ACCESS ID: 111366s-NS
LOCATION: In Transit
Greetings All,
I wanted to share a snapshot of a recent excursion into Gallia. Profit was had, good times. With the exception of some rude remarks and empty threats by some of the locals, I found the experience to be pleasing. I'm sure you'll recognize the vessels in the photo.
Currently, I am in Munich, taking care of some issues. (Drinking lots of Bavarian beer!) Give me a holler if you need anything.
ACCESS ID: 5551212
LOCATION: Planet Pecos
DESTINATION: IND corporate offices
Dear Bosses:
I am checking in per your request.
Class :Transport
Type :Titanic Civilian
Location : Planet Pecos
Well....I did not want to say anything about this little small incident that I had but, since it will be reflected in the bottom line of the company earnings, I have no choice but to report, that a ransom of 10.000.000 credits was paid out in order to save my empty ship and crew. Attached you will find copies of the transmission logs for your reference. If something can be done about this on a company level, that would be execelent...if not....I ...<strike>Jesus..Mal</strike>....errrr Lee Ramos will find away to put this leech with extensive studies in hypocrisy, this cucaracha that feeds off of our blood, hard work and sacrifice, into a shallow grave.
[Sending File] Transmission Logs of Piracy act on [IND]Derived.Demand
COMMUNICATION IDENT: Your worst Nightmare.
LOCATION: Probably behind you ...
DESTINATION: All Channels.
Contrary to popular opinion, and some very, lets say, creative writing in certain areas of the gutter press,
reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated yet again. Can't a guy just go fishing for a bit ?
Sadly though I thought I better check in on you bunch of reprobates to make sure my pension plan is still
well on the green side.
So to the skinny, Just need to see some status reports from all of our active VPs as quick as you like ...
Be checking back in very soon.
That is all.
Jay Simon
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
My status report, Renzu development proceeding ahead of schedule, Profits from the Renzu Liner are through the roof. Your Liner is waiting for you whenever you are ready. Profits from the LPI are level and in the green. We have done well to secure acess to the markets in Gallia.
Winchester will update you on the Oita developments.
COMM ID:Joe Hernandez TARGET:Jay Simon SUBJECT:Sweet mother of sanity.
That's one hell of a lunchbreak, Jay.
I'm alive, well, wealthy and happy. The heat dealership has been running alright, although the market has just gone and changed on me overnight, but hey, what am I if not adaptable.
Anyways, if all the power-napping and liquid-lunch breaks start to raise the old blood pressure, you'll find a swimmingpool tiled with reformed snap-cocaine, and filled to the brim with Maltese brandy (and now two vintage cars... Thanks to a Mr A. Z. appearing there) in a hotel I bought half of. Never has relaxing managed to boost the ego quite as much.
I didn't know the president was called Monsieur Nightmare, this is very interesting.
Welcome back and I hope I'll be able to show you a few Gallic tricks !
ACCESS ID: 111366s-NS
LOCATION:WallStreet Station, Oita
Hello Jay,
Fishing indeed! Well, your wine stores are secure. I'm currently in Oita, sorting my corner office and my Renzu Liner. I've rearranged my fleet, which took some doing. Our last contract went off with little discomfort and decent returns on our investment of time, which was substantial. Our Micro banks are in place and being funded. There have been other changes, that I'm sure you'll want to have a look at AND Sophie still makes the best coffee in Sirius.
With the new officers on board, and others under consideration, I must say I'm pleased! The other VPs who are out of communication at the moment, are having their investments and contracts looked after by myself and the others, per Mr. Winchester.
COMM ID:Joe Hernandez TARGET:Lilith Therol SUBJECT:Words coming from experience.
Miss Therol, I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting as yet, but I'm sure that'll come in time.
Just gonna offer a few words of advice, and hope Jay doesn't read this. First, Mr. Nightmare's real name is Jay Simon. Taking everything he says completely at face value is probably a mistake. You just gotta get down with the metaphor.
Second, another metaphor to get down with... I'd suggest you don't go saying you would "teach him a few Gallic tricks", because the dirty old bastard's mind will race off to realms you really don't wanna go.
It is good to have you back. However, I will tell you this, I will not be paying for your lunch tab this time around. Now, on to business.
The construction of the Oita system has been completed within an acceptable timeframe. We now have two sations there at our disposal. The first one is Wall Street Station where our Offices will be. Yours ,of course, is located on the top floor with a perfect view of the system and our second station. Renzu Shipyards.
As an added bonus, we were able to entice Sophie to leave Newark Station's bar and relocate here.
She hasn't changed much Boss, last time I left her she was getting the new bar ready and complaining where her check was..
As for our other operations, Well, just let me say we have opened up various other deals that are very profitable. We are operating definately in the green.
Last item of business.
I hereby, gladly, step down as active President Pro-Tem.
Sir, it is good to have you back.
Jonathon Winchester III
Procurements VP
Independent Neuralnet Division
[color=#FFCC00]Comm ID:[color=#FFFF66]Andrew Harris [color=#FFCC00]Transmit to:[color=#FFFF66]Jay Simon [color=#FFCC00]Subject:[color=#FFFF66]Headcount
[color=#FFCC00]Message Begin>>>
[color=#FFFF66]Well hot damn. Wasn't sure if you'd ever come back.
So, status report? Still alive, still working. I've spent my time making a few short-term deals with various miners around the Taus and Omegas. It's actually been surprisingly profitable.
Other than that, not much has been going on at my end. Most of the others probably have more interesting stories. In any case, it's good to hear from you again, Jay.