»Setting up Transmission; Opening Channel »Neural-Net Comm ID: 'aerelm' »Transmission Source: 'Freeport 10, Tau-37' »Sending Transmission; Subject: 'Been a while'
Hola senores,
It's been a while since the last time we talked, mainly due to some
business that had to be taken care of down in Liberty which took a
while, but now that I'm done with that job offer from a fine lady in
blue dress, I figured it'd be a good time to stop by and say hola to
senor Jameson, but from the looks of things, stuff have happened
since I was away and Doc isn't in charge of the 101st anymore?
So I just got curios about any other news I've been missing as I'm
planning to hang around Cast space for another while and knowing
how things are going always helps. Oh, and I have a little somethin
for you but I'll keep it for after making sure this transmission gets
to the right people.
Callsign "aerelm"
»Transmitting Message »Transmission Complete »Comm Link Terminated
**Ecryption Increased, Formatting High Command Sub-routines**
-A middle-aged, experienced man appears on the screen. the top of another man's head is seen in the bottom left-
[font=Palatino Linotype]<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]*muffled* Thank you, Jose. [color=#FFFFFF]-turning to the screen- Hola, senore. I am Captain Adain of the Ghosts. I often am the first to reply to messages such as these......I still haven't figured out why that is so.... Anyways, I am honored to be the first to contact you on matters such as these. We have had instances recently that could have been avoided had some people just contacted us over the Neural Net. Information about current standings of Outcast diplomacy? Simple enough. Allies are the same, +LE+ marked ships are allied....for the time being, rebel Gallians; Brigands and such, are also allies. Typical enemies: 'Sairs, GMG, IMG, CR's, Council, GRN.....y'know. Please note that technology permissions are irreversible, this directly influences the guns and other equipment that is to be given out by any society. -looks away- Hmmmm......Ah the new Leader of the 101st is Admiral Brandon Garrison. I believe you will enjoy meeting with him, should you be able to do so. As always the Ghosts are at your service! -deep bow-
»Setting up Transmission; Opening Channel »Neural-Net Comm ID: 'aerelm' »Transmission Source: 'Freeport 10, Tau-37' »Sending Transmission; Subject: 'Re: Been a while'
Thank you mister Adain for your brief yet detailed update on Cast stuff.
However, I'm rather interested to hear about Mister Jameson's current
state. He's well and all, I hope? Because flying by his side was always
a pleasure, and if it wasn't for him, I couldn't have gotten the Krakens
that have saved my ass on just too many occasions.
Brandon Garrison also is a familiar name, I suspect I've flown with the
new admiral once upon a time, but eh... I'm not known for my good or
accurate memory, so I can't say for sure. However, here's the little eh,
"news" I have for you... Today I was in Alpha, just passing through on
my way to Theta when I saw this bunter hangin around Eta hole. Even
if that's not really rare, what happened afterwards surprised me some
bits. When this Outcast gunship tagged as [POW] asked the bunter to
leave, he went straight to your restricted space instead.
Now I'm not sure if anything have happened since I was gone, but last
I checked Omicron-85 was too well protected to be even known to the
bunters guild. So seeing some loner bunter - probably a scout - going
there kinda surprised me... I'm just letting you know in case you want
to take any actions in case more bunters or even the Core try t' cause
trouble around that place. Although you won't have to worry about the
loner Manta who wandered in there, he's already taken care of and let
us hope he didn't have enough time to transmit the scan data back to
whichever base he was basing off of.
*Laughs* We were entirely aware of his entrance, and demise, senor. I haven't been able to thank you however. Additionally, since they are involved, the "POW", who became the "OSF", have dissolved. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones who gave him coordinates to 85. Regardless, we thank you for eliminating any navigational data the ship might have stored. I am quite sure no intel was gathered on behalf of the Guild.
Yes, 85 is still a safe system. We have not had any reports of our enemies knowing of its location, so I assume our secret is secure. We have those "wanderers" who are quaintly captured and taken to a certain base within the system. There is a reason no attacks have been staged against 85.
As for Senor Jameson's status. Well, I will leave that to the Admiral.