yeah, the first time it happened to me I found it awsome, lol. With my cargo pods it makes it seem like flying tanks of explosives. It's also fun to see your little character in the front, hehe.
or it just wont, and you get to watch four cargo pods and turrets float happily through space:D
I sold mine and bought a container transport because of this. Its not really a game crushing issue though, just annoying. Was the reason this happens ever found? I know its not fixable, but was it at least diagnosed?
Well i guess that doesn't matter either, being its not really fixable. I'm just glad trains don't go invisible when i see other people flying them. Its only when i fly one.
You got to see your character? No fair! I want to fly an invisible rocket chair trailing cardboard boxes too!
*Wilson shows off his ham sandwich* - Armory.003
*mark placed on Unit-sk855's forehead* - Head hitting the desk as of reading the above