corsairs baf loved me....
Yeah, the same thing happened to me when I went to get my Outcast tag. Just keep trying. It may take a couple days of solid trying, but eventually it will work.
its some work - you must lower EVERY other faction except the guard. - best thing is to have a tag that is neutral to hostile to molly whiel you try.
once you have all other factions a bit lower than max, and only the guard faction maxed ( make sure you only kill what you can kill, cause every kill with mess up the balance again. - best just deny missions ) - once all of t hem are lower, it will switch to the guard if its still maxed.
the replacement of factions appears not to be random. - but you cannot see which faciton is higher than max. so you might have 10 factions max green, but in detail, they are different - maybe a few points higher or lower.
so, you only have to deny one mission for each max faction and do not kill anyone while you do. start witht he factions that do not offer missions ( there are a few ) .... once you are done, the last faction you must reduce is your current faction. cause it takes longer to affect the player. if its neutral to hostile to molly - it won t do anything to the guard faction and soon you ll have the guard tag.
Jinx, i have done what you said, i canceld 3 missions for all max green factions, and i have not killed any npcs on the way.After !!5 hours!! i had the guards on the 2. place, and the GC on the first, as my affiliation. I cancled almost 20 missions, than i lost the tag. And the guards was the #1.
Only 1 problem, they have been on the 1. place, full green, but i had no affiliation, i even asked several players... i relogged 3 times and nothing... i have a screenshoot from it:
I thought maybe they are not realy realy full so i made a mission for the simple mollys, guess what, i had the normal molly affiliation again....