Report one.
Security level Omega 3-7 black
Access to the station was achieved today at zero three hundred hours Sirius time by way of free fall entry pod.
Our team disembarked to make our way to docking port eighteen where we found the entrance was unlocked and all sensors deactivated.
Entry pod has been jettisoned away from the station.
Our team has spread out to cover six main points of the station including docking control, communications, command and control, the primary research habitat and fabrication level.
Due to damage caused by Naval forces strikes power fails intermittently and we are not having much trouble in remaining undetected.
Now commencing observation to identify targets.
Report two.
Security level Omega 3-7 black
Team has regrouped to compare reports on observation of station and personnel.
Twenty seven individual targets have been identified.
The possibility of all these targets being infected is less than one hundred percent and may also include collaborators.
Targets will be eliminated to ensure compliance with primary objective.
Team is now dispersing back to designated waypoints to begin elimination mission.
Report four.
Security level Omega 3-7 black
Targets three through seven have been eliminated through via explosive decompression in cargo bay four.
Unfortunately we lost thirteen members of the captive station personnel in the process.They were used as bait to draw the infected in and although their loss if unfortunate, the team had limited time to take action and I deemed the loss acceptable.
This part of the mission has been deemed a success and their should be no evidence of our tampering of the cargo bay.
Report five.
Security level Omega 3-7 black
The team was able to identify the ships belonging to an infected wing, probably the one causing all the trouble for our naval forces.
Targets eight through fourteen.
We have placed small explosives on the fuel intermix chambers of each craft.
These have been calibrated to detonate when distance to the station has exceeded seventeen thousand kilometres.
Likelihood of finding these explosives is small before detonation and impossible after, as they will be completely consumed by detonation.
Secondary elements have placed a series of explosives near the command and control deck which should cause considerable damage and cut off any access between command and control and the rest of the station..