' Wrote:Ah well no not because of what you said it's because I had to write an all seriouz message. The LULzeffect wore off.
If I told ye the entire story of her then you'd agreed with my original lure towards an answer.
Basically she's self destructive egomaniac pessimist who's borderline eating disorder and exhibiting a personality disorder. The fact that she obtained my name before ever meeting me suggests that she might have gotten it from a source alien to my personal belonging. She promised me that we have met before and that sounds exactly like the last person who was obsessive over me. The other girl clinically certified. THIS girl I am not sure what she is certified for. Whether she guessed or quickly saw something with my name on it and assumed doesn't cancel out the topics she spoke about. Within 5 minutes of talking to her it turned into a shrink session. IF I had helped her before I would definitely remember her. I help plenty of people of all ages and I never forget a case or the person behind that case.
Just gotta feelin' I'm up for my forth stalker. :l
Bluntburg is blunt. Methinks you're trying too hard to find excuses not to go get you some. So what if she has some baggage? everyone does & no one is an exception.
If you are afraid of one day of fun with this particular girl, then I have an alternative: Your mission- Go find a different girl. It's (insert day of the week here) so something is going on somewhere within walking distance & all you have to do is anything other than nothing.
Seriously go to the stacks, go see a band, hang out in the student center...anywhere.
...or else I will call you Mr. Eleanor Cupcake McScaredypants:tease: