Yeah it was great fun, we did have a massive fleet assembled but in the end there was just to many Capital ship coming against us. As the Corsairs/Order jumped through and set their line up at the Jump gate there was a tense stand of as our caps and their stayed out of each others range and minor skirmishing took place between our fighters and their smaller ship. Slowly their fleet bagan to advance as I attempted to hold our line in position.
Once in range the caps started to deal damage to both sides as the gap in the minefeild filled with ships. A tense tight batle there saw a few Order/Corsair ships fall including an Osiris and another Cap named Patriot.
Our Caps eventually were destroyed and our forces scattered. All too soon I was hounded by the Order/Corsair fleet to the Missouri. Bizarley the Missori only fired on a couple on the enemy ship and I observed and recorded sevral Corsair ship hiding behing it firing upon me! (Not good! Remember to make yourself hostile to an enemy base during a battle if your rep is white or green). A temporal anomaly formed (server crash) Upn recovery I headed to the Gap at the mines and patrolled it.
Some remang Corsairs and Order stated their intention to preceed further into New York so alone and massivly outnumbered I attacked the smaller ships. I pulled then toward the Missouri and fought on. Again several of the enemy were able to come close to the battleship and continued to try to attemt todestroy me but were unsuccesful. Their fleet left of leaving a GB sitting by the Missouri who would not give up trying to kill me.
It was then I recruited sevral mercs and we destroyed this gb named Hemik and moved onto Manhattan just as the enemy fleet was jumping to West Point. The JG merc Rakghould managed to cut the lane on the last remaining ship into the lane the Cruiser Spirit of Fire and we detroyed this ship also.
Strangely oblivious to us killing them one at a time the Corsair/Order ships departed Liberty.
A massive fight even larger then the battle at Manhattan earlier.
as a non corsair - even an attack that shows : We are still around and we are quite powerful - as a reminder ... is totally OK. in the end, manhatten is directly connected to the smuggling trade of corsairs. - other than that - crete is not deserted, there are allways tons of corsairs in crete - players are "only" special VIP faction members. so its rather a dedicated fleet going for a task than the "whole corsair" fleet. but even so - just cause the outcasts can go for crete doesn t mean they will do. it appears their intelligence wasn t good enough to know that crete was deserted at that time.
sorry, had to speak up for the corsair side in that case...