[7:07:58 PM] Kairi - Jacob Forge/Jeremy Hunter Vi Britannia:Well
[7:07:58 PM] Kairi - Jacob Forge/Jeremy Hunter Vi Britannia: Almost left my phone in the fridge
[10:45:22 AM] Reverend Del: So i can justify jumping up and down on you every month
[1:40:24 PM] Duncanstahn: Who knows about the holes.
[1:40:44 PM] Silver "The Bitch" (Kaze): Throw some white flour.
[1:40:50 PM] Silver "The Bitch" (Kaze): If it gets moist.
[1:40:57 PM] Silver "The Bitch" (Kaze): Chances are, you found one.
[10:39:59 PM] Yuki: magical fingers! touch you all and i'll control you all! (:<
[10:40:07 PM] Yuki: and not in a creepy handjob way
[10:59:59 PM] Ilya (sly-beetle): You'll have to come through M3333333