Source: Liberty space, somewhere Common ID: Garviel Loken, aboard the Segunda Espada Subject: Bountys
A couple of pirates were trying to pirate at California Jump Gate... after following them a good time, they decided to face me. Wrong choice. The fighter blew, the spatial ran.
[font=Arial Narrow]Garviel Loken, Money has been sent.
[font=Arial Narrow]Carmen Sanchez, Money has [color=#FF6666]not been sent. You're also collecting the same contracts in the Public Liberty Board. First and last warning. Don't try it again, we will let you off this one time.
[font=Arial Narrow]No Using Confirmed Bounty Captures In Other Boards As Well As This One.
If You Are Caught Doing So You Will Be Denied Collection For 14 Days.
[font=Arial Narrow]Jason Statham, Money has been sent.
[font=Arial Narrow]Jason Statham, You're not in any trouble this time.
But continue the hunt and reap from our larger collections in the near future son.
Source: Liberty space, somewhere Common ID: Garviel Loken, aboard the Segunda Espada Subject: Bountys
While following a pirate... An Outcast tridente showed up. However, the bomber didn't have a single chance. After it, another bomber, a junker this time, came to help the tridente... wrong choice. The fairy tail ends with the knight killing the monsters.
Source: Liberty space, somewhere Common ID: Garviel Loken, aboard the Segunda Espada Subject: Bountys
While a patroll, I meet this pirate... a Kusari Explorer. I was loosing the fight, actually. However, miss Garcia arrived just in time, that gave the pirate not even a single chance to win.