' Wrote:Bluntburg is blunt. Methinks you're trying too hard to find excuses not to go get you some. So what if she has some baggage? everyone does & no one is an exception.
If you are afraid of one day of fun with this particular girl, then I have an alternative: Your mission- Go find a different girl. It's (insert day of the week here) so something is going on somewhere within walking distance & all you have to do is anything other than nothing.
Seriously go to the stacks, go see a band, hang out in the student center...anywhere.
...or else I will call you Mr. Eleanor Cupcake McScaredypants:tease:
I concur.
It would appear that kids these days just don't know how to have fun....back in my day....oh no, I swore I would never say that (feels old).
Murrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiburg! Man. Youz a funny guy. I admit!
But maybe to seriously funny with being serious?
I was not as heavy as I'm sweating bullets over this. I've been through the ringer with some people who were obsessive. Maybe I wanna lightly try to reduce the annoyances if such with humor. It's why I didn't flat out tell ye how she was.
' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]
Also if you's not trolling all along, go for it, you've got a gender based get-out-of-jail-free card to get to safety if things take a weirder turn
What has been seen can not be unseen. Goddammit r3v.
Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts... perhaps the fear of a loss of power.
Sorry, but you deserved every ounce of all the ribbing you got for posting this story in flood in the 1st place.:P
To be fair, I'll even throw this out there & open myself up to some ridicule: I spent years in the 'friend trap' because I was a wuss about a girl that I was crazy for. she was my best friend & I was convinced that making a move on her would ruin ruin it all. During that time, my regular booty calls were 2 complete needy psychos, 2 cute girls, 1 fugly one, 1 fat chick (never underestimate the fat chicks, they appreciate being appreciated & tend to prove it) and I swear to god, a chick that was Bull-D. gay and could totally kick my ass if she wanted to, but liked to get even w/ her girlfriend after arguments by cheating on her with straight guys.
Anyhoo, I didn't escape the friend trap with the girl I really wanted until I got off my ass, grew a pair & kissed her on a whim...at which point she said, "It's about goddamn time, ya pansy!"
Point is, so what if you like to think you have a few psychos watching you from the shadows? It ain't unique to just you & they get horny just like everyone else. Just don't ever take 'em to meet mom, don't give em your primary e-mail & never, ever invite them to roleplay with bondage gear
Well to consider it they're not lost causes. It's only inauspicious to have me as their receiver of attention. No matter on what level it is. "Being the temporary fix won't solve the problem." You'll never be satisfied in that method.
Taken advantage of those who are unable to defend themselves (mentally, emotionally either), or those who are in grief and sorrow is terrible. It's sad. (Not implying that for you, I am implying it as how I feel about THIS situation)
Using pain for pleasure.
Just not my thing.
I'm happy you can go wherever you want within your friendships, I can as well. At any time. However because I can does not mean there is a right to do so. That I'm entitled for it.
That I find perfectly content and swell.
Ridicule only "harms" if it changes something. I doubt anyone will change me through these forums or you or anyone for that matter. Sometimes someone might be influenced within these processes but very difficult to see it. You're commenting on my reaction to a situation that isn't easy to replicate so you'd feel exactly as I feel. Is fine. It's flood after all and I'm fair with it.
I have 30 something emails never exchanged one to any girl I've met aha. Never been asked for an email as far as I remember. Numbers though. Age old exchange.
' Wrote:Sorry, but you deserved every ounce of all the ribbing you got for posting this story in flood in the 1st place.:P
To be fair, I'll even throw this out there & open myself up to some ridicule: I spent years in the 'friend trap' because I was a wuss about a girl that I was crazy for. she was my best friend & I was convinced that making a move on her would ruin ruin it all. During that time, my regular booty calls were 2 complete needy psychos, 2 cute girls, 1 fugly one, 1 fat chick (never underestimate the fat chicks, they appreciate being appreciated & tend to prove it) and I swear to god, a chick that was Bull-D. gay and could totally kick my ass if she wanted to, but liked to get even w/ her girlfriend after arguments by cheating on her with straight guys.
Anyhoo, I didn't escape the friend trap with the girl I really wanted until I got off my ass, grew a pair & kissed her on a whim...at which point she said, "It's about goddamn time, ya pansy!"
Point is, so what if you like to think you have a few psychos watching you from the shadows? It ain't unique to just you & they get horny just like everyone else. Just don't ever take 'em to meet mom, don't give em your primary e-mail & never, ever invite them to roleplay with bondage gear
Dude, the more I learn of you/read your posts, the more I like you. The last paragraph is just lulz, and you make some good points (the rp in bondage made me LOL). Glad you got her bro. (hifive)