For me it was just a matter of time to see this request, we noticed your fast progress and are pleased with the results so far. Thus you have been promoted to [color=#33CC00]Gefreiter without hesitation. Please continue with your good work, Gefreite Braun.
I am very proud to say that I have officially completed zhe Flieger training program and I am now ready to step up and take on more responsibilities in service to zhe Kanzler. I want to dedicate myself to zhe protection of zhe vaderland and everything it stands for. I hope you take my application into consideration, I look forward to hearing your reply and continuing my service to Rheinland.
SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Strausberg[color=#33CC00] New Berlin System. [color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FFFFFF]Low, port RM-KV-MC-PN-7638
[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Leutnant Carl von Manstein, Rheinland Military [color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Flieger Wolf Müller [color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Promotion
Flieger Müller your request has been processed and you are hereby promoted to Gefreiter. Congratulations, Herr Müller I see a bright future ahead of you. You are now and officially a soldat, a protector of Rheinland. I am sure you realize that your responsibilities and expectations also increase.
Für den Kanzler,
Leutnant Carl von Manstein,
88th Rheinwehr Brigade
Sender: Ge.Alois.Dermen
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Promotion
I have served the Vaterland for over a month and enforced the law to those who would dare break it! And I also successfully passed the Rheinland Law. So I ask if promotion to Feldwebel is avaliabe I wish to serve the Vaterland more and lead it to Glory! *Salues*
PS: Is High Command still rewarding those loyal with Glorious Medals of the Reich? I have killed more then 10 Hostile Vessels and written more then 10 reports and Took part in 3 major battles, so I would like to request if I can be rewarded with the Knight's cross 3rd class , Nachrichtendienst medal and Internal security decoration; for my Valor in serveing the Vaterland.
[color=#33FF33]GefreiterSarah Braun and Alois Dermen , for your bravery and committment to the cause, the Oberkommando promoted you both to the rank of [color=#33CC00]Feldwebel. May you be an example for every man who is fighting for our Fatherland.
Upon careful evaluation, FähnrichTheodor von Sittlingen has been promoted to Leutnant, entering in fact the Middle Command of the Rheinwehr.
Admiral Ludwig Meyer,
Oberkommando des Rheinland Militärs.
Encryption:Medium Sender:Fw.Alois.Dermen Recipient:Rheinland Military Subject:Promotion
Gutgen Tag Kommandant! I proudly served my Vaterland with great honor and Glory; and many pilots of the Military continue to phrase me everyday for my zealous efforts of protecting the just and punishing the wicked! I strongly believe I have what it takes to become a Fähnrich! I'am most Defiantly up to take on the tasks at await me! I want to Serve my Vaterland in greater ways!
***Incomming Transmission***
***Opening Comm Systems***
Ship ID: [RM]Fl.Alexander.Roter
From: Alexander Roter
Location: Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig
Subject: Promotion to Gefreiter
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
I want to inform you that I completed ze Flieger Trainigsprogramm.
I hope ze Oberkommando is satisfied with my work for ze Vaterland. *salutes*
Hereby I want to request ze promotion from Flieger to Gefreiter.
SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00][color=#999999]Schlachtschiff Strausberg, New Berlin System. [font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#999999]Medium, port RM-MC-SD-KFZ-186
The Oberkommando has reviewed your request and is pleased with your performance so far. With their approval it's now my duty to announce that both of you have been promoted to [color=#33CC00]Gefreiter. Continue with the good work and a bright future will await you.