Communicator Identification:Yoko Mori Target Identification:The Golden Chrysanthemums
Beginningvoice transmission...
Well, g- great. Now you're awf- ful killers, too. You murd- dered Rika and bet- trayed every principle you've ever stood for just as y- you could've succeeded at y- your goal. You've ac- ccepted killers and backstabbers b- back into your ranks. There w- was a time when you had a reasonab- ble claim. I m- mean, it was one I sh- shared, and I d- did all in my power to h- help you. Now, the new lead- dership's nothing but a b- bunch of strung-out killers. Ask- king for equality is o- one thing, but trying to d- do the same thing to th- the men of Kusari that's been d- done to us for so long is just awf- ful. I m- mean, you know how b- bad it is yourself. Doesn't th- that make doing it b- back just that m- much worse?
If any of y- you are still sane, p- please, get out as soon as you c- can. I l- loved the old movement, but th- the new one has completely l- lost every virtue th- the old stood for. I m- mean, you p- people knew Rika just like I d- did. She's dead now. She died f- for winning the fight, and h- her murderers are n- now claiming to b- be your leaders. Equalit- ty is here. That's all we ev- ver asked for, equalit- ty. Give it a ch- chance. Let's b- be free.
Now, to th- the new leadership. I am a f- friend of freed- dom and equality. I'm a woman. I'm n- not about t- to support some woman cop- py of Jien Kogen; I spent t- too long fighting him f- for that. You a- are killers who've d- done nothing but b- bad for Kusari and for th- the Chrysanthem- mums. I am n- not your friend. All m- my jobs for the Chrysanthemums are n- now cancelled, and you n- no longer have access t- to my inf- formation dumps. Cons- sider all my ties with the Golden Chrysanthemum movem- ment severed, effect- tive immediately.