What do you call "Caps"? Gunboats?
I don't think gunboats are classified as caps.
What I think is, if you let the target get to a base, if you attacked him where he could call backup, you just didn't do your job right. Your attack failed.
And as already mentioned, you think it's all about your fun? How about the fun you destroy when killing your target?
But I don't want to complain about that now. You are working on your own, you have to do much more planning before an attack. That's not our fault. I know it sucks not to get what you want, but sometimes, well ... sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
It isn't always easy. It can't be. It should be fun for all at all times, but if it was, it would become boring after a while. We need to have a bad day to see what's good again. And sometimes even the attacker has to feel what it means to have a bad day. Just retreat when you see your attack leads nowhere.
But keep in mind, we aren't PvPers. You are. You chose to PvP as your gamestyle. We chose to try to avoid PvP as most of us aren't top gamers at that.
Your complaint about Caps is unjustified, IMG| owns almost no Caps. If you call GBs "Caps", I think you are mistaken.
And put yourself in our shoes. As we aren't good at PvP we will get attacked often if we don't take advantage in numbers. I'm sorry that we can't all be good at 1on1 or have fun in a 1on1. If you want to ease our pain of losing, think about how we feel when we're kicked out of a system for 4 hours after losing.
I think I don't have to mention what ganks we had to endure all the time in the Taus.
This might be sound a bit whiny, but, I just want you to think about what your target feels, when you attack him. Fun is based on both sides. Most times one side comes short in PvP.
But still, ganking shouldn't go to far. Just don't expect to be greeter with friendliness, chasing someone to their homebase.
' Wrote:I'm a Freelancer. Unfortunately, a death message is what drives part of Freelancer/Mercenary combat. No death message, no payment. We can't pirate for cash, and we can't levy fines for contraband either. On my Xeno, I could care less about killing someone or not. Hell, making them run away is always a plus for me, since I don't have to fight them and I can focus on more pressing matters.
But.. Freelancers, 'ya know? We don't get paid for dock messages. We may be after the dreaded "blue message," if you will, but that doesn't give you the right to ruin a person's attempt at some fun by bringing in pretty much anything and everything against that one single person. Last I checked, you can't kill a destroyer in a fighter on your own (Most cases. There are a few rare exceptions, as is in many things). So why would you even consider bring that, and multiple fighters to drive off one person? It's just plain over-kill, if you ask me.
It is, isn't it? It is however valid overkill in the sense that you come to us, near one of our most frequently used bases, with the intent of harvesting blue messages. I bet you are in a Sabre too, which are very hard to hit in a snub ball. There is always the option to run away once we field caps - they rarely start shooting without a warning.
IMG is not a faction made up out of elite fighters. Most of our members are rookies when it comes to pewage, so meeting you with less skill, and inferior craft (face it, Sabres are overpowered at present. Nerf pending for 4.86) would result in an unbalanced fight as well. Our solution? Deploy heavies that mow the lawn if unfriendlies don't go away. Don't like it? Don't come shoot us near our mining grounds. They generally have heavy cover. You bring the fight to us, expect us to hit back hard.
IMG isn't a "blue message happy" faction, but for us to do what we do best, we can't have unfriendlies about. Mining ships are weak against fighters. Very weak. Even the Dacite. I know, because I try with that thing.
Quote:I don't mind facing a few of you guys at once; really, I'm asking for it when I engage the IMG or CR, since you folks are so active. But could you maybe tone it down a notch and not break out the cap ships when a few fighters can do the job just as well..?
If our fighters could do the job just as well, we probably would. Unfortunately, at present... not the case. Both, as stated before, due to lack of skill and proper material. IMG|'s job for it's members is securing the mining grounds and convoys by any means neccesary. Sometimes that means deploying a Solaris heavy zeph or a gunboat or two to shoo away a single, laggy fighter that otherwise takes hours to destroy. Why the overkill? Because that single fighter typically has the capability to take out a Hege or small miner, before we can take it out with fighters alone.
I'm not ashamed of using a steamroller to squash a fly that won't get out of it's path. Better that then get stung.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
It's the Taus.
Overkill is the norm.
The bread and butter.
You want to hunt, start learning to hit people when they are with their proverbial 'pants' down.
And that means isolated locations, a diferent timezones where the bulk of the faction is offline, a lot of things.
And fyi.
Hitting IMG (Probablty #1 in the activity list) in the Taus, right next to CR, is like walking to a hornet's nest with a stick and poke it. You'll get a nasty rash and a bite in your quads.
And on a side note, i always loved 90% of the IMG| interactions, especially the ones with Jack.
Keep rockin', miners.
IMG miners were extorted by a [GC]Ptrans and his FL fighter escort. They radioed it in. Me (an IMG bomber) and one EDGE went to T37 to talk to the [GC], as we are normally not pirated by them. I stressed we wanted to talk.
Then YOU decided to claim a bounty on the IMG bomber that must have seemed to be an easy target for your blue messi. I told you not to, as I would kill the PTrans first. You started, we ofc killed the PT.
Then you called friends/got reinforcements by that FL gunboat, and we killed them.
Then you were alone and more and more of IMG's friends came.
I told you multiple times to just fly away. The odds were hopeless and with every minute more people came.
But you kept OORPing about "fair fights" etc, instead of doing what would have been a sane ingame reaction: run for your life as your char had misinterpreted the situation.
As you started shieldrunning and avoiding fire like crazy (instead of running away), also taunting and oorping, we decided to cheapkill you (e.g. solarizers). 1 fighter against 10, and you staying in this combat is close to trolling. We wanted the trolling to end.
You finally saw reason, jumped and we let you go.
I see no mistake.
You engaged IMG when the situation was good for you. We caught you, killed your friends and then you stayed and pushed too far. That's why I don't feel bad about calling for help and staying alive in my bomber against your bounty claiming attempt.
My roleplay doesn't work if people just make up the cutouts they need.
I'm not really complaining, just......well, yes I am complaining, but next time...... think of your local black market intelligence agent with whom you've done dealings in the past!
Please clarify. Are you saying that because we do not make allowances for including your one character who seems to represent a private eye style of information gathering in much of our current interactions, we're hurting your roleplay?
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
I think he is refering to the fact that we haven't replied in his offer yet about purchasing the list with all the Rorry mercs. Well, some days ago we were in talks with the Rorrys about a possible cease fire. If that actually happens, then we don't really need to purchase that list. However, if Rorry refuses then we will get it.
We are waiting for his reply in order to give you also a reply.
I had good RP with an IMG gunboat in O7 over reclaiming an IMG pilot the other day. I also think its cool seeing the massive IMG/FTU/Molly co-operative mining ops in the Molly field. Joining up instead of all just mining sperately is really the best example of good mining RP.
Just dont be surprised if some indie mollys want a cut of the profits going out of thier private fields!
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