Simple thought really, is it possible to have a new chat channel that can send messages to all allies within the same system. Regardless of group channels.
LPI sends out this command "/a Control to all units, there is pirate activity in Grid B6, send all available units."
This means that any LPI, Navy, LSF and possibly Liberty commercial ID vessels will receive the message, the main benefit of this chat channel is to incorporate all faction members, whether 'official' or 'independent' leading to more organization for NPC faction members.
Yes i believe it's possible, but no it shouldn't be done. There's no point to it really. In fact the pirates would just die even quicker by the lawfuls then.
Also. Fletcher, you just got back and you're ALREADY making ideas again?! Damn, you're good. xD
i like the idea (lib lawful for liaf) because not everyone is tied into a houses emergency chat, also it'd make it easier to coordinate defenses against attack. there's nothing worse than being the guy with the mission glitch when trying to counter a 10 turtle gank fleet
ex: "/apb puff boy has stolen 2500 units of LPI level Donuts, please send fighters/bombers and a transport to G11"