Well so the tech chart rule is gone ... sadly ... so that means if i have a ID that allows me any kind of ship , i can buy any ship i want! For example most of my chars are Zoners and the new Zoner ID allows me use all type of ships so, theory i can buy a Legate or a Ranseur or a Jormungand or any kind of ship with no problem right? But can i really?
Well as a Zoner here i got mad to see one ZBT on the hands of a Ageira pilot, and the only thing that was against the rules was on the ship's description says: "May only be used with a Zoner ID."
And if i look to those examples that i gave, only the Jormungand says something to be Hessian only!
Now to avoid unpleasant annoyances would be great that official factions made a list of what ships and technology are theirs only and what can be bought by RP.
sadly even though it states Zoner ID only. That is from 4.85. Now anyone can use the ZBT rule wise. But you zoners can also KOS anyone using your ships. It was stated in another post that if you can land, and purchase the ship. You can fly it. With a nerf, and entire faction gunning for you. But it is not against the rules.
after some talks about "who can actually do anything about a ship that .... ought not to be in the hand of certain individual ..." - only OFFICIAL factions can do it.
and - which i found fairly surprising ( if not kinda vexing ) - not only can only official factions KoS a "stolen" ship ... but only official factions can bounty that issue.
there had been a thread where a community member bountied a a player who was flying a zoner ship without zoner ID - after tracking back if it had been approved ( it had not been ). - a bounty was placed regarding a ship that was controlled by someone outside the ships faction - without approval.
in a comment - it appeared that an admin asked him to "rephrase" this bounty, since it had been (possibly) been a violation to the rules.
funny thing - at least there is a reason for placing a bounty.
meanwhile - its totally legit to post a bounty for "not liking someones nose".
but yes - as a player, i wouldn t want to see a Nephilim flown by a Corsair - as little as i would want to see a Legate flown by a Zoner - not quite sure if the new system really supports RP when it is almost not being policed.
in that respect, i am still - and will be - highly disappointed that it has become a "free for all" - a MILD nerf system to avoid OP ships - but KEEPING the MANDATORY faction approval - would have been best.
I both agree and disagree here on different points... and its mostly a matter of degree, honestly. I shall first state that I understand the idea behind sticking to a factions chosen tech to a point, purely to maintain a consistent aesthetic of the in-game universe and because some crossovers just don't make a lick of sense((and i don't mean politically)). On the other hand, I believe that this should really only be enforced severely on navy vessels, and ill explain what i mean...
First, I would like to clarify that I don't count gunboats as "navy vessels" for the terms of this post... gunboats seem to be the every-mans capital ship, available to even the poorest and most remote factions and freelancers alike... and im not just saying that because my one goofball combo character falls in this category. What i am saying is that gunships can be logically and believably seen as tradeable tech, not unlike snub fighters and actual small gunships sold to outside factions even in RL within reason.
However, that's where the line is drawn, in my opinion.
Destroyers and above, unless specifically purchased in a legitimate RP deal between factions, should be severely policed in-game for several reasons.
First off, if the RP reason is that it is stolen ((defection or outside faction)), there would be a Sirius-wide Dragnet by that faction to hunt down and either retrieve or destroy that vessel. The Hunt for Red October can give you a nice reference on that. Factions ((countries)) take the theft of their most powerful military tools VERY seriously...
Secondly is the argument of "making sense",and I don't mean just political faction lines... If the faction is different enough, lets say a Zoner with a Kusari Dread, Can that zoner speak and read Japanese? could he even interact with a capital-ship grade, secure AI? what about crew? Did he seriously commission 800 thieves to help him fly it as a skeleton-crew? that brings in the idea that the faction set him up to do the heist, which could easily be a serious act of aggression that could spark open war between those factions. Now, if there were players committed enough to RP this out, the idea of political-world change through RP would be kinda exciting, but I digress....
I am by no means stating that these problems cant be creatively worked around... like I said in a rant a few days ago, "His name is Jim. he is a trucker. he does trucker things." is dull, stereotypical, tedious, boring, and really not that fun compared to a character ripe with intrigue and oddities. The flip-side to that, unfortunately, is that it is true, and in an online game, EVERYONE wants to play an interesting hero and it aggravates people who are looking for an established aesthetic.
Which is why i believe in degrees and one of the reasons my out-of-norm character stopped at a gunship. One of the reasons... The other, and biggest reason is because some players like myself (we are rare, I think) don't give two shiny craps about numbers... we play every game, and make every character, based on style and story alone... there are only two ships in this game that I adore looking at. Ones that look like they were designed just for me suited perfectly to my tastes in most every way.......
As my luck would dictate, one is impossible to have EVER ((the Persephone)) and one is controlled by psychotic religious violent tree-hugging hippies...((the claymore)) I wanted to play a zoner, and until recently they were white-cell to gaians, so I made a complicated story and 5 man crew to explain it... and enjoyed the hell out of it as well.
I have four characters, and 3 of them are perfectly normal.
-An ISC-tagged trader in a Bison with generic weapons((not really enjoyable to play as im a trucker in RL and I do that for 12 hours a day beforehand... but its a nessesary evil cause I don't have much time to play))
-A LSF-tagged agent in a Virage and liberty weapons((civi stealthy fighter i think fits perfect for a covert agent))
-A Corsair Pirate in a Decurion with corsair weapons ((Because corsair tech isnt ugly as sin and I like the faction lore))
-And an Ex-gaian Zoner in a Claymore with generic weapons ((technerfed to hell and back again, but i have more fun just RPing the crew and looking at the ship by FAR...))
I know this sounds like another "90% power drain rage" post, but its not... ive stated my peace about that in the appropriate thread. im just tossing my opinion into the "new vs. old" argument.
I guess in conclusion, what im trying to say is that I agree with Official Factions' In-game policing of their tech, BUT, I think they should just focus on the destroyer+ category and try to keep in mind that not all of us are powergaming lulwuts... a few of us are just sappy style-driven roleplayers who wont try joining an official faction because we would be stuck on the bottom forever like every MMO guild we have ever been in because we cant devote time to it... but still want our beautiful gunship without being a dirt-worshipping killer-hippy...
P.S.- Sorry for the text-wall... one has plenty of time to ponder on a 6-hour run...
ZRS-Celestia's Grace (Zoner)
Captain: Fmr. Col. Jack Sinclaire (Native of Leeds)//1st Mate: Dr. Sarah Kensington (Native of Freeport 6)
ICS-Bulwark (ISC)
Captain: (ret.) Cpt. Nickademus Marshal (Native of Denver)
V-14 Virage (LSF)
Primarch-Cpt. Natalia Icebourne's Personal Fighter (Native of Cambridge)
I continue to think that there should be a limit of what you can have!
Corsairs is only Corsairs and some ships to some allies like Gaians or Hogosha or something but with permition.
The same to Outcast, Red Hessians ...
House military also but they can sell some ships like gunboats to their house corporate but with RP.
House may also "share" ships with other , for example Liberty ships under Bretonian BAF to use against the GRN, but also with RP.
For me all those ships that say the faction who makes it, should be only that faction. I think that end of th tech rule is a mistake and i aprove the nerf and i even say that should be higher, and now some can say "but even with RP sell there is also a nerf". Yes but if you look to the present, every time a country sell one of their equippment, normally sell an export version, except some cases! For example on my crappy RP story i'm making a gun for my comunity only use, i chosen the H&K XM8 because it looks great but also is a fail project. i looked several and many i found "export" versions like the G36E. But that nerf maybe could be worked ... i think ... only admins can say it ... and to those cases of alliance, the nerf could be removed ... can it?